这是一本由机械工业出版社出版的高考英语作文押题卡图书,它是该出版社押题卡系列的第一版,发行日期为2010年5月1日。该书共有187页,专为英语学习者精心编撰,提供全面的作文训练素材。该书的主要内容是以英语和简体中文双语呈现,使读者在学习过程中能更好地理解和运用英语写作技巧。开本为16开,适合携带和阅读。书的ISBN号为9787111305019,便于读者在购买时进行识别。书籍的尺寸为238厘米长,168厘米宽,厚度仅有14厘米,非常轻便,便于学生随身携带。总重量为299克,轻巧的设计使得长时间阅读也不会感到疲劳。关于学生在校外租房的英语作文英语四级考试准备6个月一定是够的,何况你的英语高考110分,英语算是中上水平了。虽然大学的四级英语考试一年内可以考两次,但是很多人都是希望能够在大一的时候一次性通过的。那么备考英语四级有什么方法呢?下面我就来说一下我当时备考英语四级时的方法吧。我是大一下学期的时候过的英语四级的,因为当时只剩两周备考了,所以我就摸索出了短期备考的经验。我当时的情况是刷题时听力部分会错八九个,但是经过我的策略调整之后,四级是570分高分通过的。我认为短期备考的话,需要着重的板块是听力>阅读>写作>翻译。听力部分:我们不用专门去听BBC或者看美剧,其实最重要的是听真题,我当时是坚持一星期来回反复听往年真题。我们在听英语听力的时候是要注重培养专注力与对关键词的敏感度的,因为四级英语听力的正确答案基本都是选听到的那个关键词,只有很少的题目不是选关键词的,所以我认为,在听力部分的时候,应该要专注地听,而且是要越听越专注,因为越后面的题它的分数占比会越高。阅读部分:最好要养成先看题目再看文的习惯,可以用笔圈出题目中的关键词,然后按顺序做题。这里需要注意的是,我们在仔细阅读的时候,要注意单词的同义替换,不要无中生有张冠李戴一些单词。而且,阅读题的题目顺序是按照原文顺序出的。重点要练习仔细阅读,也就是像高考那种阅读题,因为仔细阅读的分数占比会比较高。分数占比:仔细阅读>长篇阅读>完形填空。仔细阅读错一个会扣142分,长篇阅读错一个扣71分,完形填空错一个扣355分,哪个更重要很明显可以看出来。学习途径:我们可以通过网课来学习英语四级,比如b站、网易上都有很多免费的四六级网课。复习时间与做题建议:原则上就是做以往的真题,不要去做模拟题。如果你的时间还剩余一个月以上,我建议你做近两年的真题,把重点放在听力和阅读。后半个月就兼顾翻译与写作。如果你还剩余半个月以上的时间,那么你就做近1年的真题,着重听力与阅读部分,听力着重听后面的10题,阅读要着重仔细阅读和长篇阅读,最后一周就背一些写作模板和翻译重点词。如果你的时间只剩一周了,那么你就要精做题,做一两套近两年的真题。如果觉得来不及练习阅读的完形填空,可以舍弃这个部分。仔细阅读分数占比比较大,要多练习。作文模板尽量能多背个几篇,考试时总能套上。总的来说,四级英语只要努力复习下,注意使用正确的学习方法,还是很容易通过的,希望各位都能一次性通过四级考试哦!怎么写英语作文高考爱考什么should students live in school housing or outside on their ownI believe that students who live in community learn a lot more things then that live in university houses Many students all over the world come to attend schools in most of these students are from different background or different culture I believe that it is not enough for them to be just in the schools all the time without getting to know the American culture This is a good example to explain my pint of view May be it cost less money for them to live in schoolhouses than rent an apartment outside, but it is worth it Interacting with the community is a vital positive step in student’s life, because it teaches him a lot such as community lifestyle, independence, life experiences, big school and knowing more peopleThe community and its life style would be a real school for him Being involved in new life style and new thoughts would learn him more then school Cooperating with others in community will make the life much easier for the student All students leave their family and friends to go somewhere far in order to learn new things not only being around the same students all the day, everyday Living in schoolhouse would not give him enough ideas about the new culture that he live in now Moreover, student would be more independent then other in school homes He would be responsible for his own bills and rent He would more organize in everything, as he knows that nobody would do it for him In addition, he would look for a job part time to be able to bay the bills, which would teach him a lot In schoolhouse, all do the same things together most of the time They have rolls must follow All the students around the same age no one has more experiences then others On the other hand, many students prefer to be in schoolhouses then be on their own I am not trying to say that schoolhouses are not good, but I believe that living on your own would be the real abroad education Moreover, students would meet more people from all over, and would get more fun and ideas about different cultures Engage to the community you live with shows you much more thing you would not expect it As a conclusion, I feel that living in community on your own would teach you a lot more then living with your peers World is huge and whenever you get chance to meet or involve in another culture would be a great experiences for you Success would never be with out life experiences看来你对英语的高考还是太不了解了,赶快买一本英语历年高考卷吧,然后将作文题都撕下来,你就浏览分析,就这样,不要觉得把卷子撕坏不好,这么造害人才对了呢,另外你掌握的材料太少了,备考经验太少,知道有一种叫做高考英语作文万能模版的吧,专门在高考前熟练掌握后应对高考的,特有效,弄不到就下载,补习班的老师都会发给你一份,如果你有学府卡那就万事俱备了,里边应有尽有。 至于爱考什么,这个你说谁能答得准呢,相当于押题吗,如果你把万能摸板都掌握了,还用押题吗?你说是不,一切在洪水到来之前都会有捷径,你得勤问勤交流,不能局限于默默耕耘啦!