随着全球化的深入,越来越多的中国学生选择出国留学。为了能够顺利留取到心仪的外国大学,写一封优秀的申请邮件是必不可少的,下面介绍国外留学申请邮件如何写。1确定收件人在写留学申请邮件之前,先确定你需要联系的收件人,通常来说,这应该是学校的招生办公室或者招生委员会。确保你有正确的收件人和他们的电子邮件地址。2邮件主题和礼貌语言邮件主题应该简洁明了,体现出你的主旨,比如:- 面向某大学2021年研究生申请;- 关于XXX学校2021年春季学期的本科生申请;- 询问关于XXX经济课程的问题。另外,在邮件中也要使用礼貌语言,例如称呼收件人“亲爱的先生/女士”或者“敬爱的XXX招生办公室”,营造出一个正式而友好的氛围。3自我介绍和目的陈述接下来就是你的自我介绍和具体的目的陈述。在这一部分你需要向收件人介绍自己:- 你的个人信息:包括姓名、年龄、毕业院校、专业及成绩等;- 奖项或荣誉:如果你曾获得过任何奖项或荣誉,这里也需要介绍;- 学术项目:你曾参与或完成的学术项目;- 实习或工作经验:如果你曾有实习或工作经验,也需要介绍;- 推荐人:如果有任何推荐人或关系介绍,也需要在这里提到。同时,你还需要清楚地说明你的具体目的,例如申请XXX大学的硕士/博士研究生,或者向某个专业询问详细信息。4学术兴趣和研究计划在申请邮件中,你需要向收件人表达你对于相关学术领域的兴趣。如果你已经有具体的研究计划或者研究课题,那么你也可以在邮件中陈述。5表明自己的准备情况告诉收件人你为实现自己目标做好了哪些准备。你可以介绍以下方面:- 学习计划:你是否选择了适合自己的学习计划和课程设置;- 财务准备:是否准备好了足够的资金用于学习和生活费用;- 语言能力:你是否已经通过相关的语言考试,获得了认可的语言成绩;- 技能水平:如果你有一些特别的技能,比如说编程、统计或者设计,这里也可以介绍。总之,一定要清楚表达出你的充分准备和信心。6结束语和问候邮件的结尾需要写上问候和感谢的话。你需要再次提醒收件人自己的目的和重要信息,问候好运,并感谢他们花时间阅读你的邮件。同时,留下自己的****,方便对方与你取得联系。7检查并编辑在完成邮件后,一定要仔细检查和编辑,确保没有错误、拼写错误或者语法错误,同时也要注意邮件格式和排版。最后,一封成功的申请邮件能够为你进入外国大学带来宝贵的机会。根据以上几点,你需要把自己的优势和目标清晰地表达出来,在提高自己的竞争力的同时,也在不经意间向外界展现出自己的形象和态度。出国留学高中英文推荐信?中国每年有成千上万的PS材料雪片般地飞向美国。由于大多数申请者的生活学术背景不会有根本性的差距,再加上网上模板泛滥;从下面的一些例子归结起来,我们发现许多开头结尾已经陷进了不能不避免的几大俗套中。 开头: 1一叶知秋型 “从我五岁开始/很小的时候开始,我就阅读了关于XXX的XX书籍/就喜欢观察思考/拆卸玩具/我身为XXX的爸爸就把他高大的身影烙在了我心里…… 所以我从XX岁开始就立志做一个XXX……”解读:这是personal statement或statement of purpose,不是人生传记;大家都用这样的开头,好象都是幼儿立志少年奋发型,显得太不真实。如果确实有孩童时期特殊的经历诸如六岁就到MIT实验室参观过写也无妨,一般平凡如我的话还是能省则省。 2 豪情引语型 “Nothing is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow" This old saying always lingers in my mind; it reminds me that every dream can be reached through hard work” 解读:一切皆有可能。这段开头真是很振奋人心,然而,在西方文化中,别人不会立刻理解你想表达什么,尤其是在你的“personal”文章里。永远不要以大而空的议论开头,去谈诸如人类的本性和人生的真谛。 何况,除非真的完美配合,引用名言即使在中文作文里也已经是遍地开花了。 最常见的引用:《阿甘正传》-人生就像一盒巧克力为什么不中国特色一点写八宝粥- 建议:大多数时候,的开头方式是做到尽可能的自然、个人和流畅。文科你只需讲一个简单的故事,让读者自己去想这故事表达了一些什么,或者直接就以令人信服的方式,摆明你的观点。理工科申请者再干脆一点,就直接进入我做了某某工程。 结尾: 泛泛吹捧型 “America is the most advanced place for XXX Your department is an idea place for research, not only because there are many great researchers but because the rich atmosphere of University of B is very attractive as well……” 解读:在结尾表明一下自己为什么选择对方学校和院系是无可厚非的,但是这种能套用到n所大学的句子还是能免则免。对方当然知道自己学校好,无须你的溢美之辞;最重要的是写名哪个具体的特点或者老师吸引了你,如何与你的治学经历和研究方向匹配,它如何帮助你,你又如何为它创造价值。 最后,引用一个有喜剧效应的大俗套: 开头:我妈是医生,所以我学制药;我们家房子破,所以我考了建筑系 中间:我高考考的贼高,进了中国的某大学,我英语狂好,成绩也好,我专业就别提了,什么项目都参与了 结尾:我要申请你这个牛校,你系牛,你教授也牛……如何写出国留学动机信 高中生出国前要准备很多材料,推荐信就是其一,那么高中生的英文推荐信应该怎么写呢下面由我为你提供的,希望大家喜欢。 一 i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this college with an lb degree in june 1978miss li was admitted to the department of law of this college in 1974 through highly petitive entrance examination which is conducted annually and is open to the whole nation even in such a selective group miss li made herself distinguished as professor and dean of the college, i have access to her records of academic work and moral cond uct, in her fourth year study, i instructed her in anglo-american laws on trespass so i have known her quite well miss li's performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellent with a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered "a" , the highest level as far as i know, miss li wishes to continue her study in law for an advanceddegree i am sure she has had sufficient prerequisite knowledge for the subject and certainly has the ability to undertake the study i remend miss li without reservation and shall appreciate yourfavorable consideration of her application 二 Dear Sir or madam: it is a pleasure for me to provide an evaluation in support of the application of miss liu keyan liu kaixuan as her former name, whom i have taught english for two years in english school i acted as tutor of her and she became my friend i have full understanding of her in many aspects and i can say responsibly that she is a rare excellent student our school has produced miss liu impressed first of all with her distinguished scholastic performance and her all-round development she is almost a hero-like character on the campus she is widely recognized, for her rank of always being one of the top students in various tests and exams, for her well-balanced development in all fields, for her broad horizon which is rarely found in other students her mastery of english, which is far above school requirement and even higher than some of the college students, is most talked about and admired by both the school faculty and students rather than score-oriented, she does equally well in after-school activities the tutor of her piano recalled when miss liu first joined the practice as a pupil in primary school, she looked very all by now, she has passed level-9 test for piano players, and has practiced playing piano constantly, even during the final year of her junior middle school when the coursework is so heavy in other related aspects, miss liu, being a member of her school long-distance running team, won several first prizes in the long- and medium-distance running events at the schools sports meet, and even got prizes in municipal-level running events she told me in private that her favorite hobby is running, of which she thought can relax herself and refresh her minds in a word, she is a remarkable person not only her intelligence, but her maturity and willingness to help other people are really unusual of course, she is by no means perfect as a student of less than 16 years old, she has great potential to be tapped therefore, she needs to be put into a more challenging environment to enrich and improve herself an outstanding student needs an excellent academic environment and i believe that your fine-tuning programs will surely provide the best conditions for her to practice and experience sincerely, 三 To Whom It May Concern: I have had the distinct pleasure of having XXX as a student in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at Eastern Little Hope High School XXX has been more than the ideal student In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated outstanding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose The academics at Eastern Little Hope are most challenging, and XXX fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of honors and advanced courses XXX is an outstanding extemporaneous speaker and debater She has won many awards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified for national tournaments Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills XXX also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League Due to its nature of metro, state, and national interscholastic petition, the successful high school forensics student serves by not only representing his or her school but also by representing his or her munity as well One of the requirements in my advanced class is to prepare lectures and guidance for the beginners With XXX’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the political sciences, she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor Because of her natural leadership abilities, XXX was selected as our Debate Captain On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of XXX as a colleague Since her clas ates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely remend XXX Stone as the ideal candidate for matriculation at Eastern Little Hope State Respectfully submitted, XXX, PhD 认真准备留学计划,就是仔细考虑这个留学计划;就是对即将遇到的语言和文化方面的困难提前作准备;就是了解即将的学业于自己的兴趣及所学专业是否相一致;就是了解这个专业的优势;所取得的文凭将对以后寻找工作起到那些作用;就是了解这个法国文凭将对以后的职业生涯带来何种帮助;就是对自己留学动机及如何实现这个留学计划的清楚认识。所以你可以照着上面的思路写呀!你的中介不帮你修改的吗或可以上"战斗在法国"的论坛,叫人家帮你修改呀!Tout d’abord j’aime la langue Quand j’etais au lycee,j’avais envie d’apprendre le francaisle francais est aujourd’hui non seulement la langue officielle de la France mais aussi la langue maternelle de 70 million de francophone dans le mondeon sais par la,le francais est une langue important mais quand on apprend la langue,on apprend non seulement la grammaire du francais mais aussi la civilisation francaise et la culture francaiseje veux experimenter personnellement la vie en france,pour mieux connaitre la civilisation francaise et la culture francaiseEnsuite,l’ environnement de la langue est aussi importanteLa spécialité - Langues Etrangères Appliqués(assistant export trilingue) en France est très avancée et connue dans le monde,et L’éducation franaise est professionnelle et mondrneje pense que le systèmen de l’education francaise est milleur pour moi ! La fusion de la idéologie occidentale et orientale influterai ma vie de la carriere future prositif La diplome franciase est puls autoritaire que la chineil vont mieur pour ma carrier furtureD’ailleurs, les études en France m’aideront à martriser une autre langue internationale autre que l’anglaisil aguemente ma concurrance Ce sont les raisons pour lesquelles je voudrais étudier en FranceCette année,j’apprendrai les cours incluere l’anglais,le chinois ou l’ Espagnol,l’economie,le Droit et Management,l’Administration commerciale,le Marketing et Logistique de l’exportation,la Communication et comportement professionnel,le Projet tutoré et la stage J’essayerai d’obtenir le diplome Lience dans un ou deux ans Cette spécialité a le but de former les étudiants qui veux s’appliquer a l’ Assistant(e) commercial(e) import/export, l’ Attaché(e) de direction commerciale import/export, le Secrétaire de direction commerciale,l’Agent d’administration des ventes import/export,l'evolution vers des postes de responsable export ou responsable de zones géographiques et pourront d’une part avoir suffisamment de connaissances linguistiques et comerciale, et d’autre part avoir une capacité suffisante de management Elle donne aux étudiants plus d’opportunités de travailler dans le domaine de commerce et de gestion