我为大家介绍美国留学申请邮件写作格式,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。 申请美国留学时,与招生官沟通的一种方式就是写邮件。那么,如何给招生官写邮件才能留下好印象呢 邮件主题 首先邮件的...
我为大家介绍美国留学申请邮件写作格式,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。 申请美国留学时,与招生官沟通的一种方式就是写邮件。那么,如何给招生官写邮件才能留下好印象呢 邮件主题 首先邮件的主题应该尽量简短,切记不要空着不填。没有主题的邮件虽然不太至于被忽略,但这样给人的第一印象不好,有匆忙潦草之感。如果是紧急事宜,建议使用urgent、help之类的短语,简洁但显眼。 称呼 其次,在称呼上,先确定学校网站上的联系信息里有没有联系人的名字。如果有,强烈建议直接以该联系人姓名,比如用Dear MrMcKinney代替泛泛的Dear Sir or Madam。当然,如果学校没有提供,则最好使用Dear Sir or Madam,或To Whom It May Concern。这里还有一个小技巧,一般大学工作和教职人员都有自己的邮箱,绝大多数和本人的姓氏有关,比如以姓氏和名字的部分组成。 正文 接下来是正文部分,还是一定要本着简练的原则。因为招生官一天都要看很多这样的来信,过于冗长繁琐的邮件让人本能反应就不舒服。而条理清晰、简洁明了的信会让对方在回答中容易透露出更多的信息。 正文的重点是逻辑清晰、条理清楚。这点不是很容易做到,因为一般我们有问题的时候才需要联系学校,而这种情况往往让我们心情焦虑,恨不得一下子把事情全部说清楚。但越这么想越容易把事情越说越糊涂。因此在写email前,应该把事情理一遍,最好跳出来在旁观者的角度上看问题,前因后果都要想清楚。为什么会出现问题它是什么原因造成的一定要交代一下背景,如果一上来就是问题会让人摸不着头脑;但也不要走另外一个极端,在急急忙忙讲了一大堆事情后,什么问题都没问就结尾了。这样学校的负责人会不知所措,给出的建议的质量也要大打折扣。所以记得把事情陈述清楚以后,把问题清晰地罗列下来,这样方便别人一一作答,邮件的目的才能达到。 在罗列问题时候,最好也不要一股脑儿都搬上去,一下十多条问题会吓到对方。最好的策略是,先从最紧要的问题开始,一封邮件里不超过3个问题。问题归纳得井井有条,忌重复,忌泛泛而谈。这样得到的答案才是最有效的。 结尾 最后,记住在结尾部分另起一行写With my best regards。如果逢年过节或者赶上周末,可以加上一句祝福,这样会让人觉得心情愉快。 在收到回复以后,不管有没有用最好都回信表示感谢。假定你是李华,即将赴英国牛津大学留学,主修英国文学,经你给你的英国朋友TOM写一封邮件Amy,I heard that you have to come to China to learn, I am very happy welcome to China!The new semester begins in September, this is China's summer You can come to China in Beijing, just like Chicago's weather, Beijing has a different year of four seasons In the summer, winter may be very cold, but don't worry that all the spring in Beijing has a built-in heating system, which will warmly warm in the room in the room There is another good thing in Beijing, you can find almost any food here, but talk about China, of course, the best choice is true Chinese food I bet you understand the name of the Beijing duck, let us go when you are here现在在日本留学,想考大学院,现在正准备,想给教授写邮件,但是什么格式,怎样开头和结尾,一点不懂Dear Mike, I am glad to know from your email that you have been admitted to one of the world ‘s most famous uniworsity -Oxford Uniworsity Congratulations!Your hard work has paid off Your success has inspired me deeply As you know ,we have started the first revise which means a lot to me Having heard your news ,I have more confidence in myself and believe where there ie a will ,there is a wayI will devote myself into study and spare no efforts to improve myself After the fierce examination ,I hope we can have a talk face to faceI am looking forward to your reply高一英语作文:写给英国留学好友的电子邮件1、这种邮件,日本的网站有标准格式的,参考一下,同时找日本老师帮忙。2、邮件的后面,尽量付一个研究计划,我个人认为,一个外国人突然一封邮件说要到教授的研究室读书,能够打动他的就是这个。比如:你未来的指导教授他的领域的知识或常识以及你想做的课题名称,这个课题目前的发展水平,有哪些问题尚未解决,你想研究解决的问题和大致的计划或想法。我理解准备时,可能有一定难度,要尽量准备。3、面试非常重要。被问及是否要打工时,不能说自己需要打工 --- 要强调自己会努力学习,争取奖学金。4、被问及是否要读博士时,肯定回答YES。如果日后你修士毕业后就职成功,他不会责怪你的。5、如果你英语口语较好,口试时,机会合适的话,稍微秀一下。6、被问及毕业后的打算时,回答:回国是主要方向。不要强调其他的,比如想去美国,想在日就职等等。英语作文 假如你是李华,听说你的好友王磊即将赴加拿大留学,请你给他写一封电子邮件。要点包括:听到主题:来自金吉列的问候——写给英国留学好友的电子邮件亲爱的[好友的名字],你好!我是来自金吉列留学的一员,写这封邮件是想向你问好,同时也希望我们的服务能为你在英国的留学生活带来帮助和便利。首先,祝贺你顺利在英国开始你的留学生涯。我知道你一定有很多新鲜的体验和感受,也非常期待你分享这些珍贵的经历。作为你的朋友和金吉列留学的一员,我想提醒你一些可能需要注意的事项。英国的气候多变,记得随时关注天气预报并做好衣物准备。此外,学习的压力可能会很大,但要记得合理安排时间,保持良好的作息习惯。金吉列留学一直致力于为留学生提供最优质的服务。无论你在学习、生活还是职业规划上遇到任何问题或困惑,都可以随时联系我们。我们的专业团队会为你提供最合适的建议和帮助。同时,我们也非常期待听到你在英国的声音,分享你的生活和学习经验。这不仅可以让我们更好地了解你的需求,提供更个性化的服务,同时也能为其他即将出国留学的同学提供宝贵的参考。再次感谢你对金吉列留学的信任和支持。我们期待着在英国的学习生活中与你共同成长,实现你的梦想。祝你学业有成,生活愉快!金吉列留学团队点击了解各国留学信息Dear Wang Lei,This is Li Hua, I'm very glad for hearing you's going to study in Canada, congeratulations! We are so proud of youAs a freind who lives in Canada for three years, I get some advices for youAbout accomodationNo doult, the 1st thing after arriving CA is to find a place to stay, you probabely won't to stay in a hotel as you are using yout parents' money You can contact your school now, see whether they can help Student apartment is the best choice for new comers Home stay is also a good choice, some schools have that kind programme, they have a "home stay" list, make sure you get in touch with the house/aparment owner before your trip You could also google for apartments for sharing in your destination city in CA, try this website: www51ca Good luckAbuout languageI know you got 65 on IELTS, which means you can survive in CA What worries me is your oral English, hope your English teacher doesn't have a stronge Chinese accent, otherwise I suggest you to take an oral English training course before your tripAbout moneyLeast but not last, money is always an issue I'll not suggest you to take too much cash with you, 2000 dollar is enough The most important thing is to have an international credit card on hand, which will save you a lot of trouble China Union Pay card is also acceptable in few banks in CA, but not in most of supermarketsBTW, make a copy for all your important documents, such as passport, credit card, driver license, emergency contacts info, etcGive me a call when your landing date is fixed, your dad gets my numberGood luck and have a safe trip (BTW, never take China Airline)! Best Regards,David Li (Li Hua)