
Studying overseas is a dream for many students It is their wish and goal in life to be able to extend their studies over...
Studying overseas is a dream for many students It is their wish and goal in life to be able to extend their studies overseas where more information is available and better resources are made available to them However, this dream is not easily achievable due to the sheer costs of overseas studies A detailed breakdown of the expenses involved will frighten many aspiring students Besides from having to fork out a large sum for tuition fees and textbooks, certain courses may require students to pay for experiments and use of special equipment Certain courses may also ask that students attend seminars and conferences to expose themselves to a variety of research and opinions However, these extraordinary arrangements are arranged from the students' own pockets since they do not constitute part of the curriculum Living expenses is another problematic area for most foreign students Having a place to stay on campus would be the ideal situation for most That way, one can cut down on transportation fees Most schools offer meals at cheaper prices within campus for students who stay on campus Some halls even include meals in their rental fees Unfortunately, being able to find accomodation on campus isn't an easy feat There are so many students fighting for that one vacant lot in some good universities Those who aren't lucky enough to get a room on campus will have to make do with renting houses outside which are more expensive and involves costs to travel to and fro from campus Dining is more costly out of the campus tooSometimes, students may wish to gather around and have some celebrations for festivals That would greatly increase the amount of money spent on dining If this is an occasional event then it won't be a cause for concern Other than living expenses, one also has to make considerations for illness, accidents, emergency situations etc All these mean that the student must have cash on hand to help himself/herself out of these crisis Thus, from all the points stated above, it can be seen that studying overseas is indeed an expensive option提供一个介绍出国留学情况的英语作文给我1 It broadens one's horizons and exposes students to different cultures and ways of thinking出国留学可以拓宽视野,让学生接触到不同的文化和思维方式。2 It improves language skills as students are immersed in an environment where they must communicate in a foreign language on a daily basis出国留学提高了语言能力,因为学生身处一个需要每天用外语交流的环境中。3 It fosters cultural understanding and allows students to gain a deeper appreciation for other cultures出国留学促进了文化理解,让学生对其他文化有更深刻的认识和欣赏。4 Studying abroad provides students with a chance to gain valuable personal experiences and skills出国留学为学生提供了获得宝贵个人经验和技能的机会。5 It boosts one's confidence and sense of independence出国留学可以增强一个人的自信心和独立意识。6 Studying abroad enables students to make friends from all over the world, which can improve their interpersonal communication skills and expand their social network出国留学使学生能够结交来自世界各地的朋友,这可以提高他们的人际交往能力并扩展社交网络。7 It prepares individuals to better adapt to the globalized world出国留学使个人更好地适应全球化的世界。学生出国留学对社会有很多好处,这个英语怎么说啊 谢谢Directions: You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay no less than 150 words on the following topic  1Going abroad for studies costs a large sum of money  2 But even so it attracts many young people  3Do you like to join them if you have an opportunity? why? Give your reasons  范文:  Going abroad for Studies  The other day I announced that I would go abroad for further studies right after my college education My decision evoked the immediate objection of my family:y: Why? Why should I borrow a huge sum of money for overseas studies while I might receive the same education at home at relatively low cost? My answer is: in addition to knowledge, I can gain experience that those who stay at home will never have  First, experience is the opportunity for the real-life use of foreign languages While a person can study a foreign language at home, the effect can never be compared with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken Living in English-speaking countries such as America and Australia for several years, for example, my English will be as perfect as native speakers  Second, living and studying abroad offers me a different perspective of the world On a university campus, foreign students are likely to encounter their counterparts from different countries and areas and are exposed to different ideas and values This helps me to have a meaningful understanding of different societies and inevitably sees my own country in a new light  Third, overseas experience, frustrating and painful as it may be, is helpful A person going abroad for study often experiences much more difficulty——difficulty in adapting to a new culture and in dealing with all problems alone Yet, the difficulty, coupled with the frustration brought on by culture shock, is a rewarding experience for one's future life and development of personality  Although going abroad is expensive and perhaps painful, the payoff is worthwhile For the benefit is not merely knowledge gained, but the experience desirable in one's personal life留学的好处与坏处的英语范文The advantage/disadvantage of studying aboardStudying AboardThere is no doubt that going to study in a foreign country with its language and culture, can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never haveThe most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life There is no better opportunity to improve second-language skills than living in the country in which it is spoken Moreover, having used the language during one’s studies offers a distinct advantage when one is applying for jobs back home that require the languageOn a university campus, the foreign student is not alone in having come from far away He or she will likely encounter many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all around the world This is not only exciting on a social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts in later professional lifeFinally, living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world and, perhaps most important, of one’s own country Once beyond the initial shock of being in a new culture, the student slowly begins to get a meaningful understanding of the host society On returning home, one inevitably sees one’s own country in a new, often more appreciative, lightIn conclusion, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile想出国留学怎么申请?写作思路:可以将出国留学的好处和坏处一一罗列出来,中心要明确,语言要通顺连贯,避免语法使用的错误等等。正文:There are many advantages to studying abroad Young people are easy to learn authentic English, especially in the pronunciation and intonation of spoken English; In the primary and secondary school stage, students have close contact with each other, which provides a good foundation for students studying abroad to integrate into American society and deeply understand American culture出国留学的有很多的好处,年纪小,比较容易学到地道的英语,尤其是在口语的语音、语调方面;在中小学阶段,学生之间的联系比较密切,为出国留学生学生融入美国社会和深入了解美国文化提供了很好的基础。The growth experience of this period of life can not be experienced by middle school students in China In foreign schools, positive traditional education is very beneficial to the cultivation of children's personality and sense of justice; Let children independently receive education abroad from childhood, can exercise their ability to live independently, also has certain benefits to the growth of children这一段人生的成长经历,是在国内上中学的学生无法体验到的。国外学校里,正面的传统教育对孩子的人格和正义感的培养很有益处;让孩子从小独立地在国外接受教育,可以锻炼其独立生活的能力,对孩子的成长也有一定好处。There are also some disadvantages in studying abroad Middle school students can only go to private schools to study abroad A few public schools only accept foreign short-term exchange students, and the maximum period of study is one year出国留学也存在一些弊端,中学生出国留学,只能上私立学校。少数公立学校仅接收外国短期的交换学生,学习期限最高为一年。After the expiration of the legal permission, the long-term student visa can be legally converted After many Chinese exchange students came to the United States, they successfully changed their visa in the United States and transferred to private schools法律允许期满以后,再合法地转换长期的学生签证。有不少的中国交换学生来美国以后,成功地在美国境内转换了签证,转到私立学校上学。The cost of private schools is relatively high The total cost of a year ranges from $15000 to $40000 Families need to have a strong economic base私立学校的费用较高,一年的总费用从15000美元到40000美元不等,家庭需要有相当雄厚的经济基础。Young children, whose world outlook has not been fully established, are not easy to grasp themselves under the adverse influence of the outside world, and their emotions are easy to fluctuate and sometimes go to extremes年龄小的孩子,世界观还没有完全建立,受到外界的不良影响时不容易把握自己,遇事情绪容易波动,有时还会走向极端。出国留学旧称出国留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类教育,时间可以为短期或长期(从几个星期到几年)。这些人被称为“留学生”。在中国大陆,学生把前往香港、澳门等地区的学习也称为留学,这是由于这些地区有着不同的教育制度。另外,美国等国家组织的一类海外短期的交换学生计划,其英文名字“Study abroad”直译也为留学,请参见海外研修(中国大陆称为海外交流)。第一、语言和学术上的准备语言方面的准备首先是参加国外院校要求的考试,每个国家的院校要求不一样,这要结合你的留学计划和目标来确定,例如去美国留学读本科需要考TOEFL(IELTS也可以),要申请最好的大学还需要考SAT甚至SAT II;而去美国留学读研究生,除了TOEFL(或者IELTS)外,还需要考GRE(商学院要求考GMAT)等。尽管有的大学有所谓的双录取政策,但是无论是从节省费用、缩短留学时间还是从留学的效果看,尽可能在国内通过语言考试关都是非常重要的。所谓学术上的准备,除了学习能力以外,在专业知识和专业学习与研究的方法上,也最好有所准备。国内的教育模式长期以来缺乏对于批判性思维的训练和写作的训练,有不少同学出国后遇到的很大问题是面对一个新的课题,不知道从何入手,研究结论缺乏新意,论文质量也不高。第二、经济上的准备多数留学生家庭都具备支付留学期间费用的能力,正常情况下不会遇到财务问题。可能更多的不知道如何准备,对于申请院校时所需要的资金证明和申请签证的时候所需要的经济担保没有概念。大致说来,欧洲少数免学费的国家对于资金的要求不高,只需要很少的金额的银行存款证明即可,学生查看这些国家的驻华使馆网站都可以找到答案,或者委托专门的留学中介机构时,中介会指导学生做好准备。美国的院校可能会要求学生在申请时提交至少一年的费用证明,从20-50万人民币不等。而各国签证对于资金担保的要求就各不相同了,学生需要查询比较准确的要求第三、思想和心理上的准备出国留学是去学习而不是单纯地享受生活去了,必然会遇到一些困难和一时难以适应的地方。了解可能的问题和困难,在心理和思想上做好准备,到时候就会多一份冷静和镇定。比如,可能没有人再捧着你,以你为中心提供面面俱到的服务,住宿和生活的条件也可能没有你国内的家里好,情感上也会很孤独,这些都需要自己去应对和排解。第四、一定对要去的国家和院校有足够的了解媒体上不时会曝出某某“野鸡大学”、某某留学中介欺诈了学生或者某某学生留学失败等消息。我们说,只要学生真正地对将要前往留学的国家或者院校有了比较准确而充分的了解,野鸡大学和留学黑中介是没有机会对学生下手的。各位准留学生可以了解各国留学情况和通过《留学监理与涉外监管》查询正规的留学中介和国家承认学历的海外院校名单。以上资料摘自/wwwliuxue315educn/HomePage/StudyFaq/1047shtml#jlt


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