
1、一般来讲高考英语听力30分满,不同的地区分数和题型略有不同。考生经常是听完了全部对话还没有选出答案,其实只要掌握了方法,听力也没那么难。2、高考英语听力分两节,第一节,5小题,每题只读一遍。每小题15分。第二节,有5小段材料,共15小题,每段读两遍。每小题15分。高考英语听力是不是需要写答案啊?高考英语听力训练材料,见听力课堂高考英语听力专题,该高考英语听力训练材料可在线播放,在线同时做听力并检查自己学习的效果,现将每个听力训练材料的链接附后,打开链接就可在线进行听力训练1高考英语听力练习材料 01/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246065-1html2高考英语听力练习材料 02/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246066-1html3高考英语听力练习材料 03/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246286-1html4高考英语听力练习材料 04/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246287-1html5高考英语听力练习材料 05/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246288-1html6高考英语听力练习材料 06/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246290-1html7高考英语听力练习材料 07/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246292-1html8高考英语听力练习材料 08/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246294-1html9高考英语听力练习材料 09/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246295-1html10高考英语听力练习材料 10/wwwtingclassnet/show-8578-246298-1html高考英语听力应该注意些什么高考英语听力是需要写的。高考时英语听力部分的答题卡是需要涂写的,如果不涂写听力部分答题卡,则高考英语听力部分的分数为0分。选择题答案须用2B铅笔填涂,非选择题须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答。答题时,考生要在答题卡对应题号的区域内答题,写在草稿纸上或非题号对应的答题区域内的答案一律无效。高考英语听力是先考的,有两次机会,满分30分,计算进英语总分。2020年将有4个省市推行高考新制度,分别是北京、天津、山东以及海南,2020年北京在推行新高考英语中,英语听力分值总分30分,采用的是笔试和听力考试分离,取英语听力最高成绩以及笔试成绩,一同组成英语科目成绩并计入高考总分。天津:2020年以及以后的高考生,拥有两次英语听力考试的机会,考试时间和普通高中学业水平等级性考试同期进行,第2次高考英语考试(笔试)则是在6月份统一高考时进行。山东:从2017年秋季高中入学的新生算起,考生以语数英三大科为主科,各科满分为150分,文理不分科,考生有两次外语科目的考试机会。海南:海南将从2017年秋季入学的高中一年级学生开始推行新高考制度,外语科目有两次考试机会,取最高的一次成绩计入高考总成绩。北京:2021年起北京地区的高考英语科目将增加口语考试部分,口语分数满分20分和听力考试总分加起来50分,英语科目满分则是150分维持不变。江苏高考英语听力是全国卷吗?是全国卷几?1、听力前,早上起来放点英语听听,八点五十五分发试卷,此时你有5分钟的时间浏览试题。九点开始正式播放录音。全部试题可以浏览两遍,划出关键词,第一节开始前再看一遍。捕捉题干选项所提供的信息,预测短文或对话可能涉及到的内容。2、播放录音中,克服犹豫不决的毛病,准备听新的题目时不回顾上一段对话的内容。 整体理解短文或对话内容,不停留在个别单词或单句上。3、听力结束后,没有百分之百的把握,不要轻易改动第一次做好的答案,认真涂答题卡。江苏高考英语听力是全国卷吗?是全国卷几江苏高考的英语听力部分是全国统一试卷,具体为全国卷的第Ⅰ卷。与其他科目不同,江苏省在英语听力之外,所有科目的试卷都是由江苏省自主命题。高考试卷分为四大类:全国卷1、全国卷2、全国卷3,以及北京、天津、上海、浙江和江苏的自主命题试卷。考试采取“3+1+2”的模式,即包括语文、数学、外语的全国统考科目,以及在物理和历史两门科目中选择一门的“1”,以及在思想政治、地理、化学、生物四门科目中选择两门的“2”。针对听力部分,考生需要注意一些技巧:首先,数字型题目中听到的第一个数字往往不是答案,需仔细听后计算得出正确答案;其次,对话中第二个人重复第一人的话时,可能是反对或强调,要理解语境;最后,运用常识推理,有些选项可能无需完全依赖听力内容,考生可凭借已知知识排除错误选项。以上信息来源于关于江苏高考的详细介绍。08江苏高考英语听力江苏高考英语听力是全国卷,是全国Ⅰ卷,具体分析如下:高考部分省市区自主命题的发展历程为:1、北京市:所有科目全部自主命题;2、天津市:所有科目全部自主命题;3、上海市:所有科目全部自主命题;4、山东省:自主命题(语文、数学)、新课标乙卷(2016年综合、英语),2018年开始使用全国Ⅰ卷;5、广东省:英语听说考试由广东省自主命题(其余部分和其他科目均采用新课标Ⅰ卷);2016年起全部使用全国I卷;6、江苏省:所有科目全部自主命题,英语听力使用全国Ⅰ卷。可以看出,江苏省是所有科目全部自主命题,其中江苏省的高考英语听力是全国Ⅰ卷。扩展资料:江苏省的高考试题经过多次改革,自主命题的同时使用了全国Ⅰ卷的英语听力;听力理解从开始播放题头音乐到正式开始做题之前,大约有2分钟的时间。因此,考生要充分利用这段时间去阅读试卷上各题的选择项,尽量争取在这2分钟内多看几道题;正式开始做题之后,要严格控制答题时间,根据自己听懂的内容,尽快确定并标出答案。倘若遇到难题,应当机立断,不要在该题上花太多的时间。尽量余下几秒再次浏览下一题的选择项。通过再次浏览,考生基本上可以预测出所提问题的大致方向,从而可使自己在听力测试中处于主动地位。-高考试题全国卷2008年江苏省高考英语听力材料录音稿(Text 1) M: I think it’s going to rainW: I guess so The skies are dark and cloudy(Text 2) M: Lucy is going back to China next month, AliceW: Oh, reallyM: And she will not meet Richer this time(Text 3) W: I hate to say it But Jacky isn’t doing well in the filmM: Well I think he’s only playing a different type of role My sister thinks he is still the best(Text 4) M: Professor Miners, could I talk to you about my paperW: Sure Come to my office between two to three It’s Room 340(Text 5) W: OK Time to go homeM: I can’t I haven’t finished the report about the newly opened restaurantW: Well If you carry on working like that, you’ll make yourself ill(Text 6)M: I haven’t seen you for a long time Where have you beenW: I went to New York to visit my sister and stayed there for two months Actually, I really went to meet my new nephewM: That’s great! How old is heW: Well He was five months old when I got there And he could possibly be the most beautiful baby I have ever seenM: What did you do in your sister’s home W: I helped the baby and played with him a lot, which was nice But what I enjoyed most was feeding him(Text 7)M: Air pollution is so bad in this city I think the government should stop people from driving cars on certain days W: You have a point Air pollution is a problem But not letting people drive on certain days is a bad idea People have to go to work by carM: I’m afraid I don’t agree with you there Reducing air pollution is really important People are so used to driving that they don’t think about ways to do things If we stop them from driving on certain days, maybe they could think of new ways to get aroundW: I see your point But I still think it wouldn’t be possible to stop people from driving (Text 8)M: Let’s go and have lunch togetherW: OK!M: By the way, I’m thinking of going to New Zealand around Christmas for three weeks It’s such a beautiful country I’ve never been there beforeW: Have you booked the flightM: Not yet I’m planning to book my flight in two weeks’ timeW: Book your flight right nowM: WhyW: Because the longer you leave it, the more expensive it will be As a matter of fact, the prices may double at Christmas time New Zealanders usually go home for ChristmasM: Then I’m going to book my flight tomorrow morning(Text 9)M: Hello!W: Hello, Mike! This is JaneM: Oh Hello, Jane!W: Listen, Mike! I’ve got a real problemM: What is it?W: The car’s broken downM: Oh, not againW: Yeah I checked the oil and I checked almost everything It’s just not starting at allM: You have to get rid of it, you knowW:I know ,Iknow But look, the thing is, I’ve got to pick Tom up at the airport Can I……M: Use my car Yes, of courseW: That’ll be great! It’s very kind of youM: Come on when you like I don’t need it till tonightW: OK! I’ll be around in about an hour Thanks a lot!M: It’s all right See you then!W: See you!(Text 10)W: OK! When we met last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories and somewell-known short story writers I remember that many of you said you liked the American writer Earnest Hemingway, right I hope you all followed my advice and finished reading his story “ A day’s wait”, because as I said, we’re going to study it together in today’s lesson Now since you’re supposed to have read this story, let’s have some discussion Please look at the four questions on the blackboard First, when and where does the story take place Second, what does the boy read for in the story and what kind of person does he show himself to be Third, what kind of person is the boy’s father Four, what is the writer’s main purpose of writing the story I’d like you to work in groups of four or five and present your answers in ten minutes Is everything clear


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