市场营销吧,如果你创业的话读这个比较好,这个更契合你将来创业,不管什么类型的创业的话都需要市场的,很多行业的关键就是市场。金融专业了,会计专业了,这个固定性太强,专业性太强。这样你可能离创业还差点。Q聊,我是美国毕业的,应该可以帮到你我是高中在读,大学去美读商科,想了解商科的定义与概念,包括的专业,为何过半中国留学生选择学习商科? 新西兰位于大西洋,地理条件优越,气候非常舒适,每年都吸引着大量来自世界各地的留学生。新西兰大学专业众多,那么商科专业怎么样呢的我在这里为大家整理了新西兰留学商科专业详细介绍,欢迎阅读。 一、新西兰NZDB NewZealandDiplomainBusiness(NZDB)是一个新西兰全国性承认的统一性商科文凭,目前在新西兰有不同学校开设NADB课程,有大学、理工学院及私立学院,但作为一个统一化的文凭,各校教授的科目、内容一致。 学生毕业得到的成绩结构,文凭完全一致,因此在就业、升学等各方面所得到的待遇标准相同。唯一衡量的标准在于毕业生本身的成绩高低。 1)NZDB推荐学校:新西兰奥克兰理工大学、新西兰梅西大学、新西兰基督城理工学院、新西兰尼尔森理工学院、新西兰unitec理工学院 2)对应群体:完成高中课程,英语一般,留学资金不足,并想尽快工作移民的学生 3)课程介绍 学制:1-2年(建议选择两年课程,毕业后可以获得一年工签) 入学要求:雅思45–6分(预科);本科:雅思6 二、新西兰商科学士和硕士课程 新西兰商科一般分为三大类课程,Business、Management和commerce,课程涉及领域广泛,围绕金融,财会,人力资源,国际贸易,经济学等领域。课程的时间一般为3-4年,并提供双学位课程。 新西兰商科学士的课程一般都是教授专业基础课程,而硕士课程是根据不同专业的基础课程而开辟的领域进行细分,最后上升到哲学博士为最终的发展方向。 1)本科课程 推荐学校 :新西兰梅西大学、新西兰怀卡托大学、新西兰奥克兰理工大学、新西兰unitec理工学院。 课程信息 对应专业:财会、经济、电子商务、金融、人力资源、国际管理、传媒管理、公共关系、市场管理、策略管理、物流管理、旅游管理 入学要求:雅思6分 2)硕士课程 选择学校:新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学、新西兰奥克兰理工大学、新西兰坎特伯雷大学、新西兰梅西大学、新西兰怀卡托大学、新西兰奥塔哥大学、新西兰unitec理工学院 入学要求:雅思65分,部分大学需工作 商科留学的动机信怎么写?首先对比主流的几个专业:商科,理科,工科。商科(Bussiness),顾名思义,商业运作,市场分析,企业收支均衡的统计与调节。商科包括的专业非常多,不同的大学会有细节上的不同。比较主流的是accouting(会计)和finace(金融)。另外还有市场调查,精算,企业管理等,但是都不主流。拿到商科学位的人可以做会计师,精算师,金融分析师,证券分析师等职业。商科非常不好找工作,但是工资的增长潜力非常大。理科(Science),即科学,分为自然科学(数理化生等),社会(人文)科学(心理学等)。理科的毕业生多是研究学者,实验室助理或者教师。当然应用数学专业下,职业前景非常广泛。理科学生应当非常刻苦,有严谨的态度和足够的耐心。工科(Engineering)。很多人以为工科是理科的实际应用,大错特错。工科几乎是一个全能专业,但是难度也是最大的。努力、天赋、创意缺一不可。工科兼顾设计类(土木建筑机械)和管理类(工业管理,企业效率改进)等。同时工科是最好找工作,工资水平最高的专业。另外有一个现实就是,工科本科毕业生申请研究生时可以选择任何专业,商科本科毕业生申请研究生时几乎只能申请商科。商科前景:不得不说,前景很差。因为商科人才完全处于饱和,如果你到美国学习商科,那你基本是没有希望留在美国的。我学校的商科是全美前20,去年中国留学生只有不到五个留下了,而且这几个人里面要么是香港人(香港人英语很强,因为有英国的影响,文化融入也快),要么是ABC,要么是五六岁全家搬到美国的。但是,一旦找到工作,商科的潜力是无穷的。拿工科对比,工科毕业生非常好找工作,起薪也相当高(平均统计一年6万美刀左右),但是职业巅峰时期的增长幅度不算很大(平均统计一年16万美刀左右)。而商科毕业生,虽然不好找工作,虽然起薪不高(平均统计一年4万5美刀左右),但是职业巅峰期可能会出现年收入过百万美刀的情况。因此,从前景考虑,选择商科类似于赌博。为何过半中国留学生选择商科?也许有些人回答这个问题会说的很好听很中庸,但是这里我要告诉你一些大实话。我认识很多商科的人,他们中绝大多数选择商科并非喜欢商科,而是理科基础太差,无法学工科。过半中国留学生选择商科,根本原因是大多数人不擅长或是不喜欢偏理的科目或是不适应工科的难度。因此千万不要跟风,看大多数人选择商科就跟着选。商科只有万里挑一的人才能表现突出,同时毕业难度不算大,甚至可以说难度非常小。我个人的建议是:除非你特别喜欢商科,特别想做商科的相关职业,否则不要选商科。下面是一个比较典型的申请信:Dear isa Officer, My name is Deng Peng I graduated from No 1 Middle School of Changsha, Hunan Province in July 2002 I had two alternatives to choose before high school graduation last: either to take part in the national collegiate examination in order to receive college education in China, or to select a school of a developed country for further schooling My family had very careful discussion on selection of these two alternatives At the end of thorough considerations, the whole family decided that I should go abroad for advanced education Owning a number of large and medium scale coal mines, my father is a famous private entrepreneur in Changsha As his company keeps on growing and the business becomes more sophisticated, my father is now badly in need of good specialists of business management to help him manage and operate the business My father decided to let me go abroad for advanced schooling so that I would be able to assist him in the family business using the advanced management knowledge I would learn abroad Besides, I have consulted my high school teachers, who not only support my decision but also further suggest me to choose a good Canadian school I know it is more expensive to have such advanced education in abroad than in China Financing is not a problem to my family My parents have enough financial resources to pay for all the expenses necessary for the four-year educational program in Canada including the round tickets After careful studies of the alternative schools, I finally come to identify Sprott-Shaw Community College at Vancouver I know that this college, founded in 1903, will have its century celebration in this June Currently there are 2376 well-trained faculties and about 4000 students It has altogether 20 branches all over BC Province Another thing about this college that is interesting to me is that there are very few Chinese students, no more than 2 in each class on average I have applied for the program on business management To complete this program, I have the following plan: before starting the specialty program, I will complete the ESL courses After admission I will have an English language test, and will be arranged to the proper class according to my English level I will also have language test in every month in order to see the progress of the language proficiency When I have reached the intermediate level, I will be able to start the specialty courses Then I plan to choose the following subjects: business study and management, business and finance, marketing theories and marketing strategies, human resource management, etc After spending two years at Sprott-Shaw Community College, I will select a proper university for advanced bachelor courses For instance, I may select BCIT or AU of Canada Upon completion of the program in Canada, I will come back to China to help my father with the family business While working in my father's company, I will start from the lowest level have good practice and use all that I will have learnt at Canada I am very confident in the future, although I understand that schooling abroad may be very difficult It will require greater efforts to accomplish the program in abroad than in China But I am prepared for that In this January I participated in the TV college program for training in computer application, as I know that it is almost impossible to study the program without computer knowledge I am now trying to gain more knowledge and experience on computer application, besides, I spend all my spare time on English study Canada is a peaceful and lovely country Studying at Sprott-Shaw Community College will be very important to me, for it means another significant start of my life Please trust me that after completing the program in Canada, I will be able to operate and manage the business of Hunan Xiangyuan Fuels & Investment Co, Ltd much better than my father Yours faithfully, Applicant: Deng Peng