
面 试 一、注意仪表: 以朴素、大方、休闲为主,体现出学生气质。 二、注意礼貌: 要记住进门前先敲门,进门后打招呼:您好,请多关照(用日语)。被示意请坐后再坐,并说谢谢(用日语)。离开时说:谢谢,拜托了,再见(用日...
面 试 一、注意仪表: 以朴素、大方、休闲为主,体现出学生气质。 二、注意礼貌: 要记住进门前先敲门,进门后打招呼:您好,请多关照(用日语)。被示意请坐后再坐,并说谢谢(用日语)。离开时说:谢谢,拜托了,再见(用日语)。走路和开关门要轻。 三、面试谈话中心思想: 主要是询问学生的赴日动机、目的;为何会选择日本、本城市、本学校。询问家长的经济实力、在职单位、职务、年收入等。对孩子出国留学的看法。 (对于家庭收入要回答为父母年收入为12万人民币左右。求学意向一定要诚恳通常会问三类问题,如为什么去日本?一般学生都会回答喜欢日语、日本文化,甚至是日本动漫;还有问到能否习惯1年多的单纯日语学习过程,会不会感到枯燥繁复?这时学生要据实回答,也需要结合些语言技巧,可以说多和当地居民或寄宿家庭交流,参加当地活动来提高语言能力等;老师也有可能问到学生其在高中时期的学习状态,日方学校不认同那些经常考前零时抱佛脚的学生,相反很喜欢平时扎实努力学习的学生。) 四、经常用日语提的问题: (语言学校面试,内容很简单,只要学过一点日语就足以应付。) 1、问:お名前は何ですか。(你叫什么名字。) 答:私は……です。 2、问:今年おいくつですか。今年何歳ですか。(一般两种问法,今年几岁了。) 答:わたしは……歳です。 3、问:日本语をどのぐらい勉强しましたか。日本语を何年目勉强しましたか。 (学过多长时间的日语,一般两种问法。) 答:……ヶ月勉强しました。 4、问:いつ卒业しましたか。(什么时候毕业的。) 答:私は……月卒业しました。 5、问:日本に行って目的は何ですか。(去日本有什么目的。) 日本に行って何を勉强しますか。(也或者问去日本学什么。) 答:私は……学を勉强します。 6、问:専攻は何ですか。(专业是什么。) 答:电気工学。(例如电气工学。) 其它:也会问出生日期,在哪个学校毕业的,在哪个学校学的日语等等之类。如果你对数字不敏感或对学校的名字不会说,可要练练才行。 用日语问的问题一般就几个,目的只是想了解一下你是否真的学过日语,所以日语的问题不会多也不会太难,剩下的老师会用中文与你交流,注意可不要说错话,内容要与你所填表格一致。 后记:以上是一点经验与看法,供大家参考,学校与学校之间可能不完全一致,不妥之处,敬请指正。谢谢大家的支持,祝大家都成功! 学校还可能有笔试 笔试目的是考察学生的基本学习能力,一般都非常简单。对于高中毕业生一般笔试内容为初中英语和数学,对于本科毕业学生一般是高中英语和数学。笔试的内容不会很难,学生没有必要过于担心。  出国留学面试,一般都会问什么问题?基本信息: 1What’s your name/English nameHow old are you  2Where are you fromWhere is your hometown 3Could you talk about your family 4Have you ever gone baroadDO you have any relatives in the Netherlands 5What do you do in your spare timeWhat are your hobbies 6What’s your best / worst quality留学动机:1What is your purpose of study abroadWhat do you want to get from overseas study 2Why do you want to study in the NetherlandsWhy do you wangt go to the Netherlands for further studyWhy not stay in China for further study 3What will you study in the Netherlangd/What do you want to study in the Netherlands 4Why do you choose this major for study 5How long will you study in the Netherlands 6How do you know this university 7Why do you choose this universityHow much do you know about the university学历背景:1What is your academic background 2What is your favorite/most difficult subject 3What kind of activities do you like best after your class毕业打算:1What will you do after graduationWhyWhat kind of jobs will you find in the future And why 2What is your ultimate academic goalAnd why 3Do you plan to seek employment in the Netherlands after you have completed your studies财力证明:1How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the Netherlands 2How do you support yourself during studies in the Netherlands工作经历:1Are you a worker or a student now 2What have you done after you graduated from University/High School  其他细节:1How many institutiones have you applied,and which onesDid any other university admit you 2Is xxxxxxx the first university to give you the offer 3When did you join the IELTS testWhat score did you get in IELTS test 4How long have you prepared your interview 5When are you going to enter into the Netherlands提问环节:1What’s your first impression of China /Shanghai 2How do you like China/Shanghai 3Could you give me some abvice if I can enter into your university/Hogeschool 4Are there any scholarships for Chinese student in your university If yes ,how can I apply for it  5What difficulties will I possibly meet in the Netherlands,how should I deal with them 6What is the weather like in the Netherlands Could you please tell me something about the countryside in the Netherlands  topic 1、Olympic Gamea、when did the modern Olympic game startWhere1896/Greece b、What did you do for the Beijing 2008 Olympic game c、What are your favorite sports/stars/Did you try to apply for volunteer d、What do you expect to get from the Beijing Olympic game Key words: Paralympics Game=paralysis+Olympic 残奥会, holy flame, Torch relay,torchbearer,athlete, gold/champion,silver/runner-up,bronze,deputation,the 29th Olympic game,Opening/closing Ceremony,International Olympic Committee2、Earth Quakea、where and when did happen the Wenchuan earth-quake b、how did you get the earth-quake's news firstlytell me more details about the disaster c、what was the most impresssion for you During rescue and relief work d、what did you do for the disaster area Key words:the 80-magnitude earthquake,aftershock,debris/ruin,donate,barrier lake,mourn,condolence 哀悼,funds and material,the Red Cross,medical team,People's Liberation Army soldier,armed police,fire-fighter,rescuer,the injured,the missing 失踪者3、Studya、what is your school/college/universitywhereHow b、Is there anything you don't like about your studies or like most c、Did you get any scholarship during your study d、what is your majorwhy choose itHow do you like it Key words:senior high school,junior college(2年制大专),college,university,certificate,diploma,bachelor,undergraduate,master,postgraduate,doctor,postdoctoral,competition4、Hobbya、what kind of hobbies do you have b、what is your favorite hobbywhy do you like it so much c、Do you like to be with a group of people or alone if you're freewhy d、What is the most popular xxx in your country/town/school Key words: reading,sports,watching TV,movie,music,singing,dancing,sleeping,computer,travelling,shopping,skating 溜冰,skiing 滑雪,cooking,talking joke,drawing,photography5、Hometowna、Where is your hometownPlease taik about your hometown b、What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown c、What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why d、What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown Key words: garden(the Humble Administrator's Garden),Water Town,Shantung Street,Han Shan Temple,Tiger Hill,Ping Tan,Kun Qu,Suzhou Embroidery,world cultural heritage6、familya、How many people are in your family What do they do for a living b、Do you prefer big families or small familiesWhy Key words: occupation,civil servant,manager,director,factory,director成长,artist,host, journalist/reporter,charge nurse护士长,physician医师,dentist,self-employed businessman  7、Languagea、How long have you been studying English b、What do you think is the best way to study English c、What is most rewarding about learning a foreign language e、if you study in the Netherlands,will you be learning other foreign languages except English Key words:oral English ,Dutch,Spanish,French,German,IELTS,TOEFL  8、Future plana Which university are you going to study at what are you going to major in b Are there any special places you want to see in the Netherlands c What kind of things do you want to do in the Netherlands d What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between china and the Netherlands Key words:Amsterdam ,Rotterdam,The Hague,museum,beach,the hague International Courtroom,Keukenhof,Football league matches,Go Dutch,Greeting9、Worka Could you tell me something about you job or part-time job(WhereWhenHow longHow do you get it)/Tell me about a typical day at work b What do you like most about your jobWhat don’t you like about your job c What kinds of things do you like to do when ou are not working Key words: waiter,waitress,assistant, teacher,white collar,family education,salesman,volunteer,adviser,type,copy,fax,clean,guide导游,lifeguard救生员,salesman。  10、Weathera What is the weather like in Suzhou b What is your favorite type of weather in Suzhou C How would you compare the climate in your hometown and the Netherlands  d What are the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in Suzhou Key words: semi-tropical,sea climate,degree,cloudy,rainy,sunny,windy,snowy,stormy, typhoon,cold,cool,temperature,observatory气象台,weather forecast11、Fooda What is the main food in china/Suzhou What is your favorite food b What kinds of food and dishes do usually you get everyday c Can you cook any dishesHow did you learn it  d Did you go on diet beforeIf yes,are there any good ways Key words:cold/hot dishes,vegetables,seafood,rice,noodle,pasta粉,dumpling,wonton,conjee粥,soup,snacks小吃,快餐,sandwich,dessert甜点,lamb羊肉,beefsteak,buffet dinner,salty,lite、insipid,sour酸的,pizza,ablone鲍鱼,shark’fins鱼翅,bird’s nest soup 燕窝。  12、Festivala Tell me about the biggest traditional in your country b What do you do during that time c Is there any special festival in Suzhou Please talk about it Key words: lunar calendar 阴历,solar calendar 阳历,Spring Festival,New Year,Festival of Lanterns,National Day,,May Day,Teacher’s Day,Children’s Day, Tomb-sweeping Day,Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival,Christmas Day,Queen’s Brithday,Thanksgiving Day,Easter Day,Valentine’s Day,Midwinter,Rolling god/Temple Fair, Couplet 对联,Lantern,Firecracker 鞭炮,Reunion   dinner 团圆饭  13、Transportationa Which type of transportation do you usually use in your hometown b Which type of transportation do you prefer for traveling around c Can you ride bicycle When did you make it d What is the traffic situation like in your hometownCould you talk about the traffic problems e In your mind,are there any good suggests for improving them Key words: bike, bus, taxi ,subway/underground,private car,train,plane,boat,oil tanker,airship,rickshaw黄包车,tricycle,truck/lorry,van,traffic police,traffic light,traffic accident,freeway/speedway,national highway,highway,rail  14、Accommodationa Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in  b What are the advantages and disadvantages of the kind of housing you live in c As far as I know, the house price has been increased all the time in many cities of china; can you give me some reasons d What sort of accommodation would you most like to live when you get to the Netherlands Key words:rural乡下的,urban,home stay,rental house,landlord房东,apartment公寓,inn旅馆,客栈,dormitory,camping野营,villa别墅,tent,temporary facility house 临时简易房  15、Buildinga Which buildings do you prefer to look at Modern or traditional b Could you describe the traditional architecture of your hometown c Does your hometown have a lot of modern buildings Key words:Bird’s nest/the Olympic Water Pack 奥林匹克水上公园,Tian’an Men square,Great Wall, Suzhou modern museum一些基本的问题有:Whatarethespecificreasonsthatyouhavechosentopursueadvancedstudyinthisfield您选择在这个领域进修有什么特殊的理由最好的答案包括申请人过去种种经历对于这个选择的影响。Givemoredetailsaboutparticularitemsintheapplicant'sresumeorapplicationmaterialsGivedetailsaboutselectionbasisorcriteriaforanyscholarshipsand/orawardsthatyouhavereceivedExplaininfurtherdetailaboutextracurricularactivitiesorprofessionalaccomplishments要求申请人对于履历表或申请书中特定的信息给予较多的细节。就您曾经获得的各项奖学金或得奖事迹,提供其甄选基准等细节。详述申请人曾参与的课外活动或专业成就留学中介(如果上述任何问题能吸引学校评审委员的注意,他们即会要求您针对这些专案提供更多的信息。)ArethereanypersonalcircumstancesweshouldknowaboutthatyoufeelstrengthenyourapplicationArethereanycircumstancesthatyoufeelmighthinderorweakenyourapplication我们还需要知道哪些会让你更出色的个人事迹您觉得有哪些个人因素会对自己的申请书有负面的影响(这些因素可能包括特殊文化、种族、个人经历、或专业背景等。)Whatareyourreasonsforapplyingtothisschoolinparticular申请这所学校有什么特殊的原因Howisthisacademicexperiencedirectlyrelatedtoyourfuturepersonalandprofessionalobjectives进修与您未来的个人和专业目标有什么直接的关联Whatothereducationalinstitutionshaveyouappliedto,orareyouinterestedin,andwhy您还申请哪些教育院校出国留学或还对哪些学校感兴趣请说明原因。WhatarethemostsubstantialaccomplishmentsfromyourbackgroundWhydoyouconsiderthesetobemostsignificant您个人背景当中最重要的成就为什么认为这些成就意义最重大WhatqualitiesinyourcharacterdoyouconsidertobeyourgreateststrengthsCanyougiveexamplesofhowyouhavebenefitedfromthesestrengthsinyourwork您认为本身性格最大的优点是什么请举例说明这些优点对你的工作有什么帮助。WhatareyourweaknessesHowhaveyouaddressedtheseweaknesses你的缺点是什么您如何克服这些缺点Canyoutellusofafailureexperience,andhowandwhatyoulearnedfromthisexperience请举出失败的经历,说明自己从中学到的教训WhatsortofteamworkexperienceshaveyouhadinthepastWhatsortofroledoyoumostoftenassumeinateamworksituation您过去有什么团队工作的经历在团队工作时,你最常扮演什么样的角色Canyoutellusofanincidentinyourpastinwhichyoustoodupagainstthemajority请举例说明自己过去择善固执,独排众议的经历Giveyourthoughtsoncurrentinternationalornationalevents对于当今国际或国家事件的观点。(这些事件包括某区域的经济、政治或社会状况。)WhatquestionsdoyouhaveforusCanweansweranyofyourconcernsabouttheschoolortheprogram您对于本校有什么疑问我们能为您解答哪些关于学校或科系的问题


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