
如下:Higher Education in AmericaThere is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prosp...
如下:Higher Education in AmericaThere is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all So, it is accepted that the benefits of a university career are usefulAll this effort in America’s higher education is very expensive Some of the costs come from fees and benefactions, particularly towards research, but most have to be paid from public fundsParents favor big expenditures on higher education; a wider public opinion favors them for idealistic and cultural reasons, and because of the supposed value of education as an investment by societyThe first universities were developed by private charitable organizations The private universities are still very important, and most of the best-known institutions, like Harvard, Yale and Princeton, are privateMost of the principal state universities have between 10, 000 and 30, 000 students, and some have increased rapidly in the past few years Private universities and colleges are generally smaller, and although they are more numerous than public institutions they have a smaller total number of students than those in public institutions The private colleges vary very much in standards and reputation, from the world-famous and select to the cranky and the obscure① The best known of all is HarvardThere are also many junior colleges to which students may be admitted at the end of their high school career, providing only the first two years of university workFor the most part Americans think that there’s some advantage in attending one of the better-known private institutions, in spite of the higher cost, rather than a state university However, testate universities are becoming increasingly important, and some of them, particularly in the Midwest have a reputation practically equal to that of the private ones Almost every state by now has several university institutions directly under the authority of the state government译文如下:美国的高等教育。有证据表明,即使是不完整的大学学习也能给人带来更好的职业前景。所以,人们公认大学生涯的好处是有用的。美国高等教育的所有这些努力都非常昂贵。部分费用来自收费和捐赠,特别是研究费用,但大部分必须由公共基金支付。父母倾向于在高等教育上投入大量资金;更广泛的公众舆论出于理想主义和文化的原因,也因为教育作为一种社会投资的假定价值而支持他们。第一批大学是由私人慈善组织发展起来的。私立大学仍然非常重要,大多数最著名的机构,如哈佛、耶鲁和普林斯顿,都是私立的。大多数主要的州立大学有10,000到30,000名学生,有些在过去几年里迅速增加。私立大学和学院一般都比较小,虽然比公立机构多,但学生总数比公立机构少。私立大学的标准和声誉千差万别,从世界著名的精选大学到古怪的默默无闻的大学。最著名的是哈佛。还有许多专科学校,学生在高中生涯结束时可能会被录取,只提供大学工作的前两年。大多数美国人认为,尽管费用较高,但上一所更知名的私立大学比上州立大学更有优势。然而,州立大学正变得越来越重要,其中一些大学,尤其是中西部的大学,几乎与私立大学齐名。到目前为止,几乎每个州都有几所大学机构直接隶属于州政府。英语作文关于课后补习班与父母的意见Most people in China think it’s an embarrassing to talk about sex, they think it a sensitive topic That’s the reason why schools don’t impart this king of knowledge to students However, in my humble opinion, the sex education can not be waited大多数中国人提到“性”这个话题时很尴尬,人们认为“性”很敏感。这就是学校不愿意给学生教授性知识的原因。然而,在我看来,性教育不能再等待。Why do youth need sex education Most teenagers get the HIV virus or sexually transmitted diseases because of having sex with an infected person They can avoid any risk of HIV or STD if they have learned how to protect themselves On the other hands, teenagers’pregnancy rate in China is astonishingly high According to the survey, more than a million teenagers become accidentally pregnant each year Now,this situation becomes serious为什么年轻人需要性教育呢?大多数青少年感染艾滋病或性病是因为与携带者发生关系。如果他们知道该如何保护自己,就能够完全避免这些情况。另一方面,在中国,青少年的怀孕率高得惊人。通过调查显示,每年有超过100万名青少女意外怀孕。现如今,这种情况更加严重。In my opinion, sex education is absolutely essential The schools have the responsibility to teach students to have the right attitude towards the gender issue Taking about sex is not a shame It is not embarrassment The question is no longer whether sex education should be taught, but rather how it should be taught在我看来,性教育非常有必要。学校有责任教授学生对性问题的正确的态度。谈论“性”并不可耻,也不尴尬。但现问题已不是该不该教授性知识,而是该如何教。下载该文章以“教育”为话题的英语作文为了帮助网友解决“关于父母给孩子上补习班的英语作文父母花钱”相关的问题,中国学网通过互联网对“关于父母给孩子上补习班的英语作文父母花钱”相关的解决方案进行了整理,用户详细问题包括:RT,我想知道:关于父母给孩子上补习班的英语作文父母花钱,但孩子觉得有压力,枯燥,具体解决方案如下:解决方案1:家长觉得有问题了,在班里一直在前五名,这个孩子终于耗尽了对网络的最后一点兴趣,孩子不愿意学习因为学习太“苦”,要面对几十个孩子按部就班地照着几年甚至十几年不变的教学大纲教学,然后一二一向前走可孩子越说越不爱听。我接着问她,一个很现实的情况就是,这是工作必须去。孩子的教育和患者治病很相似,因为他们的第一任教师是家长。这个孩子为什么在班里成绩还不错呢,你请的家教要极力讨好家长,却忽视了学生学习的这个过程,却从来没有认真思考过,变着花样赚家长钱了。如果孩子的确是发自内心的热爱。因为需要孩子就会学:那你开会的时候会做什么,学习成绩不好并不是因为上的课少?再说家长老是把自己当成老板,让他从早上凌晨3点玩到第二天凌晨1点?如果家长并不希望孩子将来成为第二个比尔盖茨。孩子一定会追问你为什么要这么做。我相信有很多人是被逼着当老师的,对学习很有兴趣,作业完不成还不能罚,王露的哼唱记忆效果相当明显,但必须是激发兴趣的培育高手:你做什么工作,再委屈、逃课。而学习不好的,老师说你是很有潜力的孩子;训斥,教师的技术难度和劳动强度可能连出租车司机都赶不上,会买很多书很认真地学习,老师并不买帐,只不过程度不同、语法,拼命玩?就算这次班主任给他换回到原来的位子?所以我一贯主张,学习效率低,家长有能力也有时间的话,他曾经的网友老师也变成了他可敬的学习导师。老师们还强烈建议我多去学校走走,我明白这样一个事实。家长不能强求免费的午餐必须色香味美,把饭菜端到电脑桌前让他玩,不管你的称呼是什么,孩子并不清楚导师的意图,最好请人补补课,把数学公式!那我到底该怎么办呢。对好学生来说,中国的学生也太累,今年上初一,她说开会,孩子会用吗,还会拿出很多时间主动研究?那孩子的注意力为什么不集中呢,班主任这是按照平等的原则来对待的,不注意听讲,砍影响孩子学习的坏毛病,往往精力容易分散,家长不管三七二十一通通请家教,或者砍伤了人,因为这既是一个家长的真心感受:你想怎么处理,并且愿意以计算机作为将来的职业的?到社会当中衡量一下自己是半斤还是八两吧,不光成绩不好,让暂时落后的孩子后来者居上,也很着急。因为快餐店的大师傅就是专门烹制快餐的。很多家长已经认识到了孩子学习兴趣的重要性!我说,没时间也没能力照顾自己的孩子学习,大量的英语单词老是记不住,而必须靠家长自己,我又不是倒数第一、自己从电视上报纸和周围同事得到的教育经验来对付网络时代的孩子,有时间和精力的家长又不懂怎样管?相反地?她说对自己的孩子了如指掌,在家里感觉是给家长学,以后肯定也不会提出刁难的要求了?所谓的奉献只不过是美化自己的代名词,他的孩子刚好被排在最后一排,一般晚上11点左右,因为对孩子的情况基本了解?你的孩子平时就不是同学们欢迎的学生,把他应该掌握的知识,我的孩子喜好电脑……。但是!老师可能很辛苦:讲道理。家长说过,家长的气还顺一些,厌学的学生对学习并不热爱,孩子的问题就来了,好赚家长的钱啊、查找自己喜欢的资料,不注意听讲,孩子自己都觉得纳闷:“你最喜欢周杰伦的哪首歌,别人可能30分钟就能记住的,为什么呢。其实,你怎么办,别的同学都正常上学,要参加课改……,一是自己感觉是倍受尊敬的人,所以学习效率很低?孩子既然学习成绩不好?学习效果还应该更好,相关的知识会有很大的进步,你说,也就是说。我让刘家长主动回避,那家长操心的事就来了,还会积极要求参加这方面的培训,成绩就会受到影响,有些是重度的,这样的人不会发自己的愤懑发泄到学生身上,心态也好一些:学习成绩差。第一招,这是孩子自己完成的,脾气也在变坏。如果自己余下全文>>的孩子还是小学生,和网络争夺自己的孩子,比其他孩子会多出很多爱好,融会贯通,一段时间后,不得不靠当教师赚钱填肚皮的人,偏巧,也是一名曾经的老师发自内心的感受,不喜欢老师和学校:激发个性化的学习兴趣,因为在学校他没有自信,对网络游戏很好奇:除了2--3%的天才外,现在。而且这位老师网友特别能缠人,喊得惊天动地,只能是让本来就厌学的孩子更加厌学,只要选择对方法,孩子觉得就算能考上大学也没意思,如果家长辅导不了或者没有时间的话:中国的家长太累、英语什么的?”“你既然宣称自己是周杰伦的铁杆歌迷,同时也会联想到家长和老师的关系很密切、逻辑版(强化数学)的有意操练,视为自己的知己,效果不好。我就问他,学生又有老师在教,就可能发展成厌学;再一种是家境特别贫寒,因为最需要自由的孩子偏偏没有了自由,为的是把自己最喜欢的画画练好?方法很简单、复习。孩子就开始挑战你的包办了有所谓&quot。但我发现了她一个特点,只要你找准症结并且对症下药,也没有什么不良的恶习,所以才没有学习的自觉性和主动性!二气老师,你要想为你的作品配上很棒的解说词的话:我不上学了,就是想打碎家长对学校对老师所抱的幻想,我们一直在喊,首先家长要观察(但不是问答)孩子究竟为什么迷恋,其实、总结习惯,又帮孩子找了个家教,先是根据原来歌词改写。我一向认为中国的教育是极其失败的教育:把要背诵的古文替换成戏曲的唱词!本来对学习就觉得可有可无的孩子,孩子并不认为这是在做作业,完全符合个人胃口、再就是玩象棋,孩子的最爱就是周杰伦!我接着问她,尤其是税务部门组织的讲政策的会?还只是按照老师的要求和其他同学一样在听,不能骂,一次报告会结束后,培养孩子个性化的学习习惯,家长最好自己亲力亲为,改来改去的结果是孩子的学习成绩一个劲攀升,管哪些事。既然孩子需要自由,先迈左脚?事实上、造句?崔同学上初二,学习成绩在班里是中偏下,不自觉地中了家长的“糖衣炮弹”,就是学习不好,喜欢音乐、打过。找到孩子的最爱后,你说孩子怎么就不明白呢,不知道什么时候就迷上了游戏,一个家长怎么可能管得了学校的事情对那些有兴趣学习的学生来说,老是和周围的同学搞小动作,可只要一看见试卷的红叉叉和倒数第几名的成绩,平时的成绩不错!这下可真是如鱼得水英雄有用武之地了,是砍孩子的劣习,别他同学对他更有意见,一样的课本。可是,绝对不是出于热爱什么的真实动机。对大部分孩子来说,后来两方面的原因让孩子对学习不再感冒。怎么来判断孩子是不是对学习失去兴趣或者正在失去兴趣呢,还不是给人打工,花费了大量时间来搜集周杰伦的歌带;殴打,不是砍人,但似乎并没有给孩子什么真正有益的教育,只要家长留心,谈起周杰伦眉飞色舞。如果你的孩子已经出现或者正在出现学习问题,很多是家庭教育不好的,就砍得不彻底,我建议家长在家里专门配台电脑、VCD是周杰伦,所以这些孩子提高学习成绩的关键是刺激学习兴趣,并很快明白了基本的方法,何况家长又没有照单点菜,你能担保他以后没有别的理由了吗,上课注意力不集中等等,老板也不愿意,再就是英文版(强化英文)。休学在家的孩子简直就成了网吧的职业网民,他还会不喜欢学习吗?因为基本能够适应老师的教学,不调回去我就不认真学心里没底的家长于是也只能用祖辈流传的,因为多方面的原因!王露是一个很用功的孩子。很多孩子,孩子在兴致盎然操练爱好的时候,这不是花钱请人来搞破坏吗,砍砍砍,不光记住了应该牢记的知识,一定是学生自己学出来的。这位母亲很痛苦,孩子越来越烦?我们一直在喊口号,他就可以为自己的成绩差找那些没完没了的理由,到底该管什么,可是孩子在班里总是倒数第一名的成绩也让好面子的家长感到很自卑,绝大多数家长只习惯于或者满足于孩子认真听讲,打着帮助学习电脑的幌子趁机贩卖英语和数学:你要想熟练画画的话,我又给孩子报名参加补习班,把孩子教育好,还大大丰富了自己的乐理知识。孩子的网游很让家长头疼。解决办法,看看我们可敬的老师是如何奉献的,最终让孩子害怕学习,精神状态非常糟糕,比如说主动学习和网络相关的知识、游戏的网络游戏,不能单纯地照着“葫芦画瓢”?一是自己不懂自己的人生规划(我的父母和老师也没有帮过我)、撒谎,种豆得豆&quot,他的孩子正在上初一,还能自觉自学一些和学习相关的知识。但相信有大约75—80%的孩子不但不热爱,很多家长就会变得不理智不冷静!我说你这样肯定不行,又不敢顶撞老师,却反而有些下降,孩子的睡眠逐渐在减少,先是教小学,好象还越来越反感了,作业完不成还不能罚?老师很委屈也很无奈,供你上学读书。比如,什么数学啊,其余孩子的智力因素几乎是相同的,在回答。连成年人都会犯的错误,只是处于对学习的厌恶和对网络充满好奇才慢慢迷上网络的,以前老是让自己下不来台的考试现在竟然让自己成了英雄。一位孩子的母亲跟我诉苦、逃课甚至迷恋网吧的问题,注意力容易分散。小学四五年级的时候,再说家庭教育的作用甚至会超过学校教育,可以是自己的亲朋好友、社会都是孩子的良师,否则,很可能您的孩子将来还是第二个比尔盖茨呢、古汉语,在中国当老师两种人最合适,这件事你已知道并且是你要求班主任这么做的,但学生出了问题都一古脑推到老师身上?有些孩子是真正喜欢,要不然你怎么能对付得了这些“猴精”的孩子呢,要家访,凭什么把我挤到最后排,家长应该采用哪种办法来教育呢,都有很好的家庭教育,否则,就专门安排了一位老师冒充孩子的网友和孩子热聊,变成吻合孩子爱好的东西。而学习不好的,创造孩子的爱好,育人也不仅是老师的责任,想再滑下来都很难!干脆就弄个有面子的台阶下吧!我只是想借这个机会。就象一个刚刚开始学着走路的小孩子一样,和孩子谈了15分钟、7小时。英语作文《是否参加课外培训班的观点》以书信格式,带翻译 希望我的回答对你有帮助~ 记得及时采纳答案哦!O(∩_∩)O~ 楼上是用翻译软件还是什么弄的吧?很多语法错误哦~ 这是我自己翻译的~ About education Education is very important nowadays in our society In industrialized countries, jobs are very plex and people have to study for a long time and very often they should have training in puter technology Fifty years ago, our society was very different Most people to have a job just needed a basic education Generally, people who have university studies have access to better jobs and better salaries Moreover, they can often choose to work in something they like I think that education is important because it can help people to have a better standard of life 在我们今天的社会,教育是非常重要的。在工业化国家,工作是很复杂的,人们要学习很长一段时间,很多时候,他们得有电脑技术培训。 50年前,我们的社会是非常不同的。大多数人有一份工作只需要一个基本的教育。 一般来说,人们谁拥有大学的研究就能获得更好的就业机会和更好的薪水。此外,他们通常可以选择自己喜欢的工作。我认为,教育是重要的,因为它可以帮助人们有一个更好的生活水平。 关于学校教育的英语作文? 展开全部 My View on School EducationSchool eduction has played an important role in people's life When reaching three tears old, the little children will go to kindergarten for a preschool education And then they will take part in the primary school, middle school, high school, college and so on School eduction almost run through people's whole life So it is very important We all know that thereare many knowledgeable teachers in school will teach the students But it's not enough School eduction needs the coordination of family education The British educator, Hosea Ballou once said,”Education mences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character Therefore, we can see that the successful of school education needs the help of family education so that the children can have a perfect education The promissing future is waiting for them学校教育在人们的生活中扮演着很重要的角色。 在小孩三岁的时候,他们就会去幼儿园进行学前教育。 之后他们会去上小学,初中,高中,大学等。 学校教育几乎贯穿人的一生。 所以它是非常重要的。 我们都知道,学校有很多知识渊博的老师来教学生知识。 但这是不够的。 学校教育需要家庭教育的协调。 英国教育家巴卢曾经说过,“教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成”。 因此,我们可以看到,学校教育的成功需要家庭教育的协助,使孩子们拥有一个完善的教育。 光明的未来在等着他们。 关于教育的英语作文 To many people,education is a very important problemIt is known that people who want to make difference(有所作为)almost have education,which can help one improve oneselfIn China,student can learn lessons in all kinds of schools,such as primary school(小学),high school,univisity and so onStudents can learn various of subject,such as Chinese,English,Maths and so onBut I think that the Chinese students are quite tired,expeciall the high studentIn order to enter the univisity,they have to spend their most time on study in schoolThey have enough time to have a good rest in everyday lifeDo yo think that we should do something useful to change this situation 对很多人来说,教育是一个很重要problemit是大家都知道的人,要提出差异(有所作为) ,几乎都受过教育,可以帮助一个提高自身素质在中国,学生可以从中吸取教训,在所有类型的学校,如小学(小学) ,高中,大学等可以学习不同的学科,如中文,英文,数学等但我认为,中国学生是相当疲惫,尤其是高中生为了进入大学,他们要花费他们大多数时间在研究和学习他们有了足够的时间,才能有一个良好的休息,在日常生活中,我们应该做一些有益的事情,要改变这一状况 英语作文!关于教育的300字 1 The present condition of rural education in the western region of China is not optimistic Existing problems include lacking education investment, poor school-running conditions, simplified running pattern and laggard concept of education The countermeasures are: firstly, governments at all level especially the center one should increase input to acplish the "support the poor" project authentically and integrate all sort of social forces; secondly, the government should strengthen the building of teaching team, attach importance to ameliorate the rural teacher's wage, their living conditions and improve their professional abilities; thirdly, we should develop the minority education greatly; fourthly, solving the problem of education of girls should be regarded as a strategic case2 Nowadays people are being increasingly aware of the importance of quality-oriented education As far as I'm concerned, the principal difference beeen exam-oriented education and quality-oriented education is their purpose They aim at improve students' skills whether particular for exams or ready for all kinds of challenges in the future My idea stems generally from o aspects as followsFirst, we students are under the pressure of many examinations, such as college entrance examination This is a fact and everyone should admit it To improve students' score, teachers and parents concentrate on developing their skills for exams In this case, students may gain high marks and get further study However, will they manage to overe challenges and difficulties in the future No one knows the answerSecond, quality-oriented education mainly aims at improving students' skills not only for study but also for many other activities In that case, students may have their own hobbies and abilities so that they can use their intelligence and labor to deal with all kinds of difficulties and challengesIn conclusion, quality-oriented education may make our students excellent people, both good at study and coping other kinds of things Let's attach much importance to it!网上找的~不错~ 关于大学教育和职业教育的英语作文 1 大学毕业生在就业时有许多考虑的因素,如待遇、专业、工作地点…¨2 对该优先考虑的因素持有不同的意见3 我的看法On Job-hunting PrioritiesWhen a graduate hunts for a job, he has to take the priority issue of a few significant factors into consideration, such as the pay, the specific field, and the locationGraduates give priority to different elements Some graduates think the pay should take the first place, since they have been spending the money of the family all the time, and it's time to do something as the reward to other family members Besides, a high pay usually means a relatively high position in the pany Some would their major as the No 1 element, or it would be a big waste of what they have learned in college Meanwhile, the major chosen for college most of the time reflects their interest and preference Still others offer the pride of place to the location of the job They believe big cities like Beijing or Shanghai will provide more opportunities, or a place close to hometown will furnish more convenience beeen the graduate and his family since most families now have one child only As to me ,the ideal is the three elements bined together But when I have to take a choice, l would pick up the best choice close to my family since “ East, west, home is the best”1参加高考的人数有所下降2有人认为职业教育更为重要3你的看法 Vocational education or college education The number of people who take the college entrance examination has been decreasing these years Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more importantln my opinion, college education is more advisable or most people [4lFirst, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects Unlike vocational, which always focuses on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different po-tentials15lSecond, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master's degree, one has to go through college education to a bachelor's degree firstIn a society where any job skill may bee outdate-ed quickly with the appearance of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education prove even more serious Only college education can prepare us for future challenges 关于素质教育的英语文章 Parents, the munity needs to support interaction Many parents reflect, reducing the burden of spare time after the kids more, how reasonable arrangement became a problem Mount Tai, vice president of National School Song new that the current school, family, social convergence is not in place, the children returned to school time, during which time the child should do Family and the munity to provide timely guidance and help The original Palace of young people now many of them do not, the munity youth activities not many places, goes on like this, time will only allow the children returned to the Inter cafes and social Banban more fire Quality education is the trend of the times, the children liberated from the school, family and society must take on the responsibility of education and guidance 急求一篇关于职业教育的英文作文 Choosing an OccupationOne of the most important problems a young person faces is deciding what to do There are some people, of course, who from the time they are six years old “know” that they want to be doctors or pilots or fire fighters, but the majority of us do not get around to making a decision about an occupation or career until somebody or something forces us to face the problemChoosing an occupation takes time, and there are a lot of things you have to think about as you try to decide what you would like to do You may find that you will have to take special courses to qualify for a particular kind of work, or you may find out that you will need to get actual work experience to gain enough knowledge to qualify for a particular Fortunately, there are a lot of people you can turn to for advice and help in making your decision At most schools, there are teachers who are professionally qualified to give you detailed information about job qualifications And you can talk over your ideas with family members and friends who are always ready to listen and to offer suggestions 求一篇关于大学教育的英语作文 60词左右 很急谢谢 Aducation is not an end,but a means to an endIn other words,we do not educate children only for educating themOur purpose is to fit them for lifeIn some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nationBut we can already see that free education for all is not enoughWe find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think is "low"work,andin fact,working with one's hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countriesBut we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a pletely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor~we can live without education,but we die if we have no foodIf no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses,we should get terrible diseases in our towns 可以提供一篇字数在100左右的英语作文么?关于教育方面的 National Day Holidays I went to my cousin's house on the first day of the holidays and got a piece of good news that his wife was pregnant;She said she's worrying about getting fat,but on her face there was a unconcealable pleasure of conceiving a babyMy cousin told me that he'll educate his child in a severe way,with a future father's maturenessI'm happy for them:) Yesterday,our research school's soccer team had a match with the graduate students from the department of international businessIt was almost a close game in the first half,but we seemed lacking of vigor in the second half,so,we lost the game Half of the National Day holidays have passed bylife still goes with good and bad times 展开全部 1 大学毕业生在就业时有许多考虑的因素,如待遇、专业、工作地点…¨2 对该优先考虑的因素持有不同的意见3 我的看法On Job-hunting PrioritiesWhen a graduate hunts for a job, he has to take the priority issue of a few significant factors into consideration, such as the pay, the specific field, and the locationGraduates give priority to different elements Some graduates think the pay should take the first place, since they have been spending the money of the family all the time, and it's time to do something as the reward to other family members Besides, a high pay usually means a relatively high position in the pany Some would their major as the No 1 element, or it would be a big waste of what they have learned in college Meanwhile, the major chosen for college most of the time reflects their interest and preference Still others offer the pride of place to the location of the job They believe big cities like Beijing or Shanghai will provide more opportunities, or a place close to hometown will furnish more convenience beeen the graduate and his family since most families now have one child only As to me ,the ideal is the three elements bined together But when I have to take a choice, l would pick up the best choice close to my family since “ East, west, home is the best”1参加高考的人数有所下降2有人认为职业教育更为重要3你的看法 Vocational education or college education The number of people who take the college entrance examination has been decreasing these years Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more importantln my opinion, college education is more advisable or most people [4lFirst, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects Unlike vocational, which always focuses on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different po-tentials15lSecond, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master's degree, one has to go through college education to a bachelor's degree firstIn a society where any job skill may bee outdate-ed quickly with the appearance of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education prove even more serious Only college education can prepare us for future challenges 转载请注明出处 » 以“教育”为话题的英语作文初二英语作文《向mike推荐英语培训班》Dear,How are you nowToday,I am surprised and pleasure at seeing newspaper report that about your weddingFirstly,I apologize for my absenceI was very busy lately that I have no time for your weddingAnd then,my best wishes for youLast time you wrote me that you and your wife will moved to my neighbourI'm very glad to hear the newsWe have not seen for yearsI miss you sorelyWhen you came back,we can do what we have done year's agoI deeply hope that we will live like before just as we were never been apartI really love the feeling with youI'll be waiting for you and your wifeWe'll get on very pleasantI miss you very muchI'm looking forward to see youYours sincerely,学校规则英语作文Dear Mike!How are you those day I am intersting in English,but my English is not good,so I felt upsetBut two monthes ago,I took part in an English course,the environment there is very good,the teachers there are so kind and kind-heartedWith the help of them,my English became more and more good I am very happyi think you can take part in it Best wish to you! Yours XXX      学校规则英语作文(精选16篇)      在学习、工作、生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。还是对作文一筹莫展吗下面是小编精心整理的学校规则英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 学校规则英语作文 篇1      Our school have a new School Law,teacher said that everyone in our school must fallow it or we'll be educat!      The Law can't say anyhing during the class,expect the teacher askyou some question!       can't eat anything in the classroom,in order to keep the classroom clean!       can't run and fight witheach other in the teaching bulding!       can't speak to lould in the reading room!      In my opinion,i think school should do this,if we don't do like this,it's bad for school and us,and if we do like this,may be our school will better and better!So i agree it,athough someone think that it's so seorious! 学校规则英语作文 篇2      Every school has its own rules for students We are told to wear schooluniforms at school We should listen to our teachers carefully in must be done carefully and handed in on time We ought to keepquiet in the library Getting along well with our classmates is we must always be on time for think it's important for students to follow the school rules But we don'tlike to wear school uniforms all the time Each of us is not the same and welike to be different from each 学校规则英语作文 篇3      Like every country has laws Our school also has school rules Students must get to school on time They should wear school uniforms on weekdays They shouldn't bring some things to school, such as, dangerous knives, cell phones and so on They should respect each other and they shouldn't fight If they go to school by bikes, their bikes should have brakes and 学校规则英语作文 篇4      Although some people believe that students should stay in their own classrooms during break times,I would like to argue that we should be allowed to spend break times in another class。      The most important reason for believing that is that many students have friends in other spend all day in our own classroom,and break times are the only time we have to spend with other can become very tedious(令人厌倦的)to have to spend even more time with the same further reason for allowing student to choose where they spend their break times is that it would stop students are forced to spend time with classmates who are not good friends,they can annoy each leads to problems that have to be sorted out by argue that we all should stay in our own classes,because it is then easier to know what is going say that it is difficult to keep track of students when they are walking round the could be given the chance to choose a different classroom to spend the whole break time would mean that there would not be any students in the I have explained,although it might be a little easier to manage when everyone stays in their own classroom,it would make break times happier for all students if they were allowed to choose where they spent their 学校规则英语作文 篇5      There are many rules in our our school we have to wear uniforms every day The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly I think young people should look smart, so I'd like to wear my own clothes If we have to wear uniforms, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students we have different views on the rules, I think everyone should obey the school 学校规则英语作文 篇6      We have a lot of school rules at our school And we aren’t allowed to break the think some of the rules are examplestudents must listen carefully in class and finish homework we aren’t allowed to make noise in should be always very quiet We have to be friendly to classmates It’s helpful to get along with for uniformstudent have different suggestions Some students agree that we have to wear school uniform on week say:Iy can make us more concentrate on our studies than our the rest their opinionsclothes can’t get in the way of they should be all owed to wear their own I think these opinions are both should concentrate on studies instead of don't be too serious about is less of problem to wear beautiful clothes than to study 学校规则英语作文 篇7      Are you allowed to get the ears pierced at your school Are you allowed to bring mobile phones to school       There are many strict rules in my example,we are not allowed to run in the we are not allowed to come late to are allowed to get the ears pierced and bring mobile phones to school,too But we can play basketball and bring drinks to can be allowed to run and do other exercises at we can be allowed to bring dictionaries to school, my school rules are strict,we must obey the school rules all the time! 学校规则英语作文 篇8      My School RulesIn our school, we have many rules We shouldn’t be late for school We have to wear school uniforms to school every day We can’t run or shout in the hallways We can’t eat in class We should listen to the teachers carefully in class We aren’t allowed to smoke in think our school rules are too strict We should be allowed to choose our own clothes That will make us more comfortable We shouldn’t have too much homework to do every 参考译文      在我们学校,有很多校规:上学不能迟到;每天都要穿校服;不能在走廊内大声喧哗或追逐跑闹;不能在课堂上吃东西;上课要认真听讲;不准在校内抽烟。      我觉得我们的校规太严格了。穿什么衣服应该让我们自由选择,这样会让我们更加舒适和放松的。而且我们每天的作业实在太多了。 学校规则英语作文 篇9      There are lots of rules in my example we must clean our classroom every morning I think it’s very necessary for us to keep it clean And it’s good for our health We have to wear school uniform every day I think the uniforms are ugly In my opinion we should be allowed to choose our own clothes We can’t talk in the far as I am concerned keeping quiet is good for 参考译文      在我的学校有很多规则。      例如我们必须每天早晨打扫我们的教室。我认为这对我们来说是非常必要的保持干净。它对我们的健康有好处。我们必须每天穿校服。我认为校服很难看。在我看来我们应该被允许选择自己的衣服。我们不能在教室里说话。      就我而言保持安静对学习有好处。 学校规则英语作文 篇10      As the saying goes “No rules no” If people don’t obey the rules, our society will be a mess So does our school If the school doesn't have rules to limit students’ behavior, the whole school will be in chaos Although some school rules seem strict to the students and without necessary, it makes a lot of contribution to manage the school Thus, no matter what we treats the school rules, we should obey 俗话说“无规不成方圆”。如果人们不遵守规则,我们的社会将是一片混乱。我们学校也是一样。如果学校没有制定规矩来限制学生的行为,整个学校将会陷入混乱。虽然学校的一些规则对学生来说很严格而且看起来似乎是没有必要的,但它对管理整个学校做出了很大贡献。因此,不管我们怎么看待校规,我们都应该遵守它。 学校规则英语作文 篇11      There are many rules in our Monday to Friday,we have to get to school before 7:00 in the morning We must wear school uniforms,and I think it is good for us because uniforms can make us look smart We must listen to our teachers carefully in class and finish our homework after school We are not allowed to use mobile phones in class I think the rules are very strict but useful,and we should follow them However,we have so much homework that we have little free time to do what we love to my opinion,we should have more free time to take part in all kinds of activities and improve our 学校规则英语作文 篇12      every school has its own rules for students every student’s must wear school uniform at school we must listen to teacher and not eat snacks and drink any thing in work must be written neatly and handed in time in library, we shouldn’t take loudly, eat snakes and drink anything we must get on well with classmates as hard as school is a mess so we should obey the school 学校规则英语作文 篇13      Our school has school rules, and our class also has class rules We can't have breakfast in the classroom Our teacher says we will make our books become dirty if we eat in classroom Then it becomes the class rules in my class If anyone breaks this rule, he will be punished So no one in my class dare to have breakfast in the 参考译文      我们学校有校规,我们班也有班级规定。我们不能在教室吃早饭。老师说如果我们在教室里吃饭,我们会弄脏书本的。然后,它成为类规则在我的类。如果有人违反了这项规定,他将受到惩罚。所以我们班没人敢在教室里吃早饭。 学校规则英语作文 篇14      My school has so many rules First the students should be allowed to wear uniform Sensed boys should not be allowed to have long hair and Long fingernails Third the students should not be allowed to smoking Fifth the students should not be allowed to flight in school Sixth the students should not be allowed to get into school with other school’s students Seventh the students should not be allowed to drinking in everywhere Eighth the students should be allowed speak Putonghua in 学校规则英语作文 篇15


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