
LuggEasy老有寄行李快递和雷神行李托管 (wwwluggeasycom),两款完整重新定义北美物流服务体验的产品,用极客精神打造极客行李快递物流产品,顶级行李管家服务,物流智能操控,一键下单清晰价格,无需等待随时可享。这些成绩的背后,...
LuggEasy老有寄行李快递和雷神行李托管 (wwwluggeasycom),两款完整重新定义北美物流服务体验的产品,用极客精神打造极客行李快递物流产品,顶级行李管家服务,物流智能操控,一键下单清晰价格,无需等待随时可享。这些成绩的背后,LuggEasy老有寄在全美国和加拿大的物流服务领域究竟有怎样的独到之处呢为此,我们专门采访了LuggEasy老有寄联合创始人——Deadpool (LuggEasy全团队六十多个人都是用超级英雄的名字互相称呼,和阿里巴巴的江湖花名一样)熬最晚的夜,写最多的Paper。在当代留学气氛浓厚且盛行的当下,北美快递物流被三大巨头垄断FedEx联邦快递,UPS和USPS, UPS多次面临运力紧张和USPS多次面临倒闭的情况,LuggEasy主动联合FedEx联邦快递和SF顺丰快递,双服务并行,且提供The Last Mile Problem Solved最后一公里服务加强的情况,完美的解决了全美国和加拿大的行李快递服务不足,过于依靠客户自行打单,没有良好体验的建立,也没有足够的服务的情况,整合全美加中小型物流商,重新上路!Q:什么叫“LuggEasy标准的服务体验”A:从极致简单出发,致敬极客精神。通过持续的创新精神打破常规,做一个全客户使用包括留学生,归国华侨等,做更轻松的行李快递体验,更便捷,更先进,更简单的服务产品,让行李不再受限,这就是我们定义的“极客服务”。Q:提出这个概念的起源是什么A:早些年,华人物流服务在北美非常不可靠,经常倒闭一家再开一家,没有对于服务质量的匠心精神和专业打造,哥伦比亚大学的Engineering工程硕士学位获得后,让我燃起了重构北美物流市场,对行李快递物流技术和对创新的追求。但是在追求这种“极客”的背后,常常让人忽略的,是人们对于服务本身的缺失和不足。强大的AI背后必须要有足够的人力服务才能给客户带来更加完美的体验,工程学结合客户心理学才有可能打造出有匠心精神的整体行李快递体验。Q:你们宣扬“服务体验”是基于什么理念A:我们宣扬用匠心和极客精神做极客服务体验,同时用更强大的系统和更充足的人力资源去完善北美市场早已经忘却的服务缺失,这一点让我们不仅大大降低了服务成本,也让我们达到了所有对手都没有办法达到的服务高度和服务速度。Q:服务体验这个词说起来比较虚幻的一个形象,你作为哥伦比亚大学工程学硕士,为什么要死磕这个概念A:服务体验看起来是个跟工程学有“隔阂”的词,但是这个服务体验的创造却是这个很新的,服务体验的本身是关乎技术,关乎创新,它不分老少。我个人性格是比较开放、积极向上的,对工作和生活永远保持一颗好奇心,进取心,在我们团队,大多数也都是跟我一样充满干劲的年轻人,我们愿意让每一个客人感受到使用我们服务是真正的轻松寄行李,就选老有寄或者我们迭代升级后的服务产品,雷神专线,闪速体验!Q:跟传统物流相比,LuggEasy老有寄行李快递或者Thor雷神专线服务有哪些特点A: LuggEasy最大的特点就是做到了客户体验的极简和行李管家会安排明白每一个细节。传统物流受制于本身落后的技术和商业模式,传统物流容易出现非常短暂的生命周期,非常不可靠,这不仅会给客户带来非常多的麻烦,再加之现代消费群体理念的改变,人们越来越注重简单方便,轻松快递,LuggEasy老有寄行李快递的出现,就显得尤为重要。除此以外,Thor雷神行李专线融入了更多现代智能技术,强化了多项清关环节,变得比任何回国快递都更轻松,手续非常少,过关简单,让客户真正感受到我们的诚意!最后,希望北美的物流市场越来越好,跟大家一起共度难关,改变北美华人物流市场的乱象,为客户提供FedEx联邦快递和SF顺丰快递双通道,中西结合解决北美物流短板,让华人快递不再欺骗无辜消费者,是需要我们这一代年轻人一起努力的。轻松寄行李,就选老有寄,我们等着您!您好、 我想问下 我现在高二打算高考完就出国留学、希望考多伦多、但英语基础很差、这剩下的两年有可能选择到加拿大留学,你将有机会遭遇极端不同的文化体验和自然体验。从不列颠哥伦比亚的滑雪坡到曼尼托巴的大草原,这里有诸如多伦多、蒙特利尔、温哥华和魁北克这样的以友好、包容和多元文化而著称的城市。那么,加拿大哪些城市最适合留学呢来看看的盘点和介绍吧。 Choose to study in Canada, and you’ll have the opportunity to encounter vastly different cultural and natural experiences – from the ski slopes of British Columbia to the prairie province of Manitoba, with cities such as Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver and Quebec famously friendly, tolerant and multicultural Occupying the northern half of the North American continent, Canada is known for its natural beauty – few nations in the world can boast anything close to its wealth of forests, lakes and mountains – and for its multicultural diversity The country has official bilingual status, with English and French used concurrently in government and official documents It’s also known for its sparse population (despite being the world’s second-largest country, it has a population smaller than that of just one US state, California) and for its harsh winters In some parts of Canada, snow covers the ground for almost half the year – but you’re unlikely to find any Canadian universities in those regions! 选择到加拿大留学,你将有机会遭遇极端不同的文化体验和自然体验。从不列颠哥伦比亚的滑雪坡到曼尼托巴的大草原,这里有诸如多伦多、蒙特利尔、温哥华和魁北克这样的以友好、包容和多元文化而著称的城市。 占据着北美大陆的北半部江山,加拿大以其自然之美闻名于世——世界上很少有像加拿大这样以林木、湖泊和山脉之丰富,以及文化之多样性炫耀的。加拿大有两种官方语言。英语和法语同时用于其政府和官方文件中。 加拿大还以人口的稀少和冬季的寒冷著称。虽然是世界第二大国家,但是它的人口还比不上美国加利福尼亚一个州的人口。而在加拿大的某些地区,将近有半年的时间地表覆盖着积雪。但是,在那些地区,你很难发现任何一所加拿大大学。 Montréal Featured as the number one city for students in the QS Best Student Cities index, Montréal is the biggest city in the French-speaking province of Quebec and the second-largest city in Canada There are four universities in Montréal, as well as seven other degree-awarding institutions and 12 General and Vocational Colleges (CEGEPs), giving the city the highest concentration of post-secondary students of all major cities in North America Widely cited as the cultural capital of Canada, Montréal boasts a unique combination of European sophistication and American pizzazz, which gives it a buzz few other places can match As a student, you’ll certainly never be at a loss for things to do, with plenty of theater, music, dance and visual arts to explore, including the annual Just for Laughs comedy festival, the world’s largest of its kind Also, don’t miss the Montréal Fireworks Festival, frequently hailed as the best and largest fireworks festival in the world Among universities in Montréal is Canada’s second-highest ranked university this year, McGill University (32nd in the QS World University Rankings® 2018) Beyond that, universities in Montréal also include the Université de Montréal (130th) and Concordia University (431-440) among others While McGill and Concordia operate primarily in English, many universities in Montréal are Francophone, as are the city’s residents So even if you’re an English speaker at an Anglophone university, be prepared to make an effort with your French 蒙特利尔 蒙特利尔在“QS最佳留学城市”中排在加拿大第一,是法语省份魁北克最大的城市,也是加拿大的第二大城市。这里有四所大学、七所有学位授予权的机构和十二所普通高职学院,让蒙特利尔成为北美所有主要城市中专上学生关注度最高的城市。 广泛地被认可为加拿大的文化之都,蒙特利尔独特地融合了欧洲的世故和美洲的活力,使之成为鲜有城市能匹敌的繁华之所。作为学生,在这里你将绝不缺少事情可做。这里有许许多多的影院、音乐、舞蹈和视觉艺术供你探索,包括一年一度戏剧节日“嘻笑节”(该节日是世界同类节日中规模最大的)。此外,可不能错过蒙特利尔的烟花节——这里的烟花节常被成为世界上最好规模最大的烟花节。 在蒙特利尔所有大学中,有加拿大今年排名第二高的大学麦吉尔大学。麦吉尔大学在QS2018世界大学排名中排在三十二位。不仅如此,蒙特利尔还有蒙特利尔大学(130位)和肯高迪亚大学(431-440位)也在世界大学排名之列。虽然麦吉尔大学和肯高迪亚大学语言主要是英语,但是蒙特利尔的许多大学都讲法语,正如蒙特利尔的居民也是讲法语。因此,即便是英语为母语的学生,在法语大学仍然需要做好语言准备。 Toronto The provincial capital of Ontario and the largest city in Canada, Toronto is known for being one of the world’s most multicultural cities, with around half of its 28 million-strong population hailing from outside of the city Accordingly, it is an exciting and diverse place to live, with its residents’ heterogeneity reflected in the city’s culture and cuisine Home to the Toronto Stock Exchange and the country’s five largest banks, Toronto is Canada’s leading financial center – while also being known as a world-leading hub for the entertainment, media and creative industries Toronto’s collection of museums and galleries is impressive, ranging from the large Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario to the much smaller Gardiner Museum of ceramic art, Gallery of Inuit Art or the Bata Shoe Museum The Toronto International Film Festival is one of the world’s biggest, and the city’s live music scene is celebrated by locals and visitors alike There is also a vibrant club scene and more than enough cafés and restaurants to keep foodies and coffee-lovers satisfied When it comes to education, universities in Toronto include some of Canada’s highest-ranked Indeed, the University of Toronto is Canada's highest-ranked entrant in the QS World University Rankings 2018, at 31st in the world It’s joined by York University (ranked 441-450), Ryerson University (801-1000) and a selection of other higher education providers, including the Royal Conservatory of Music 多伦多 作为安大略省的省会城市和加拿大最大的城市,多伦多是世界上文化最多元的城市之一,有将近280万人口来自多伦多以外地区。同样,多伦多也是令人兴奋的多样化的宜居之地,其居民的不均一反映在该城市的文化和饮食中。这里是多伦多证券交易所和加拿大五大银行所在地,是加拿大领先的金融中心。不仅如此,多伦多还是世界领先的娱乐、媒体和创意产业聚集地。 多伦多的博物馆和美术馆是令人印象深刻的,从大型的皇家安大略博物馆和安大略美术馆到规模小得多的加德纳陶瓷博物馆,再到因纽特艺术馆和贝塔鞋类博物馆,这里应有尽有。多伦多国际**节是世界上最大的**节之一,多伦多生动的音乐场景则同时得到当地人和游客的喜爱。这里还有充满生气的俱乐部和林林总总的咖啡馆和饭店,尽可满足美食家和咖啡爱好者的需求。 谈到教育,多伦多有加拿大一些排名顶尖的大学。的确,多伦多大学在2018年QS世界大学排名中是加拿大排名最高的大学,位居第三十一位。同样进排名还有约克大学(441-450)和瑞尔森大学 (801-1000)。除此之外,多伦多还有包括皇家音乐学院在内的一些列高等教育机构。 Vancouver A relatively young city on Canada’s west coast, Vancouver is the perfect destination for those who want to combine city living with easy access to the great outdoors And by great, we really mean great – the landscape surrounding Vancouver is truly spectacular, ranging from lush green forests and stunning lakes, to the rugged magnificence of the Canadian Rockies (especially popular with skiers and snowboarders) There’s plenty on offer for city slickers too in this cosmopolitan and vibrant town Canada’s third-largest metropolis, Vancouver consistently features in lists of the world’s most livable cities – and has become one of Canada’s best-known and most-visited cities Cultural offerings include three prominent theatre companies, the Vancouver International Film Festival, and a vibrant and diverse music scene Prominent universities in Vancouver include the University of British Columbia, (ranked 51st in the latest QS World University Rankings) and Simon Fraser University (joint 245th) Neighboring Vancouver Island, meanwhile, hosts the University of Victoria (joint 346th) and Vancouver Island University 温哥华 作为加拿大西海岸一座相对年轻的城市,温哥华极为适合人们将城市生活和伟大的户外探险结合。说伟大,是真的伟大——温哥华周边的风景真的令人叹为观止。这里有葱郁的绿林、极美的湖泊,有加拿大粗犷威严的落基山脉,尤其受滑雪爱好者的欢迎。 在这座国际化都市兼充满生气的城里,也有许多提供给时髦事故的城里人的事物。作为加拿大第三大都市,温哥华连续进入世界上最适宜居住的城市清单,并成了加拿大最著名最受游客青睐的城市之一。这里的文化产品包括三家著名的戏剧公司、温哥华国际**节和一个生机勃勃且多样化的音乐现场。 温哥华的著名大学包括英属哥伦比亚大学(QS最新世界大学排名位居51位)和西蒙弗雷泽大学(位列并列245位)。同时,临近的温哥华岛是维多利亚大学(位列并列346位)和温哥华岛大学的所在地。 Quebec City If you like picturesque and historic cities, you can’t really do much better than Quebec City Founded in the early 17th century, Quebec is the capital of the province with which it shares its name, and of French-speaking Canada as a whole Its Old Town, with pretty cobbled streets surrounding the striking Château Frontenac and the only preserved city ramparts in North America, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and Quebec as a whole is full of historic and architectural interest In fact, there are 37 National Historic Sites of Canada in Quebec City and its enclaves Of course, Quebec is not just a giant museum – it’s very much a living and changing city There’s no shortage of things to do here, in terms of both nightlife and culture, and the city is especially known for its colorful Winter Carnival, lively gay scene, and intimate live music venues Notable universities in Quebec City include Laval University (ranked 378th in the QS World University Rankings 2018) and the Université du Québec (501-550) The city is also home to the oldest educational institution for women in North America, the Ursuline Convent of Quebec City Teaching at universities in Quebec City is primarily in French 魁北克 如果你喜欢古雅的历史名城,那么你真的不能错过魁北克。魁北克建于十七世纪早期,是同名省份魁北克省的省会,也是整个加拿大法语世界的中心。魁北克的“老城”有漂亮的鹅卵石街道环绕芳堤娜城堡,是北美唯一保存下来的土城墙和联合国教科文组织的一项世界文化遗产;而魁北克作为一个整体,则引起人们浓厚的历史和建筑兴趣。事实上,魁北克及其飞地汇集了加拿大三十七个国家历史遗址。 当然,魁北克不仅是一个巨大的博物馆,它还是一座生动而时刻变化着的城市。在这里,你不会找不到事情可做,它有丰富的夜生活和文化,尤其因华美的冬季狂欢节、生动的同性恋社群和亲密活泼的音乐演出场所而闻名。 魁北克著名的大学包括拉瓦尔大学(在2018年QS世界大学排名中位居第378位)和魁北克大学(501-550)。魁北克也是北美最古老的女性教育机构魁北克乌尔苏拉会女修道院的所在地。魁北克各大学的教学语言主要是法语。 Edmonton Capital city of the province of Alberta, Edmonton is known for its year-round selection of festivals, earning it the nickname The Festival City It is equally well-known as the home of the West Edmonton Mall, formerly the biggest shopping mall in the world and currently North America’s biggest shopping mall, and for being one of the most northerly major cities in the world Don’t let this northern location put you off too much Edmonton’s weather is relatively (emphasis on relatively) mild, even compared to some other more southerly Canadian cities Its location, towards the west of Canada, also means there is no shortage of natural beauty nearby, and the city itself has plenty of attractions – including Ford Edmonton Park, Canada’s largest living history museum, the buzzing downtown Arts District, and the fashionable Old Strathcona area, where many of Edmonton’s theaters and live-performance venues are located All this can be found among a mix of modern and historic architecture, including restored historical buildings, and a good range of restaurants, pubs and clubs Among universities in Edmonton, the most notable is the University of Alberta, ranked fourth in Canada and joint 90th in the QS World University Rankings 2018 Other options include the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, NorQuest College, MacEwan University, The King’s University College and Concordia University College of Alberta 埃德蒙顿 作为阿尔伯塔省的省会,埃德蒙顿因其全年的各种节日而著称,并因此被称为“节日之城”。同样著名的是,这里是西埃德蒙顿购物中心的所在地,后者曾经是世界上最大的购物中心,如今则是北美最大购物中心。埃德蒙顿还是世界最主要的北方城市之一。 可别因这个北方的地理位置烦恼。埃德蒙顿的气候是“相对”温和的,即便和一些其他更偏南的加拿大城市比起来也是如此。埃德蒙顿的位置偏向加拿大西部,也意味着它的周围不缺少自然美景。相反,埃德蒙顿本身就有许多景点,包括福特埃德蒙顿公园、加拿大最大的现存历史博物馆、繁华的市中心“艺术区”和时髦的旧斯达孔拿区。旧斯达孔拿区是埃德蒙顿许多影院和现场演出的所在地。翻新的历史建筑和各种饭店、酒馆喝俱乐部,所有这些都可以在现代和历史建筑的混合中找到。 在埃德蒙顿的各个大学中,最著名的要数阿尔伯塔大学。在QS2018年世界大学排名中,阿尔伯塔大学在加拿大排名第四位,位列并列世界地90位。其他的高等教育机构有北阿尔伯塔理工学院、诺亚斯特学院、麦科文大学、国王大学和阿尔伯特勤戈迪亚大学。 我希望嫁到加拿大去,怎么才能实现国内学生来只要在国内好好学文化课,学习倒问题不大,努力就好~但是LZ英语的话确实要加把劲,要不再简单的题目看不懂都做不出来的~所以如果LZ真的想出来的话就多培训下语言吧~雅思什么的不过的话要上语言耽误时间哪个年龄段是去加拿大工作的黄金年龄?大龄MBA申请中,加拿大是否对大龄求职者友好?做梦就可以~ 开个玩笑 你还在读书吗读书可以在校表现优秀,好的大学可以提供出国留学的名额如果没有读书,建议你可以在好的外资企业工作,如果你的英语和与人沟通能力强,企业可以出自让你去国外的总部第三是最没办法的办法,就是通过互连网,交个加拿大男朋友,就有机会去加拿大拉~去加拿大留学带什么鞋子根据全球排名第一的求职平台Indeed的一份按年龄段划分的加拿大平均工资报告,所有在职成年人的全国平均工资为$49,300加元,收入排名最高的年龄段是45-54岁加拿大人,平均年薪为$66,700加元,而35-44岁是加拿大的黄金工作年龄,薪资涨幅最多。由此可见,加拿大对于相对成熟和有一定工作经验的求职者来说,还是非常友好的。基于高质量的教学和乐观的就业前景,以及远低于美国的学费,加拿大是很多人攻读MBA的首选。不仅如此,近年来,很多加拿大学校还推出了8个月、12个月就能拿到毕业证书的MBA项目,这更增添了加拿大作为留学目的地的吸引力。对很多人来说,如今裸辞留学几乎已经不再是天方夜谭。除了上述利好信息以外,国际上也有很多专业留学贷款机构来解决留学的费用问题。像MPOWER Financing,作为专门针对美加留学申请人提供留学贷款的公共福利企业,无需抵押、无需担保人的留学贷款,评估完全围绕申请人自身的学术背景、个人规划、职业发展潜力进行,提供2000美金到10万美金不等的固定利率贷款。借贷人在校以及毕业6个月内可享宽限期,宽限期内只需按月偿还利息,之后再开始归还本金。可以说是为留学人士直接开启了easy模式。不妨去了解一下。留学加拿大不可错过的10件事Don't bring any shoes from China to CanadaFor running shoes, go to any factory outlet malls in Canada and USA, you will find good shoes much cheaper than those in ChinaAs a student, probably you don't need any 皮鞋 If you must have a pair, either bring it from China or buy it in Canada棉拖鞋 is not necessary In Canada, we have carpet and heat at home We wear socks only, no slippers If you are a girl and you feel you are a real girl by putting on 棉拖鞋, go ahead Otherwise, they serve no purpose厚一些的皮鞋 What is that You need snow boots for sure; otherwise, you can't survive Don't buy any in China I repeat and you must listen: do not buy any You must buy a pair of snow boots in Canada The best is from Timberland The investment of $100 will be sufficient till you return to China for goodSnow jacket Again Do not buy any Most new immigrants bring in their snow jacket and we can tell because of the style, the thickness and the colour I promise, within 2 months, you will buy a new jacket in CanadaThe jacket in Canada is about one third of the weight, compared to those in Canada You wear this and a sweater underneath, before go outdoor at minus 30CCanada is very cold For thick jacket and snow boots, we have better goods here than in ChinaTrust me I have lived here for 20 yearsTake it easy syd123 Be more inclusive when you do not agree with others Of course, you can bring whatever you want Shoes and snow jacket are not very suitable First, the quality in Canada is much better Second, they may not fit the weather in Canada If you stay in Vancouver or Victoria, you don't need any snow boots, but don't go any where in CanadaI went to China shopping every year, but would never buy shoes for weather reasons澳洲留学 我收到了conditional offer下面该进行什么程序了请高手指点!  There's plenty to keep you occupied in the world's second-biggest country  The gigantic landmass of this North American nation contains some of the world’s most stunning natural scenery, not to mention many exciting outdoor pursuits – skiing, snowboarding, hiking, rafting, mountaineering and ice hockey just to name a few  If you’re more of an urban dweller, cities such as Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are buzzing with activity and offer all you could want as a student  1 Toronto - the cultural, financial and entertainment capital of Canada  Nearest universities: University of Toronto; University of Waterloo; Queen’s University; McMaster University; The University of Western Ontario; University of Ottawa; York University; Carleton University  Canada’s official capital city may be Ottawa, but its cultural, financial and entertainment capital is definitely Toronto Major attractions such as the CN Tower (the skyline’s imposing centrepiece), the Royal Ontario Museum and the Toronto Maple Leafs stadium (home of the local ice-hockey team) are focal points for any visitor in the city  But as an undergraduate student studying in Toronto, you’ll have the chance to head further off the tourist trail, to delve into the real city of Toronto and get to know the more authentic local character of neighbourhoods including Chinatown, Leslieville and Kensington Market  A great way of getting a feel for Toronto, either as a one-off visitor or as student at one of the city’s top universities, is to pay a visit to the annual Caribana Festival A two-week celebration of the local Caribbean community, the highlight of the festival is its massive street parade, where dancers in extravagant costumes light up the city in their thousands  2 Niagara Falls  Nearest universities: University of Toronto; University of Waterloo; Queen’s University; McMaster University; The University of Western Ontario; University of Ottawa; York University; Carleton University  No visit to Canada is complete without checking out this natural wonder Spanning a monumental 17km, Niagara Falls is the widest stretch of waterfalls on the planet, and one of the world’s most famous natural beauty-spots  As well as being visually stunning, the falls are also an exhibition of awe-inspiring natural power - at high flow, over 6 million cubic feet of water plunges over the crest every minute, creating a deafening roar as it smashes into the rocks below  Though Niagara Falls spans the border separating the US and Canada, the larger and more famous part lies on the Canadian side, with its much-photographed horseshoe curve If you’re looking for reasons to study abroad in Canada rather than the US, you can rest assured the Canadian waterfalls are statistically superior in every department  3 Take in a bit of ranch culture at the Calgary Stampede  Location: Calgary, Alberta  Nearest universities: University of British Columbia; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; Simon Fraser University; University of Victoria; University of Manitoba  The Calgary Stampede markets itself as the ‘greatest outdoor show on Earth’ – and while there are perhaps a few raging bulls and bucking broncos that would contest that claim, it’s certainly the ultimate rodeo and a completely new experience for the vast majority of visitors to Canada  he ten-day celebration of cowboy culture attracts 12 million visitors to Calgary, Alberta every summer to watch parades, stage shows, concerts, and rodeo events including chuckwaggon racing, bronc riding, bull riding and calf roping So put the study books down for a week, don the cowboy hat and boots and head to the Calgary Stampede You’ve got to see it to believe it!  4 Check out the music scenes in Toronto and Montreal  Nearest universities: University of Toronto; York University; McGill University; Universite de Montreal; Concordia University  Think what Canadian music has been released over the last couple of decades and a list of pop acts may spring to mind: Bryan Adams, Michael Buble, Avril Lavigne, Alanis Morissette and maybe, just maybe, Celine Dion  But if alternative music is more your thing, you’ll find it thriving in Canada, with particular hotspots being Toronto and Montreal In fact, with bands such as The Arcade Fire, Chromeo, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Broken Social Scene, Crystal Castles, Death From Above 1979, Junior Boys and Wolf Parade, since the millennium Canada could stake a half-decent claim to having had the most happening indie scene in the world  5 Get back in touch with nature at Banff National Park  Nearest universities: University of British Columbia; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; Simon Fraser University; University of Victoria; University of Manitoba  Canadians are known for their love of the great outdoors and it's easy to see why when there are National Parks like this to explore Encompassing famous spots such as Lake Louise, the Columbia Icefield and the Banff Hot Springs, and bordering three other National Parks (Jasper, Yoho and Kootenay), Banff is an ecologist’s paradise and an exhibition of natural beauty on an epic scale  The 6,641 sq km park is intercepted by the Trans-Canada Highway, meaning you’re free to drive through it and take in the views - though you’ll need to buy a permit if you want to stop off Activities and attractions include three ski resorts and a 27-hole golf course, as well as organized hikes, horse riding, canoeing and alpine ski trips  6 Chill out at the Montreal International Jazz Festival  Nearest universities: McGill University; Universite de Montreal; Laval University; University du Quebec; Concordia University  Jazz music might have slightly intimidating associations for some, but for those who already have an interest in it or who would like to learn more about the genre, there’s no better opportunity on earth than the legendary Montreal Jazz Festival The world’s biggest jazz festival, it has attracted a veritable who’s who of legendary performers over the years, including the likes of John Lee Hooker, Tom Waits and Stevie Wonder  Even if you’re not much of a fan of the music, the atmosphere of Jazz Fest (as it’s also known) makes it unmissable The festival draws over two million visitors per year and features many free performances in the streets and venues around the city Several neighbourhoods are closed to traffic for the festival’s ten-day duration, as Montreal takes a collective time-out to listen to some of the world’s most talented musicians in action  7 Hit the slopes at Whistler Blackcomb  Nearest universities: University of British Columbia; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; Simon Fraser University; University of Victoria; University of Manitoba  No study abroad period in Canada would be complete without a trip to the slopes – and you won’t find a better one anywhere than Whistler Host of the 2010 Winter Olympics, Whistler Blackcomb, Canada boasts one of the biggest and best ski resorts in the world  Whistler Mountain and Blackcomb Mountain (which combine to form the resort) contain slopes ranging from gentle beginners’ runs to ridiculously ‘gnarly’ black slopes that are reserved for only the most intrepid pros So whether you’re primarily there to perfect your ski or snowboard skills, or you’re more interested in the views and the post-ski party, make sure you find time in between assignments to hit the slopes!  8 Go to an ice hockey match - you'll see a whole new side to your Canadian classmates  Ice hockey (or more commonly known in Canada as just ‘hockey’) is a sport defined by speed, balance, technique and a certain laissez-faire attitude towards fist-fights (to say the very least) In fact, there are even rules for fighting in the NHL (the most prestigious league in the US and Canada) As long as you get rid of your stick and gloves first, nobody really seems to mind  Hockey isn’t just about fighting though - it’s the national winter sport in Canada, and the nation contains some of the top club teams to be found anywhere in the world Take a trip to an NHL game with your Canadian classmates, and not only will they be able to explain the finer details of the rules if you’re new to the sport – you may also see a whole new side to their character!  9 Visit Vancouver - Grouse Mountain, Stanley Park, Canada Square  Nearest universities: University of British Columbia; University of Alberta; University of Calgary; Simon Fraser University; University of Victoria; University of Manitoba  With the picturesque backdrop of the Whistler and Blackcomb mountains and the Burrard Peninsula, Vancouver is often rated as one of the world’s most liveable cities It’s also a city characterized by diversity With just over 50% of the city speaking a first language other than English, and with the third-highest population density in North America after New York City and San Francisco, Canada’s third largest city is a cultural melting-pot  Visitors to the city should make sure they check out the distinctive traditional immigrant areas such as Japantown, Punjabi Market, Greek Town and Little Italy  As an undergraduate studying abroad here, Vancouver’s centrepiece, Stanley Park, could be the perfect place to spend a sunny day revising – it’s the largest urban park in North America and features stunning views across the waterfront out towards the Pacific Ocean If you’re in need of some adrenaline instead, head to Grouse Mountain and travel at top speeds of 80km/h on the Mountain Ziplines That should below the cobwebs away!  10 Get into the festive spirit at the Quebec Winter Carnival  Nearest universities: McGill University; Universite de Montreal; Laval University; University du Quebec; Concordia University  Canada does winter in a big way Parts of the interior and Prairie provinces are known to experience temperatures below -40°C/-40°F – now that’s seriously chilly  The annual Winter Carnival in Quebec City is held as temperatures plummet to their lowest in January and February, and is a celebration of the fun side of winter It features entertaining oddities such as a sleigh race, giant ice sculptures and even an extreme canoe race on a frozen lake Attracting around one million people every year, it is one of the largest winter carnivals in the world, and a great way to stay warm while embracing the chilly season  1,你将有递交签证申请的地点。如果你在海外,就写阿德莱德的移民局,如果是澳洲境内,就看你递哪里了。2,个人就选single。你要把你在OSHC买保险的确认信打印出来,随材料一起递交。


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