您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。选择留学是人生重要的决策之一,而作为您的指导,我非常高兴能为您提供最准确的留学解答和规划。无论您的问题是关于考试准备、专业选择、申请流程还是学校信息,我都在这里为您解答。更多留学资讯和学校招生介绍,欢迎随时访问。/liuxue87dhcom/ “关于雅思听力经常出现的那些场景词汇”由小钟老师雅思考试栏目为您提供,考试时间越来越接近,赶紧跟着小编一起来复习雅思听力考试常见场景词汇一览表。 1 People Involved 相关人士: 租房的时候,难免涉及些牵线人,如:“house agency房产代理公司,house agent 房产代理人”;这些牵线人必然要联系“landlord 房东(landlady 女房东)”;最后跟我们这些“tenant=lodger=renter=roomer(美式)房客”谈论细节。 2 Type of Accommodation 租房类型 住宿类型依各人经济及喜好而定,有住在学校“halls of residence 集体宿舍 或student hostel 学生公寓或dormitory 宿舍”的;还有自己去外面租房子的:有经济能力并想快速提高英语的去“homestay 在当地居民家中住宿”;也可以租幢“house房子”来住,里面有“garden 花园,courtyard 院子,garage 车库,swimming pool游泳池,fountain 喷泉,balcony 阳台,en-suite facilities 全套设施”(注意en suite的读音,来自法语,读法特殊)等等;还可以租套“flat=apartment公寓”或者“studio apartment 单身公寓”或者“bedsit 卧室兼起居室”来住;囊中羞涩点的租“single room 单人间,double room=twin room 双人间,triple room 三人间”也就凑合吧。 3 Location 房屋地理位置 房屋位置是我们租房子一定得考虑的问题,这将决定我们上学或工作的方便与否。那么,有的人喜欢风水论或者有看风景的偏好,就会要求位置在“east 东面,west 西面,south 南面,north 北面,southeast 东南,southwest 西南,northeast东北,northwest 西北”为上;喜欢价钱便宜点,空气好的,最好住在“suburb=outskirts 郊区,countryside 郊外”;喜欢热闹,出行方便点的最好选择“city centre=downtown 市中心,urban area 市区”。 4 Surrounding Facilities 周边设施 交通和周围的环境也是决定租房意向的重要因素之一。关于这些,我们得掌握: Transportation交通设施:tube=underground=subway=metro 地铁,bus巴士,minibus 小巴,medium-sized bus=midibus 中巴,coach 大巴、客车,taxi=cab 的士(taxi rank的士车站),tram 电车,pullman 卧铺车,caravan 大篷车,ferry 轮渡,express train 快速列车,shuttle bus 班车,commuter train 通勤车,train 火车,plane 飞机,four-wheel drive 四轮驱动,automobile(注意发音)=car 汽车 Public Facilities公共设施:parking lots停车场,clinic 医务室,toilet=washroom=lavatory 厕所,police station派出所,First Aid Center 急救中心,telephone box=telephone booth公用电话亭,card phone 磁卡电话机,restaurant=dining hall=refectory 餐厅,café 咖啡厅,dustbin=trash can 垃圾箱,bar=pub 酒吧,snack bar=fast food 快餐厅,Western Restaurant 西餐厅,Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅,gym=keep-fit studio=stadium 健身房,smoking area 吸烟区,lawn 草坪,quiet neighborhood 安静环境 5 Interior Structure & Facilities房屋内部结构和附加装置 租房时,难免谈论到房屋的结构,不怕一万就怕万一,所以大家还是乖乖背吧! detached house 独立式房屋,semi-detached house 半独立式房屋,cottage 平房,kitchen厨房,living room=sitting room起居室,bathroom 浴室,bedroom 卧室,balcony 阳台,toilet=washroom=lavatory 厕所,laundry room 洗衣房,corridor=porch 走廊,roof 屋顶,ceiling 天花板,window 窗户,shutter 百叶窗,curtain 窗帘,door 门,storehouse 储藏室,basement 地下室, fire escape 安全出口 6 furniture & facilities 房屋设备 这可太重要了,决定所租房屋的性价比啊,也是日常生活中我们经常讨论的话题了。没办法,啃吧。 Electronic Appliances 家电:refrigerator=fridge 冰箱,washing machine 洗衣机,dishwasher 洗碗机,water heater 热水器,microwave oven 微波炉,stereo system 音响,radiator 电暖炉,(central)heating system (中央)暖气装置,toaster 烤面包机,dryer 干燥机,(central)air conditioner=(central)air conditioning (中央)空调,electric fan 电风扇,ceiling fan 吊扇,TV 电视,telephone 电话,PC=personal computer 个人电脑 Kitchen Facilities 厨房用品:gas cooker 煤气灶,electric cooker 电磁炉,coffee maker 咖啡机,ventilation 通风装置,kitchen ventilator 抽油烟机,exhaust fan 排气扇,detergent 清洁剂,tap 水笼头,sink 污水槽 Bathroom Facilities 浴室用具:towel 毛巾,sponge 洗澡用的海绵,shampoo 香波,soap 香皂,lotion 洗发液,cream 面霜,shaver 剔须刀,shower 淋浴,tub 浴缸,toilet 马桶,mirror 镜子,mop 拖把,broom 扫帚,dustbin=trash can 垃圾桶 Bedroom Facilities 卧室设备:single bed 单人床,double bed 双人床,king-size bed特大号床,queen-size bed 大号床,bed-linen 被单和枕套,blanket 毯子,sheet 床单,mattress 床垫,quilt 棉被,pillow 枕头,wardrobe 衣橱,dresser 梳妆台 Sitting Room Facilities客厅设施:sofa 沙发,couch 长沙发,coffee table 咖啡桌,carpet 地毯,armchair 扶手椅子,ashtray 烟灰缸,dustbin=trash can 垃圾桶 7 Special Requirements 特殊住房要求 no other guests=to be the only guest 唯一租客,no red meat 不吃牛羊肉(印度),no pork 不吃猪肉(穆斯林),vegetarian 素食主义者,carnivore 食肉主义,no pets 不带宠物,no smoking 不准抽烟,no parties 不准举办派对,food allergies 食物过敏 8 Rent and Deposit 租金和押金 rent=rental price 租金,deposit 押金,maximum rent最高租金,minimum rent 最低租金,one month’s rent 一个月的租金,bills 账单,water bill 水费,gas bill 煤气费,electric bill 电费,phone bill 电话费,expensive 昂贵的,reasonable price=cheap 价格合理 以上信息希望能帮助您在留学申请的道路上少走弯路。如果您还有更多问题或需要深入探讨,不要犹豫,您可以在我们的留学官方网站上找到更丰富的考试资讯、留学指导和一对一专家咨询服务。我们的团队始终站在您的角度,为您的留学梦想全力以赴。祝您申请顺利!/liuxue87dhcom/雅思听力场景之银行场景词汇整理您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!/liuxue87dhcom/ 同学们都在积极的备考中,小钟老师在这里总结整理了一些最新的雅思听力真题,供同学们学习参考,预祝同学们考试顺利,欲了解更多雅思真题内容,请关注小钟老师,第一时间送上最新最专业的动态更新。 题型:选择6+配对4 场景:旅游场景 – 介绍新西兰的一个景点Gisborne a history and tourism introduction for a famous place --Gisborne 参考答案: 11 main topic of this speech A economy B tourism C history 12 name ‘Mario’ originates from the place: East Coast 13 at beginning, they export product to A farms B fishery C forest 14 Now it exports_____to Asia A lemon and oranges B red&white grape C sea food 15 Concert about costume party will be held in A museum B opera house 16 In raining days, you are recommended to watch A culture show B photograph exhibition C near art gallery 17-20 Matching A the disables B newly wedded couple C pregnant woman D secondary school children E young adults 17 hot spring: suitable for B(not suitable for elderly and pregnant) 18 second (can have party here, exciting game), suitable for E 19 rafting: Suitable for D (suitable for pupil, parents don’t need to worry about their kids, cause they have professional instructor) 20…park: suitable for the A (mentioned people in wheel chair) 背景知识:Gisborne坐落于新西兰的北岛东部(Poverty Bay) 由于靠近国际日期变更线,因此成为每天地球上第一个看见太阳的城市,有着“东方太阳城”、“曙光第一城”的美称。希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 /liuxue87dhcom/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利! 银行场景: 1 申请表application form 2 申请人applicant 3 填表格fill in the form 4 拓展记忆:申请一个职位apply for a position 5 最好是在有名的银行中开帐户:it's best to open an account 6 银行会问你开账户的金额为多少: And how much would you like to open your account with 7 每个银行的开账户时的最小额度minimum sum不同 8 要咨询一下汇率exchange rate和利率interest rate 9 英国的几个比较有名的银行有Barclays 和 Lloyds。 10 然而,得清楚很重要一点是留学生不能享受到提供给当地学生的设施。 However, it's important to note that as an international student you'll not necessarily be eligible for all the facilities offered to resident students 11 银行有不同的政策,他们提供给你的服务是取决于你的个人情况,同样也取决于银行经理的自行处理。 Banks have different policies and the services that they'll offer you will depend on your individual circumstancesand on the discretion of the bank manager involved 12 注意:documentation指的是文件总称。 13 作为一个留学生,你需要提供证据证明自己能够支付费用,直到课程结束 as an international student,you will need to provide evidence that you can fund/support yourself for however long your course lasts (拓展记忆:存款为funding) 14 除此之外,大多银行要求你带上你的护照和你的录取通知书 In addition to this, most banks ask you to bring your passport and your letter or certificate of enrolment , 或者带着学校注册信 letter of registration 15 其它证件: 护照大小照片 passport size photo 驾照 driver's licence 出生证明 birth certificate 信用卡 credit card 借记卡 debit card (拓展记忆:凭卡办理存取款和消费结算,不能透支。Access to deposit,withdrawal, purchase, and payment, overdraft prohibited) 雇主推荐 reference from your employer 账单 bank statements 16 银行会问你想多久收到一次账单 How often would you like to receive statements 有些人喜欢一周一次Some people like them weekly 有些人喜欢一个月一次 once a month 拓展记忆:两周一次once a fortnight 17 有些银行会问一些信息来验证你的身份,为了安全的原因。 Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons 最好提供父母的名字,这不太会被知道 It's less likely to be known 18 还会问: 职业 occupation/profession 出生日期 date of birth 全名 full name 名 first name 、given name 中间名字 middle name 姓 surname/family name/last name 过去地址 previous address 目前地址 present/current address 在目前地址居住时间 time at current address 19 每个人还应该带着填有名字和地址的宣传单 You should each have a handout with the names and addresses 20 在开帐户时,银行会给你一本支票簿,你可以用它在需要时取钱。 When you open the account, the bank will give you a chequebook /checkbook and you can use this to draw /withdrawmoney out as you need it 如果你要在商店里用支票,你会同时需要一张支票保付卡 If you need to write cheques in shops, you'll also need a cheque card 拓展记忆:旅行支票 traveler's cheque 这是一种认证卡(身份证),保证签出的支票能符合银行支票保付卡所对应能支付的额度 This is really an identity cardwhich guarantees that correctly written cheques up to the value stated on the card will be honoured by the bank 如果你想提取现金你可以让支票以你的名义支付或者兑现。 If you want to draw out cash for yourself you can make the cheque payable in your own name or 'to cash'(兑现支票cash the cheque) (拓展记忆:payable at sight见票即付§payable on demand随到随付) 21 你可以用提款卡从取款机中提取现金 You can also withdraw cash from a cash point machinewith a cashcard (提款机又叫做ATM=Automatic Teller Machine) 22 你也许想取出超过你银行额度的钱,这叫做透支。 You may want to take more money out ot the bank than you have in itThis is called having an overdraft 要当心,除非有银行允许,否则不能这么做。 Be very careful with this--you should not do this without permission from your bank 透支经常导致额外费用,虽然有些银行提供给某些学生免利息透支 Overdrafts usually incur charges,though some banks offer interest-freeoverdrafts to some students 23 对于银行转账bank transfer , 如果相互连接的银行可以直接转账 If we have links with them, we can do a direct transfer 24 对于开放时间opening times: 伦敦和其他主要城市中大一点的分行在周六开放时间有限制。 Some of the bigger branchesin London and other major cities are now open for a limited time on Saturdays 25 还可以申请其他银行业务bank service: 贷款loan 保险insurance 低风险投资 low-risk investment 股票和基金 stocks and shares (拓展记忆:储蓄金 nest egg) 26 至今为止,最有用的帐户是活期账户 by far the most useful type of account to open is a current account 27 你真正能拿到的帐户是学生帐户,其实它就是一个有特殊优惠的活期账户 you will actually get what is called a 'student account'which is a current account with special concessions for students 可能免手续费service charge 28 如果你出了经济问题financial affairs,有了负债be in debt,如果你的信用卡被拒绝your credit card is declined,账户被冻结account is frozen 学校可能提供你助学金grants,或者帮助你得到低息贷款low-interest loan 29 其他重要的帐户为: 储蓄存款帐户savings account, 定期帐户deposit account 联名账户 joint account (联名账户持有者joint account holder)