在读证明:Student certificateXXX,女,汉族,X省X市人,身份证号码为:X。学号为:XXXXX。2006年9月至2010年3月在我院就读。该生将于2010年6月毕业。 特此证明 XXX学院办公室:Certificate...
在读证明:Student certificateXXX,女,汉族,X省X市人,身份证号码为:X。学号为:XXXXX。2006年9月至2010年3月在我院就读。该生将于2010年6月毕业。 特此证明 XXX学院办公室:Certificate This is to certify that XXX, female, the Han nationality, XX city, XX province, ID No: XXXXXX, Student N0: XXXXXXXX, was studying at the institute from September 2006 to March 2010, and he/she will graduate in June 2010 XXX Institute Office扩展资料在读证明模版(中英文对照):证明兹证明张三(学号123456)与2002年被录取于XXXX大学XXX系XX专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间2006年7月,大学在读证明。特此证明。XXX大学XXX系XX年XX月XX日(该处加盖公章)翻译CertificateIt is to certify that LI Si, student No123456, has been studying in the Department of XXXX in XXXX University, China since 2002 His major is XXXX Now he is a senior of the Department of XXXX, The time of graduating will be July, 2006 We hereby certifyDept of XXXXXXX University(date)(该处加盖公章)急需精确翻译在读证明英文版!!!!鄙视楼上机翻的,证明信那么重要的东西就不要拿来开玩笑了!要分我给你国外标准的证明信很重视格式的,开头应该是To whom it may concern,This is to certify that MrXXX/Miss XXX was matriculated by the fashion college of XXX university in 2002,majoring in Fashion design and trading He/She is studying as a senior student of XXXX department in XXXX University now, and will graduate in July 2008Fashion College of XXX University2007-1126Students , female, student number 00000000, passport No G0000000, which was born in September 2007 in the grade school to study nursing profession, school system three years, the student has completed two years of study, access to secondary school after graduation certificate Students in school during the performance, excellent results (with the study results), schools in the United Kingdom to support the students learning the two-year HND health and social care courses Hereby certify that Principal: School stamp: Contact Tel: 0000000 Date: July 20, 2009