
With the high speed development of the society, at present,the middle school students were crimped by more and more stre...
With the high speed development of the society, at present,the middle school students were crimped by more and more stressThey kept hard-studying only and ignored taking part in sports and other activities which make them stay in the Sub-healthThe middle School Student Tom is a good exampleHe realized the importance of keeping fit after falled ill He not only takes part in all kinds of PE activities and exercises,but also study hard to keep himself in good healthSecondary school students in present days are stressing up themselves because of pressure from study Most of them staying up late at night for study but ignore taking part in sports and other outdoor activities,so that they are remaining in sub-health situation Tom is a good example who is studying in Secondary school After falling ill, he realized the importance of keeping fit Except keep study hard, he also participate varieties of sports programme to make himself in good health留学生作业Case Study怎么写详细指导,英国作业写作思路:以房间为主题,运用英语常见单词,主要语法问题,结合现实。正文:1、There is a big bed and it is very soft in my room在我的房间里有一个人大床它很柔软。2、There is a desk in my room在我的房间里有一个书桌。3、There is my room这是我的房间。It's small but nice I have a bia bed and it is very soft and comfortable There is aovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my motherI have a small desk and I usually do my homework there In the corner, there is a shelf There are a lot of books on itThere is also a closet All my clothes are in it I often clean my room, so it is very tidy翻译:很小但是很漂亮。我有一张大床,它很软很舒服。床上有一只泰迪态,那是我妈妈送我的礼物我有一张小桌子,我一般都会在那里做作业。角落里,有个书架。上面有很多书。还有一个衣树,我的衣服都在那里。经常打扫房间,所以很整洁。如何确保英语Presentation作业拿高分?在开始写Case Study论文前,你需要先知道写作的目的是什么?为什么要做这样的研究,Case study论文应该包含什么?你需要从哪几个方面来着手准备,抓住论文重点取得好的成绩。Case Study论文应该包含什么:对于本科学生来说,case study的案例基本上是虚构的,例如写一些来自Lectures的例子。 对于研究生学生来说,一般需要选择真实世界的例子或者工作经验中的例子。第一件你需要清楚知道的第一件事是你被安排了什么样的任务。你是否被要求去做:观察安排,并解释发生了什么?用理论知识去支持分析的案例找出主要的问题,并提出解决方法。在Case Study中结合相关理论:用课程所学的知识去结合案例分析,你会发现你正在处理以下的情况:个人理论–性格,行为,互动社会理论–团体,亚文化群和各种情况下的社会变革组织下理论–政府或商业中的结构,程序和业绩,同时考虑相关的法定或行业法规轴承。案例研究论文要求分析和调查Business Problem,并审查替代解决方案,提出最有效的解决方案。研究你的Case Study案例在写作之前,请遵循以下准则来帮助你准备和理解你的Case Study案例研究:1 阅读并检查Case做笔记,highlight相关事实,强调关键问题2 集中分析确定2-5个关键问题他们为什么存在?他们如何影响组织?谁负责?3 发现可能的解决方案回顾课程的Readings,课上的讨论,课外的调查研究,自己的经验4 选择最佳的解决方案强有力的支持论据,利弊的分析:是不是解决方案了解Case Study格式,开始你的Case Study论文当你有了必要的信息后,你可以着手开始完成First Draft,First Draft应该包括以下部分:1 Introduction确定Case study中的关键问题制定一个主题句,用1-2句话总结主要的分析结果2 Background(背景)背景信息,相关事实,和最重要的问题证明你已经研究了这个Case study的问题3 备选方案提供可能的备选方案(不需要提供全部)解释为什么备选方案被否决约束/原因为什么这次备选方案没有被选择?4 建议的解决方案提供一个具体而现实的解决方案解释为什么选择这种解决方案用强大的论据来支持你的论点结合课程的教学(Readings,Discuss,Lectures)外部调查研究个人的经历5 建议 (Recommendations)确定并讨论具体的策略来实现所提出的解决方案如果使用,建议进一步采取行动,解决一些问题应该做写什么和谁来做确定Case Study论文的最终稿在你完成了Case study分析的first draft后,阅读全文,检查内容或结构是否存在的差距和矛盾,你的论文声明是否明确。或者你可以找我们帮忙!我们非常乐意帮助您!  一般来说,英语Presentation作业会占最终成绩的20-30%,对于期末成绩有一定的影响,留学生如果想拿高分,就需要好好的准备。所以本文算是系列里的第一篇(扫盲贴+highlight),教大家如何在英语Presentation作业拿高分。  Presentation作业拿高分攻略  那,怎么样是一个合格的甚至是优秀的presentation呢明确问题+解决问题(头脑风暴)+勤加练习(口语表达&时间控制)。  01明确问题  首先,明确下老师的要求是什么  如:  Task:Describe and critique a research paper  You will be randomly assigned a group and paper in week 2These are all recent research papers which were selected to ensure they:Span a range of topics,focus on different populations,use different research designs,use different approaches to data collection and analysis  Assignment 1:Group Presentation(20%of final coursework)  Please note that presentations will be video recorded for the purpose of examination and only your course organiser,the moderator and external examiner will be able to view these  Students will work together in small groupsfor the presentation task and deliver a 9-12 minute presentation where they critically analyse an academic article related to the course  以assignment为例,主要是进行学术文章的评价与分析,那一篇journal article由哪些部分组成呢  Introduction-literature review-method-result-implications-conclusion  02解决问题  一般来说,组员要先通读整篇文章,并对该话题有基本的了解。其次,小组meeting的时候会分配每个人负责的部分。之后,组员要精读自己的部分,并作简要的概述。  那如何成就一个好的presentation如何展现critical thinking and analysesRelate:把这部分内容与曾经学过的内容联系起来。Refer:找该话题相关研究,与他人的结果作对比(相似或相悖)Rationale:有理有据的来支持你的论点,理性思考。Responsible:成为一个负责任的人,小组讨论积极参与,按照计划完成阶段性任务,发挥自己的才能,比如海报做得好,PPT做得好,录视频等。  如何成就一个好的presentation  03勤加练习  当小组讨论已经明确每个人的论点,也就是确定了如何总结,如何批判与分析,即已得出清晰的大纲。接下来,我们就要进行主要内容的组织搭建。什么意思呢就是写稿子。你的脚本可以锻炼自己的口语表达能力,时态,句型结构,词源使用等都是考察的部分。  具体的参考指南有四条:  Knowledge and understanding of concepts;  Knowledge and use of the literature;  Critical reflection on theory(and practice);  Constructing(and presenting)academic discourse  最重要的一点是,根据练习脚本控制时间,每个人都是平均分配时长,任何一个人的表现都会影响整体的得分,即使个人的得分会根据当堂表现有差别,但整体浮动不会很大。所以,练习的时候可以删减一些句子,精炼自己的语言。  请记住,这并不是一个人的战斗,而是整组人的通力合作。  04 presentation常见问题  以下是常见的一些问题,答案并不是虚构的,而是我们老师给出的官方答案,同学们可以进行参考。  Frequently asked questions  Question 1:Can I discuss other research in my presentation  Answer:Yes,as long as you are using it to critique/explain something in relation to your article but the focus should be on the article you are reviewing  Question 2:Will I present to the whole class  Answer:Yes  Question 3:I am presenting the introduction of the article,how can I critique it  Answer:Each group member should contribute to the content of each slide,even if they only present a particular part on the dayThis means that if your group has critiqued the article in other parts of the presentation this means that you have also critiqued the articleFurthermore,it is possible to critique an introduction as we discussed in class  Question 4:Do each of us need to speak for exactly 3 minutes  Answer:No,this is a guideIt is up to you how you decide to present as long as each person in the group does presentFor example,it is not okay for someone in your group to present for 20 seconds and the rest of the group present for 3 minutes each,but it is okay for someone to present for 2 minutes,another 2minutes 40 seconds,another for 3 minutes and 20 seconds and so on  Question 5:There are only 3 people in my group,does that mean we should present for less than 12 minutes  Answer:No,each group should present for a maximum of 12 minutes,regardless of how many people are in your group  Question 6:What will happen if we go over the allocated time  Answer:We have a strict time limit of 12 minutes per groupGoing over time may be considered when marking under the'academic discourse'component of the marking scheme and may affect your mark(egcould represent lack of a logical and coherent framework)  Question 7:What will happen if we go under the allocated time  Answer:This dependsIf your group finishes in 11 minutes that may be okayHowever,if your group finishes significantly under 12 minutes(eg6 minutes)then you may not have been able to fulfill all of the marking criteria  Question 8:Will we be asked questions from the class  Answer:YesGroups in the audience will be expected to ask a question for each other group回答来源于致远教育,原文链接


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