英语不好可以去韩国,不用英语,哈哈哈~开玩笑的。。。托福和雅思的难度差不多,但是侧重点不同。托福考试中听力能力的运用占比例大一些,雅思则更侧重于阅读能力(从口语和写作的考试形式可以看出),所以听力好的人觉得托福简单,阅读好的人觉得雅思简单。不过中国学生大多阅读比听力好,所以很多人都说托福比雅思难。但是你英语不好的话,还是从雅思入手会稍微简单一点儿,毕竟阅读提升快,听力是有一点靠功底的。雅思去欧洲或其他英联邦国家,托福去北美。公派留学用英语怎么说Hello, my dear wang ningI am your good friend li hua, I want to give you a suggestion here, went to study in the United States, is the dream of many Chinese, today you can have the opportunity, I felt so happy for you, so I hope you to go for it, I'll be with you as an example, I believe you must be doneLi hua留学生作业Case Study怎么写详细指导,英国作业government-sponsored overseas studygovernment-sponsored 公派,国家赞助支持的overseas study留学,海外学习偏正结构 government-sponsored公派的,作定语oversea 海外的,国外的,作定语study 学习,作主语语法多个形容词修饰名词时,其顺序为: 限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词 government-sponsored公派的,指的是性质,起限定作用oversea 海外的,国外的,指的是地点,出处留学的好处与坏处的英语范文在开始写Case Study论文前,你需要先知道写作的目的是什么?为什么要做这样的研究,Case study论文应该包含什么?你需要从哪几个方面来着手准备,抓住论文重点取得好的成绩。Case Study论文应该包含什么:对于本科学生来说,case study的案例基本上是虚构的,例如写一些来自Lectures的例子。 对于研究生学生来说,一般需要选择真实世界的例子或者工作经验中的例子。第一件你需要清楚知道的第一件事是你被安排了什么样的任务。你是否被要求去做:观察安排,并解释发生了什么?用理论知识去支持分析的案例找出主要的问题,并提出解决方法。在Case Study中结合相关理论:用课程所学的知识去结合案例分析,你会发现你正在处理以下的情况:个人理论–性格,行为,互动社会理论–团体,亚文化群和各种情况下的社会变革组织下理论–政府或商业中的结构,程序和业绩,同时考虑相关的法定或行业法规轴承。案例研究论文要求分析和调查Business Problem,并审查替代解决方案,提出最有效的解决方案。研究你的Case Study案例在写作之前,请遵循以下准则来帮助你准备和理解你的Case Study案例研究:1 阅读并检查Case做笔记,highlight相关事实,强调关键问题2 集中分析确定2-5个关键问题他们为什么存在?他们如何影响组织?谁负责?3 发现可能的解决方案回顾课程的Readings,课上的讨论,课外的调查研究,自己的经验4 选择最佳的解决方案强有力的支持论据,利弊的分析:是不是解决方案了解Case Study格式,开始你的Case Study论文当你有了必要的信息后,你可以着手开始完成First Draft,First Draft应该包括以下部分:1 Introduction确定Case study中的关键问题制定一个主题句,用1-2句话总结主要的分析结果2 Background(背景)背景信息,相关事实,和最重要的问题证明你已经研究了这个Case study的问题3 备选方案提供可能的备选方案(不需要提供全部)解释为什么备选方案被否决约束/原因为什么这次备选方案没有被选择?4 建议的解决方案提供一个具体而现实的解决方案解释为什么选择这种解决方案用强大的论据来支持你的论点结合课程的教学(Readings,Discuss,Lectures)外部调查研究个人的经历5 建议 (Recommendations)确定并讨论具体的策略来实现所提出的解决方案如果使用,建议进一步采取行动,解决一些问题应该做写什么和谁来做确定Case Study论文的最终稿在你完成了Case study分析的first draft后,阅读全文,检查内容或结构是否存在的差距和矛盾,你的论文声明是否明确。或者你可以找我们帮忙!我们非常乐意帮助您!怎样写好一封合格的英国留学ESSAY写作思路:可以将出国留学的好处和坏处一一罗列出来,中心要明确,语言要通顺连贯,避免语法使用的错误等等。正文:There are many advantages to studying abroad Young people are easy to learn authentic English, especially in the pronunciation and intonation of spoken English; In the primary and secondary school stage, students have close contact with each other, which provides a good foundation for students studying abroad to integrate into American society and deeply understand American culture出国留学的有很多的好处,年纪小,比较容易学到地道的英语,尤其是在口语的语音、语调方面;在中小学阶段,学生之间的联系比较密切,为出国留学生学生融入美国社会和深入了解美国文化提供了很好的基础。The growth experience of this period of life can not be experienced by middle school students in China In foreign schools, positive traditional education is very beneficial to the cultivation of children's personality and sense of justice; Let children independently receive education abroad from childhood, can exercise their ability to live independently, also has certain benefits to the growth of children这一段人生的成长经历,是在国内上中学的学生无法体验到的。国外学校里,正面的传统教育对孩子的人格和正义感的培养很有益处;让孩子从小独立地在国外接受教育,可以锻炼其独立生活的能力,对孩子的成长也有一定好处。There are also some disadvantages in studying abroad Middle school students can only go to private schools to study abroad A few public schools only accept foreign short-term exchange students, and the maximum period of study is one year出国留学也存在一些弊端,中学生出国留学,只能上私立学校。少数公立学校仅接收外国短期的交换学生,学习期限最高为一年。After the expiration of the legal permission, the long-term student visa can be legally converted After many Chinese exchange students came to the United States, they successfully changed their visa in the United States and transferred to private schools法律允许期满以后,再合法地转换长期的学生签证。有不少的中国交换学生来美国以后,成功地在美国境内转换了签证,转到私立学校上学。The cost of private schools is relatively high The total cost of a year ranges from $15000 to $40000 Families need to have a strong economic base私立学校的费用较高,一年的总费用从15000美元到40000美元不等,家庭需要有相当雄厚的经济基础。Young children, whose world outlook has not been fully established, are not easy to grasp themselves under the adverse influence of the outside world, and their emotions are easy to fluctuate and sometimes go to extremes年龄小的孩子,世界观还没有完全建立,受到外界的不良影响时不容易把握自己,遇事情绪容易波动,有时还会走向极端。出国留学的好处英语作文 英国的学制短、名校多,想要成功申请英国留学,其实并不是一件容易的事情。在许多方面都得下功夫,下面和我一起来看看怎样写好一封合格的英国留学ESSAY? 首先来看看书写技巧。 一、做到语言规范。 1、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在各个学历阶段英语学习的情况。单词拼写错误是否明显,用词的选择是否恰当,句式上是否仍带有Chinglish的痕迹,从整个语篇来看是否具有英式思维。 2、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生在撰写论文时的思路逻辑。语言使用规范不仅包括字词句的使用,还有句段和逻辑,以及文体文风。不同的论文能看出不同的写作思路、论证方法,有的是先提出问题,最后下结论,有的是在文章开头就给出自己要论证的观点,然后铺开陈述和论证。 3、英文论文的语言使用规范可以用来检测学生上课是否有听导师的要求和标准。有的导师在上课时已给出了模板,和相应的要求,如果使用不规范,导师会生气的。 二、语言规范写作技巧。 1、基础层面。如果将毕业论文比作宏伟大厦,字词句就是奠基石,是基础了,所以强烈建议学生在平常上课和学习,甚至生活中都要不断地积累学习英语,摆脱母语思维的方式,在与人交流、思考问题、论文写作的时候不要再讲汉语作为过渡了。平时多看英文文献,要记得做笔记积累,多学多思多练笔。 2、搭建结构。在开题报告和提纲的帮助下,将要用的资料,包括文献和自己整理的笔记按照提纲上的顺序放好。写之前和写作中都要理清头绪,想好论证的结构,中心明确,详略得当。 3、形成文风。根据课程的性质和选题来体现自己的风格,也体现文章的风格,这一层是相当难的,也可称作修改润色阶段,力求专业。 接着来看看书写误区。 切记不能撒谎! 注意前后语境与逻辑要对的上号。招考官都不是傻子,如果你Essay上写着自己小时候家里很穷,而简历上的高中却是一所贵族学校,你觉得招生老师会怎么想?如果你的写作能力够厉害,完全可以把普通的经历写的活色生香。所以,提高自己的写作能力才是王道! 切忌词藻过于华丽 把Essay 写的漂亮点本无可厚非,但是如果你用的词太生僻,以至于招生老师还要去查字典才知道是什么意思的话,就不太好了。生僻词不一定显得高级,合适的就是最好的。 英国有位新闻学教授就曾公开表示他十分讨厌“utilize”这个词,明明“use”就能表达的,何必要用“utilize”呢。 写文章的时候永远都要记住:“Don’t use a 10-cent word when a five-cent word will do” 不要打官腔 很多留学生朋友可能都有这样的感受,写Essay时的自己和平常的自己似乎不太一样,常常不自觉的就打起了官腔。比如在Essay里你可能会写:“The indication of her rhetorical strategy…”,而在现实生活中,你会直接说:“Her style of persuasion…”哪一种看起来更像是一名20岁的年轻人会说的话?招生老师希望听到的是你的声音,你的表达,not someone else不让你打官腔,不是说你可以在自己的essay里随意使用网络语言,这点也要注意。 不要用鸡毛蒜皮的例子证明大道理 从小事入手,但不要写鸡毛蒜皮的事儿。 不要罗列自己的成就 在Essay中罗列自己的成就是非常危险的行为。一篇Essay的字数限制只有500+,并不算多。如果你把这些宝贵的字数用来写枯燥的成就,无疑等于降低自己被录取的胜算。你的GPA成绩和课外活动情况都在简历上写明了,无需在Essay上重复说明。如果说简历是一副简笔画的话,那么Essay就是上色的过程。Essay的目的是让招生老师更深入的了解你,可千万不要絮絮叨叨没完没了,要节约资源又能表现完全。机会不可浪费哦。 最后来看看参考范文。 In English law the law making power lies with the parliament However judges also make law by way of judicial pronouncement Under the English legal system it is deemed that the decisions given by higher courts are binding on the lower courts This principle is famously known as 'stare decisis' which means to stand by previously decided cases The importance of this principle is that courts are bound to follow previously decided cases specially if the decision is given by a higher court For eg the Court of Appeal is bound to follow the decision given by the UK Supreme Court (previously House of Lords) It can also be said that nowadays judicial precedent has been laid down in such a manner that it will be more easier for judges to interpret the law and also to stay on the path of precedent which is now flexible enough to give judges the room to give fair and just judgment according to the demand of time All decisions at least create a persuasive precedent, the degree of persuasiveness depends on the position of the court in the legal hierarchy For eg precedents from the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is not binding since the Committee is not part of the normal hierarchy of courts in UK (because the Committee is comprised of up to 9 of the most senior judges, Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (or Law Lords)) r sources of persuasive precedents include courts in foreign countries, for example, the decision in (Eliason v Henshaw) Obiter dicta have formed law in many cases for example, in (Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd) and Pinnel's Case There are three main reasons why persuasive precedents are not binding: The first is that the doctrine of precedent in similar cases should be treated in the same way This restriction does not apply with persuasive precedents The second is that there are a huge bulk of persuasive precedents, and it would be impracticable to follow them The third is that persuasive precedents are frequently not considered per curiam as ratio decidendi and even when they are, they are not usually considered Therefore there is a greater risk that they will be considered ill and thus may be bad law Only points of law are binding For example, in (Qualcast v Haynes), it was decided that the 'precedent' that employers who failed to give instructions on the use of protective clothing were de facto negligent, was a question of fact and therefore not binding There are two main theories of precedent The first of these is the declaratory theory, which states that the common law does not change - in each case the law is merely re-stated but not added to - the judges are declaring the law on the basis of past decisions The realistic theory is that they do - all principles must originally come from somewhere, and the abstraction of old principles is the creation of ne留学ESSAY怎么写?以“出国留学的好处”为题的英语作文可以从以下方面写:介绍出国留学的意义和价值,如拓展眼界、增长见识、提高语言能力等。分析出国留学对个人成长和职业发展的影响,如培养创新思维、提高就业竞争力等。探讨出国留学对于促进国际交流和文化融合的重要性,如增进各国间的友谊和理解。强调出国留学需要具备的条件和准备工作,如语言能力、签证手续、经济能力等。分享出国留学的体验和感受,包括文化差异、学习生活、社交经历等。以下是三篇以“出国留学的好处”为题的英语作文,供大家参考。第一篇英语作文写作思路:首先,介绍出国留学的好处,包括拓宽眼界、提高语言能力、增进文化理解等。其次,列举一些具体的例子来说明这些好处。最后,总结出国留学的重要性。英语原文:Title: The Benefits of Studying AbroadStudying abroad has numerous benefits Firstly, it broadens one's horizons and exposes students to different cultures and ways of thinking This helps to develop a more global perspective and open-mindedness Secondly, studying abroad improves language skills as students are immersed in an environment where they must communicate in a foreign language on a daily basis Finally, studying abroad fosters cultural understanding and allows students to gain a deeper appreciation for other culturesFor example, when studying abroad in Spain, I was able to experience the Spanish lifestyle firsthand and learn about their customs and traditions I also improved my Spanish language skills by speaking with locals on a daily basis Additionally, I was able to travel to other European countries and learn about their unique cultures and historiesIn conclusion, studying abroad is an important experience that provides students with many valuable benefits It allows individuals to broaden their horizons, improve their language skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for other cultures难词解释:1 Expose (v) - 使接触;暴露2 Immersed (adj) - 沉浸在…中的3 Foster (v) - 培养;促进4 Appreciation (n) - 鉴赏力;欣赏中文翻译:题目:出国留学的好处出国留学有许多好处。首先,它拓宽了人们的视野,让学生接触到不同的文化和思维方式。这有助于培养更全球化的视角和开放的心态。其次,出国留学提高了语言能力,因为学生身处一个需要每天用外语交流的环境中。最后,出国留学促进了文化理解,让学生对其他文化有更深刻的认识和欣赏。例如,在西班牙留学期间,我能够亲身体验西班牙的生活方式,并学习他们的风俗和传统。我还通过每天与当地人交流来提高我的西班牙语水平。此外,我还能够去其他欧洲国家旅行,了解他们独特的文化和历史。总之,出国留学是一种重要的经历,可以为学生提供许多有价值的益处。它使个人可以拓宽视野、提高语言能力并对其他文化有更深入的了解和欣赏。第二篇英语作文写作思路:出国留学是一个很好的机会,可以让人们接触到不同的文化和语言,拓宽视野,增加个人经验和技能,提高自信心,更好地适应全球化的世界。本篇文章将从以上几个方面来探讨出国留学的好处。英语原文:Title: The Benefits of Studying AbroadStudying abroad is a great opportunity that allows people to experience different cultures and languages, broaden their horizons, gain personal experiences and skills, boost their confidence, and better adapt to the globalized world Firstly, studying abroad enables individuals to immerse themselves in a new culture and language, which can greatly enhance their understanding and appreciation of diversity They can learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of thinking, which can help them develop a more open-minded and tolerant attitude towards othersSecondly, studying abroad provides students with a chance to gain valuable personal experiences and skills Living independently in a foreign country can be challenging, but it also helps individuals become more self-reliant and adaptable They can learn how to solve problems, manage their time effectively, and communicate with people from various backgroundsThirdly, studying abroad can boost one's confidence and sense of independence Being away from home and familiar surroundings can be daunting, but it can also be a transformative experience that helps individuals discover their strengths and abilities They can learn to take risks, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goalsFinally, studying abroad prepares individuals to better adapt to the globalized world In today's interconnected society, having cross-cultural competence and international experience is increasingly important Studying abroad can provide individuals with a competitive edge in the job market and enable them to make valuable connections with people from around the worldIn conclusion, studying abroad has numerous benefits that can enrich one's life in many ways It is a valuable experience that can help individuals grow personally, academically, and professionally难词解释:1 diversity (n) 多样性,差异性2 open-minded (adj) 思想开放的,虚心的3 self-reliant (adj) 自力更生的,独立自主的4 transformative (adj) 变革性的,有改变的能力5 cross-cultural competence (n) 跨文化能力,跨文化交流能力中文翻译:标题:出国留学的好处出国留学是一个很好的机会,可以让人们接触到不同的文化和语言,拓宽视野,增加个人经验和技能,提高自信心,更好地适应全球化的世界。首先,留学使个人能够沉浸在新的文化和语言环境中,这可以大大增强他们对多样性的理解和欣赏。他们可以了解不同的习俗、传统和思维方式,这有助于他们发展更加开放和容忍的态度。其次,留学为学生提供了获得宝贵个人经验和技能的机会。在外国独立生活可能会有挑战,但这也可以帮助个人变得更加自力更生和适应性强。他们可以学会解决问题、有效管理时间并与来自不同背景的人交流。第三,留学可以增强一个人的自信心和独立意识。离开家乡和熟悉的环境可能会让人感到害怕,但这也可以是一种改变人生的经历,帮助个人发现自己的优点和能力。他们可以学会冒险、克服障碍并实现自己的目标。最后,留学使个人更好地适应全球化的世界。在当今互联互通的社会中,拥有跨文化能力和国际经验越来越重要。留学可以为个人提供在就业市场上的竞争优势,并使他们与来自世界各地的人建立有价值的联系。总之,留学具有许多优点,可以在许多方面丰富个人的生活。它是一种有价值的经验,可以帮助个人在个人、学术和职业方面成长。第三篇英语作文写作思路:出国留学不仅可以拓宽视野,增长知识,还能提高语言能力和人际交往能力。本文将从这几个方面来阐述出国留学的好处。英语原文:Title: The Benefits of Studying AbroadStudying abroad not only broadens one's horizons and increases knowledge, but also improves language skills and interpersonal communication abilities Firstly, studying in a foreign country allows students to experience different cultures and lifestyles, which can broaden their perspectives and enhance their understanding of the world Secondly, studying abroad provides access to advanced academic resources and cutting-edge research, which can help students acquire more knowledge and skills Thirdly, studying in an English-speaking country can greatly improve language proficiency, which is essential for future career development Finally, studying abroad enables students to make friends from all over the world, which can improve their interpersonal communication skills and expand their social networkDifficult words:1 Horizons (noun): the range of one's knowledge, experience, or interest 中文翻译:视野2 Interpersonal (adjective): relating to relationships or communication between people 中文翻译:人际关系的3 Cutting-edge (adjective): at the forefront of technological or other developments; innovative or pioneering 中文翻译:尖端的中文翻译:题目:出国留学的好处出国留学不仅可以拓宽视野,增长知识,还能提高语言能力和人际交往能力。首先,到外国留学可以体验不同的文化和生活方式,这可以拓宽视野,增强对世界的理解。其次,出国留学提供了先进的学术资源和尖端研究,可以帮助学生获得更多的知识和技能。第三,到英语国家留学可以大大提高语言水平,这对未来职业发展非常重要。最后,出国留学使学生能够结交来自世界各地的朋友,这可以提高他们的人际交往能力并扩展社交网络。Essay写作总的原则就是要围绕着自己的特点来对过去的成就、经历、挫折、技能、思想等进行总结以及对未来的规划,在写作过程中切记不要照搬照抄别人的文章,千篇一律,要具备鲜明的个人特色,写出独特性的essay。一般来讲,要写出一篇优秀的文章要做到以下几点: 言简意赅。每一个句子都应该精简到只保留它的基本部分。任何冗余或者不能增加新意的词语都应该删除。当你把文章精简并删掉不必要的词和短语时,文章的质量就得到了提高。要知道,招生委员会在审核期间,要短时间内面对那么多essay,他是没有时间来看啰啰嗦嗦,没有主次的文章的。 表述要精确。任何时候都要尽可能详尽而又具体。细节能让你的作品更具真实性。对于要表述的内容,想要表达的思想要精确的表达出来,感染到读者,让读者信服,从而体现文章的真实性。 主题要明确。申请的时候,学校给出的essay题目都是有很强的针对性的,所以,在撰写essay之前一定要想清楚这个题目的隐含意义,了解学校想通过这篇文章考察你什么。然后在动笔,这样写出来的文章才有针对性,而不会偏离目标。有的时候题目显得很简单,但是事实上这类题目是最不好写的,因为简单的一句话让人很难摸清楚他们的出题思路和意图,对这类的题目反而要更加注意。 各篇essay之间要相辅相成。一般来讲,每所学校会要求3-5篇essay,每篇essay考察的目的是不同的,因此,在动笔之前要想好写作的思路和结构。在一篇文章中已体现的重点就不要在另一篇文章中出现,否则几篇文章写下来却只反映了一个特点,很多优势没有展示出来,这样,录取委员会就不会看到一个完整优异的你,从而不能决定是否录取你。 保持同一风格和语调。在开始动笔之前,你就要决定好采用怎样的风格和语调,并在整篇短文中一以贯之。如果你在短文开头部分的语调是轻松和幽默的,就不要突然在短文中间转变为忧郁或者严厉的语调。如果你打算把自己的短文写成是个人日记风格的,就不要突然开始向局外的读者吹嘘自己。 多修改。无论是本科还是商学院对essay一般都有字数上的限制,如此多的内容要归纳到那么少的文字中,如何能把每句话都说到点子上,让每个字都发挥其作用还是有一定难度的。当一篇文章写好之后,一定要回头仔细阅读,认真推敲每个句子,同时也可以给自己的朋友和家人看,让他们也多提提意见。一篇好的文章是需要反复多次修改才能“完美”呈现出来的。