
申请到国外去读研究生需要准备基本的申请文书,其中包括推荐信,我们要怎么准备留学研究生推荐信呢?分享了研究生英文推荐信的模板,来参考一下吧!  一、英文推荐信模板  Dear Professor , I am glad to receive...
申请到国外去读研究生需要准备基本的申请文书,其中包括推荐信,我们要怎么准备留学研究生推荐信呢?分享了研究生英文推荐信的模板,来参考一下吧!  一、英文推荐信模板  Dear Professor , I am glad to receive your letter and the good news to Mr As his supervisor, I have known him for more than five years, and I am pleased to give you a formal statement Mr graduated from University and began his PhD study under my supervision in in His research work mainly focused on He was proficient in Due to his hard work, a lot of progresses have been made in this years I know that he have acquired a broad and strong experience in , especially in study In my close contact with him, I was deeply impressed by his strong interest and enthusiasm in scientific research Besides, he has fine ideas and can design reasonable plans for his research From my observation, he can undergo a new research project independently and quickly because of his mastery of techniques and quickly taking in new techniques Furthermore, he is also modest and easy to get along with, he showed high respecting to teachers or advisors He energetically participated in some common affairs in the lab These characters will allow him to adapt to a new environment rapidly Mr is one of the most studious and promising fellows among my students I recommend him to you without any hesitation and expected that the postdoctoral experience in your laboratory will provide further refinement and specific training for him Sincerely yours,  Professor  University City, China  二、推荐信写作要点  不要拖时间,尽快起草:推荐信需要时间写,何况又得配合老师的时间。所以尽快起草你的推荐信,以便使你的推荐者有充裕的时间,为你的推荐信效力。 提供充份的信息给推荐者:如果你要推荐者能掌握你的优点,你得提供充份的信息。自然,要尽量具体避免空洞地陈述。同时,你也该提供你申请学校截止日期给推荐者参考,以免推荐者耽误了你的申请。 各推荐信的打字书信字体,宜选不同的型式,以示不同的推荐者。属需要圈选的表格者,可以直接以手稿填入。 在逻辑推理下,推荐者不可能知道或了解你的特质,请勿提及。譬如说,学生课外活动的表现就不适于平常教授正式科目的教授提及,除非教授也参与其中。又如其它课堂的表现,除非其它教授曾经提及过,否则不适合此科教授评论学生在其它科目的表现。 推荐信的内容尽量简短有力:不要虚无空洞的形容词,例如他任职于某公司时,勤劳、负责、认真、为人谦虚、诚恳等语句,不宜多引用,最好讲出具体事实,才不流于形式,尤其不要抄袭市面的书信范例,以免流于陈腔滥调,落入俗套。 如果可能的话,推荐者最好与你修的科目或学校相关。譬如说:如果你将来计划主修英文,最好推荐人之一是英文老师。又如,如果你申请常春藤名校(IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL),推荐者若也是常春藤名校出身,则其推荐信将更有力。  三、推荐信包含的主要题材  与申请者的关系:表达清楚何种方式认识。譬如说是老师、指导教授,老板等。说明交往多久,如果是教授学生关系,对教授的科目做一个简短的说明,如果推荐信者是你的老板(主管),请详细说明你的工作职责。 推荐者对申请人人格个性特征的印象:譬如学习精神、工作态度、与同事(同学)相处的情形、组织领导能力、学术专长、研究能力、有无工作经验与否,并加注评语。 推荐者对你能否顺利完成学位的看法:譬如说,描述你对特别分配职务上的表现,以表现你的应变能力。又如,申请者是否有其它潜力未发挥? 如果申请者的成绩未尽理想,评述你对申请者的看法。解释申请者虽然形式上的成绩未尽理想,却有极深厚的潜力尚未发挥。如果申请者转系,也可以强调申请者有强烈的学习动机,根据推荐者的观察,相信以申请者的表现,一定可以成功完成学业。 推荐者对申请人人格个性特征的印象:譬如学习精神、工作态度、与同事(同学)相处的情形、组织领导能力、学术专长、研究能力、有无工作经验与否,并加注评语。  四、推荐信写作格式  推荐信的写作格式可参考英文信件的书写格式,收信人称呼、落款谦称、推荐人背景信息、被推荐人姓名,这些信息是必要的,也可附上日期信息。其中推荐人背景信息须包含职务(如有)、职称、电话、邮箱,邮寄地址信息也可在落款部分注明。此外,有些推荐人学历背景很好,有取得一些职业资格,这些都可以写明。 推荐信的篇幅不宜过长,建议控制在一页纸以内,大概300-400字左右,字体统一并对齐,保证整体美观大方。被推荐人的姓名务必写全写准确,由于推荐信需要用抬头纸打印,有些机构抬头纸页眉页脚占据空间较大,所以学生在打印的时候也要注意及时调整行距或字号以确保推荐信打印在一张纸内。一篇优秀的英文推荐信应该如何写  申请英国留学除了成绩和证书材料之外,文书也是非常重要的,要怎么写英国留学推荐信呢?下面为大家分享了英国留学推荐信的英文模板,一起来看看吧!  一、英国留学推荐信范文  sample Dear sir or madam, As the Vice Dean of School of International Business, Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), I am writing with pleasure to recom#mend Wang Ye to youresteemed university I got to know her personally since 2007 as I was her class advisor And I taught her International Economics In my course, she showed her craving for knowledge She often read relative economic books to enrich herself And she also asked me to recom#mend some text books and materials to study When she had confusion, she always tried her best to figure out the question Miss Wang is a self-motivated student For all I know, her average score is over 85 and she won scholarships every year in the past three years Therefore,she was selected into the experimental class in the third academic year This class consists of the best students of Department of International Economics and Trade, Department of Economics and Department of Finance What’s more, she practiced in a small com#pany to gain experience during the winter and summer vacations I am confident that she will be qualified and perform as well as she did in TFSU Therefore, I recom#mend her with enthusiasm I hope that you will consider her application favorably Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information Yours Sincerely Zhu Li (Signature) Vice Dean, School of International Business Tianjin Foreign Studies University Email: Telephone:  二、英国留学推荐信段落模板  问候称呼salutation 如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,应该加上称呼,例如dear dr smith, dear mr jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。 留学推荐信第一段paragraph 1 推荐信的第一段应该说明你和被推荐人的关系,包括你是怎么认识他/她的,还有你写这封推荐信的资格。 留学推荐信第二段paragraph 2 英文推荐信标准格式:推荐信的第二段应该包括被推荐人的个人信息,说明TA的资格、能力,还有你为什么要为TA写推荐信。如果必要的话,可以分几段来描述细节。 留学推荐信第三段paragraph 3 如果是推荐被推荐人应聘某个职位,推荐信应该描述这个人的能力能适合TA所要求的职位。可以参考招聘广告上对职位的要求和被推荐人的简历一起来写。 简短总结summary 主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上I highly recommend the person,I recommend the person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。 结尾conclusion 英文推荐信的结尾部分,应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,****和email address,最后,还要写上下面这一段: sincerely, writers name title (tel number ,mailing address)  三、英国留学推荐信内容  1、介绍推荐人和被推荐人 推荐人要陈述自己是谁,在哪里就职,和被推荐人是什么关系。其中最重要的就是要写清楚推荐人和申请人的关系。如果平时接触的不是很多,可以侧重说明两人一起合作的深度。无论从哪种角度,都要传达出推荐人对于被推荐人很了解,而非一面之缘的信息。跨专业的学生不用担心老师不是相关专业的 ,推荐信突出是学术能力和学科兴趣。 2、对被推荐人的综合评价 推荐人可以先用一句或者一段话来描述申请人,然后再描述申请人的客观表现,比如平时总是会在课上举手问问题,能找到别人没注意到的细节,或者会对同班同学课上回答的问题进行积极的反馈和补充等等。等于先下定义,然后再列举例子来支撑前面的综合评价。 3、展示优秀品质和学术潜力 除了课堂上的表现,推荐人还可以通过和申请人的共事过程中的体验来侧面体现申请人的优秀品质,比如:交上来的论文总是结构清晰,格式准确,来体现做事仔细,对学术认真;或者除了规定的reading list之外,申请人还经常能在课上旁征博引别的学术资源,其实也就说明这个学生有学习主动性,而且学术广度比较大。注意这里不要写推荐人不可能知道的事情,比如经常“学习到很晚”或者“经常课下和同学发邮件交流学习”等等,否则整封推荐信就会显得失真了。  四、英国留学推荐信注意事项  填写推荐人信息,直接上传推荐信 大部分学校都是接受open reference的(比如纽卡,格拉斯哥等),即申请人可以直接拿到老师的推荐信,在填写网申的时候,直接上传到申请系统之中即可。这一类提交推荐信的方式是最简单有效的。 但是,如果你的推荐老师是国外的老师并且不会将推荐信直接交给你,那么在填写网申的时候,一定要注意在referee板块中,选择发送邮件或者链接给老师,在提交网申之后,也要及时联系老师,请老师尽快提交推荐信,这样学校才可以审理你的申请。 填写推荐人信息,通过邮件链接上传推荐信 有些学校是不接受open reference,即你不需要在网申系统中上传推荐信,只需要将老师的信息填写正确(尤其是邮箱地址),提交网申之后,系统会自动发送邮件给老师,由老师自己来上传推荐信老师点击邮件中的链接进去,填写自己的信息,上传推荐信即可。求实习单位老板写的推荐信模板(留学用) 美国留学申请英文版推荐信的格式要求比较严格,可以给对推荐信格式不太了解的同学提供一些参考和借鉴,下面来说说一篇优秀的英文推荐信应该如何写。  当然每个学校情况不同,所以可以具体情况具体分析,增加一些特色的内容和部分,也可以展示自己的独特性。  有些美国留学院校会要求英文推荐信,那么英文版的美国留学推荐信怎么写呢英文推荐信虽然会因为推荐人的不同而在内容上有不同的侧重点,但模式上大体来说还是有规律可循的。   一封推荐信应该提供如下信息:  who you are, yourconnection with the person you are recommending, why they are qualified and thespecific skills they have。此外,还应该包括****,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。  下面是一个推荐信模版,它可以帮助你写好一封英文推荐信。   salutation  如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr smith, dear mr jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。 paragraph 1  推荐信的第一段应该说明你和被推荐人的关系,包括你是怎么认识他/她的,还有你写这封推荐信的资格。  paragraph 2  英文推荐信标准格式:推荐信的第二段应该包括被推荐人的个人信息,说明他/她的资格、能力,还有你为什么要为他/她写推荐信。如果必要的话,可以分几段来描述细节。 paragraph 3  如果是推荐被推荐人应聘某个职位,推荐信应该描述这个人的能力能适合他/她所要求的职位。可以参考招聘广告上对职位的要求和被推荐人的简历一起来写。 summary  主要内容叙述清楚后,还应该加一个简短的总结。总结部分应该再简述一下你为什么要推荐这个人。可以写上i highly recommend the person,i recommendthe person without reservation 或者其他类似的话。  conclusion  英文推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,****和email address。  最后,还要写上下面这一段:  sincerely,  writers name  title  (tel number ,mailing address)  就这样,一封完美的英文推荐信就完成了。来位高手帮我把推荐信翻译成英文版的,急用啊……我有一个是商务部写的给你看看用我去年申请大学用的Internship CertificateXXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, PRChina from July 10th, 2008 to September 12th, 2008 During his internship, he acted as the assistant of the director of the Project Development Department His work resposibility includes the daily operation of the department’s reception work , translation of the documents and external relations with the Economic offices of Foreign Embassies in China Contents of the internship:July 17th, 2008, attended China-Japan-Korea Science & Technology Cooperation Forum on New and Renewable Energy, he prepared some background materials for the directorAugust 11th, 2008, attended the Clean Energy Resource Forum held by Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, he mainly in charge of the translation work for relevant materialsSeptember 10th , 2008, Press conference of the World Innovation and Investment Promotion Platform in The Twelfth China International Fair for Investment & Trade held in Xiamen Fujian province, he participated in the inviting work for the foreign experts ,officials and representativesComments:During the internship he put much effort into his work and study He had been not only proficient at English,but also at thinking and solving problems and never hesitated asking senior co-workers when difficulties are met The student also does well in putting academic theories into practice, guaranteeing the quality and quantity of the work done At the same time, he adheres to the work regulations of CIPA, respects and gets along with others well, co-workers all speak highly to the student whose performance impressed both the department’s leaders and colleagues Time: 12/15/2008Signature of director:Stamp of the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, PR China:本科留学推荐信怎么写?recommendation As a university, vice dean, institute of as students in this teacher in charge, I recommend students to study at this university In our school curriculum arrangement, compact students keep our school "two hundred" spirit (attendance 100%, ZiXiLv 100%) In not to delay the major area of study while actively expanding extracurricular knowledge, took part in many school activities In learning aspect enterprising, industrious, basic specialized knowledge During the university passed cet 4 examination, attended the sanitarian massagist of training and obtained the senior sanitarian massagist profession qualification, attend and obtained J - Japanese language appraisement of practical test stage D determination Except learning outside, still had attended many times the singing contest, a campus English song contest third place, and English movie soundtracks game third place Face difficulty brave and strong, optimistic upward, has the good team spirit and responsibility Hold to Japan excellent management philosophy's vision to Japan studying abroad is always the classmate of ideal, and for our training management personnel, promoting the academic exchanges the desire, hereby recommend classmate to your school entrance learning Referee: university institute vice chairman 2011 on January 5一般建议申请者构架出整体申请者的形象,把特点和特色有条理地分部在文书、活动和推荐信中分别展示,并相互支持印证。 虽然说推荐信最忌讳千篇一律一尘不变,但是一些基本的格式规范和要求还是要遵循的。一是正式的格式代表礼节和尊重,二是任课老师作为推荐人的最好是内容形式统一,符合推荐人的社会身份。 一般以To whom it may concern, Dear Sir or Madam抑或Dear Admission Officer称呼,开头首段模式比较固定,介绍推荐人与被推荐人关系,简要提到推荐人的职位(最重要的一个)。这一段力求简练精干,目的使得招生官明确所读推荐信的来源,角度和分量。 正文部分可分2-3段,分别从若干角度介绍学生的学术、课外活动、艺术特长等优势面。以具体事例和实实在在的经历客观地得出结论,给出推荐理由。因为推荐信本身就是从侧面去对于申请者的某一个或者一些特点进行客观的评价,所以切忌用过于夸张的主观评价堆砌通篇推荐信之中。 结尾段给出总结,自然真诚,水到渠成。然后以推荐人的姓名和职位,工作学校格式结尾。 下面给大家总结了一些推荐信写作过程中细节方面的注意事项: 1有学校抬头的信纸信封,均需签字,信封上注明老师及学生姓名;若学校本身有自己的推荐信表格,则一同邮寄出并同时注意打印时的排版美观等细节问题; 2尽量记录每封推荐信的签署人,以便补材料时保证前后统一; 3尽可能不要提及申请者的弱点,更不要去通过贬低别人来拔高自己; 4尽可能避免任何粗心大意导致的拼写或打印错误,多次检查; 5在行文中切勿出现拔高和夸大的字眼或者表述甚至虚假信息; 6推荐信长度一般300-400字,一张A4为宜; 7如果是申请者自己最后经手打印邮寄推荐信,应注意调节几封推荐信的字体格式等,用以区别几个老师的不同。 很多学生和家长经常会担心推荐信的内容会不会表达不到位,达不到推荐自己的作用,所以想尽可能把溢美之词都塞到短短的推荐信之中,其实这样的担心是不必要的。对于推荐信所提到的申请者的个人特点特色的评价权其实是在招生官手中,即便我们吹的天花乱坠,得不到校方的认可其实还是白忙活。所以恳恳切切地讲述真真实实、实实在在的事实,打分的事情就交给招生官就可以了。


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