根据有关规定,留学回国人员证明主要是发给在国外正规大学或科研机构进修、学术访问、攻读学位的留学人员,并要求在国外必须居住六个月以上。在学习或研究结束后确定回国前,可以办理留学回国证明。南京留学生回国想购买免税车,如何办理回国证明吗?建议你要是方便的话,最好电话联系所在地的签证电话,看能否在本地签证。如果不方便或者回家也不麻烦的话,最好回户口所在地签证!我原来看一哥们材料都审理完了,就因为户籍原因,签证处拒绝受理。所以回户籍所在地签证是最保险的!希望对你能有帮助!我打算3年后出国读研。现在在南京上大学,南京哪个留学中介性价比高阿?回国证明已经取消。可以用护照、毕业证、签证或出入境信息等材料证明留学生身份和留学期限。自2020年11月1日起,取消《留学回国人员证明》。自2020年10月1日起,驻外使领馆不再受理开具申请。2020年9月30日前已提交申请的,驻外使领馆根据留学人员意愿提供相应服务。已经受理、使领馆开具时间晚于2020年11月1日的,《留学回国人员证明》仍然有效。南京信息工程大学留学生学费和生活费其实中介的价格相差都不是很大 中介最赚钱的是买机票 你可以问问中介 自己买机票行不行 不同国家的航班价格相差很大 像我是在乌克兰 当年中介 买的机票 要了我1W多 现在我买俄航的机票 转机飞国内 才500多美金 机票一般提前几个月买 最便宜 然后 你可以去你准备去的那个国家的贴吧看看 也可以发帖子 问问 最主要的是 有的中介比较贱 给你说的大学 国内不一定承认 所以 如果你已经知道了自己准备去的学校的名字 可以去教育部的网站 看看 里面有国内承认的所有外国大学名单 这个非常重要 因为你毕业回来 是要去教育部认证的 如果不承认 教育部是不会认证的虽然我也是南信大的,但是我还真不清楚留学生的学费多少?平时没有交流过这样的问题,生活费南京这不高,如果你每周去市区商场买点东西,1000rmb根本不够。长江大桥北的大洋百货和欢乐世界等消费也还可以,不算高,环境也不错。不过1000估计只能过苦日子,不过你可以做家教的,或者可以做助教。学校官网/wwwglobenuistcn/飞机票你要在大马看看网上票价,ExpensesSource: | Publisher: | Time:2012-3-16 11:12:33 Schooling 1 Undergraduate programs: 4 years2 Master’s degree programs: 2-3 years3 Doctoral degree programs: 3 years4 Advanced students(Language Learning) 1-5 semestersExpensesTuition (in CNY)Fees Candidates’ statusCharge Tuition fee Undergraduate/Advanced Student ¥15000 per yearTuition fee Master’s candidate/Senior Visiting Scholar ¥20000 per yearTuition fee Doctoral candidate ¥25000 per yearApplication fee All candidates¥500 per personAccommodation (in CNY)CNY/month/personEquipmentsDouble Room ¥400air conditioner, phone, private bathroom, furniture, Internet access, water heater, public washerOther Possible Expenses (in CNY) Fees ChargeLaundry ¥3 per timeInternet Consult with Internet Operating CompaniesInsurance ¥600 per year per personHealth Examination ¥380 per timeResidence Permit ¥400 per yearElectricity600 kilowatt-hour free per semester per room, 052 for extra one kilowatt-hourNote: The priced listed above are subject to minor increase without prior noticeScholarship Coverage & Criteria1、Chinese Government ScholarshipPlease access the following website for details: /wwwcsceducn/2、Confucius Institute ScholarshipScholarship holders are exempt from registration fees, tuition, fees for basic learningmaterials, accommodation fees on campus, and are provided with a one-offresettlement subsidy, monthly allowance, outpatient medical service andcomprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China Monthly allowancesare at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month): a CNY 1,400 for one-academicstudy The one-off settlement subsidy is CNY 1,500 for students who will study in China for one academic year or more3、Jiangsu Jasmine Government Scholarship30,000 CNY per year per head for Master or PhD student20,000 CNY per year per head for Bachelor student4、NUIST Excellent International Students ScholarshipNUIST Excellent International Students Scholarship has three classes The coverage and criteria are as follows: Class Criteria CoverageFirst-class Prize 3000 CNY per year per head ≤5% of the total self-financed studentsSecond-class Prize 2000 CNY per year per head ≤10%。of the total self-financed studentsThird-class Prize1000 CNY per year per head ≤20% of the total self-financed students5、NUIST International Students Specialized ScholarshipThree specialized scholarship are set to encourage those who are diligent in study, active in social activities or excellent in morality The criterion for each specialized scholarship is 200 CNY per person