山东省实验2010级学生程孜婧收到了哈佛、耶鲁、芝加哥等五所知名国外大学的研究生录取通知书。作为一名95后学霸,程孜婧不仅成绩优异,还爱好广泛,利用课余时间积极参与社会实践活动。“先做一个好人,再成为一个优秀的人。”程孜婧的母亲毛尤菲表示,在她成长的过程中,更关注孩子品质的培养。爱好广泛善于创新“一直以来都在羡慕别人家的孩子,没想到女儿也成了‘别人家的孩子’,这让我挺惊喜的。”在得知女儿收到哈佛、耶鲁大学录取通知书时,毛尤菲这样说。“她是一个很让人省心的孩子,从幼儿园起就比同龄孩子成熟、淡定。” 毛尤菲表示,女儿一直很有主见,做事也有着清晰的目标规划。高二的时候作为交换生出国学习,后来考取了国外的大学,在本科期间主修了经济金融、数学和公共健康三个专业,每门课程都成绩优异。“她有一个计划本,把自己要做的事情写在上面,做完一件就划掉。” 毛尤菲表示,她在做事情时比较讲究效率,根据这件事的重要程度来决定自己所花费的时间。擅长画画、喜爱游泳、击剑、曲棍球、烘焙………与大家印象中的学霸不同,程孜婧也有很多的兴趣爱好。“她是一个喜欢玩‘跨界’的孩子,喜欢创新、讨厌一成不变,总想尝试自己没有经历过的事情,大学寒暑假期间很少呆在家里。大学期间她和同学创办了在线外卖订餐平台,也担任过第七届中美健康峰会的志愿者,参与外联和翻译。”注重孩子品质培养“先做一个好人,再成为一个优秀的人。”在孩子成长过程中,毛尤菲采取“放养”式的教育,相比学习成绩,她更注重孩子品质的培养,而这些教育都体现在日常生活中的细节上。“在孩子小的时候,会规定她每天看电视不超过半小时,一旦超出时间要主动告诉我,培养她诚实的品质和遵守规则的意识;当我资助的希望工程的孩子寄来感谢信时,我会把信的内容读给孩子听,让她也做一个善良的人。”在平时的相处中,毛尤菲坦言自己和女儿更像是姐妹,经常一起手挽手逛街、吃饭、看**。“我比较尊重女儿的想法,家中的大小事情也会请女儿来出出主意,比如家庭如何装修等方面就参考了女儿的意见。”也正因此,程孜婧的身上总是充满着正能量,与母亲聊天时,从来没有抱怨过他人,遇事总是朝积极乐观的方向看待。“女儿曾用零花钱购买日常健身器材捐给农村留守儿童,也经常去福利院做志愿者,这些都让我很欣慰。女学生因"爱吃披萨"被耶鲁录取是怎么回事?您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。留学申请的每一步都充满挑战,我在这里为您提供从留学目的地选择到申请材料准备的全方位支持。您的留学梦想,我们一同实现,敬请访问!/liuxue87dhcom/ 美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提北部郊区自由镇(Liberty Township)的韦德(Wade)四兄弟都被哈佛和夜路录取啦。他们是艾伦 (Aaron)、尼克 (Nick)、尼格尔 (Nigel) 和查克瑞 (Zachary)。今年毕业于Lakota East高中,同时接到了哈佛和耶鲁的录取通知书,实际上,韦德兄弟在哈佛和耶鲁之外,还收到了许多来自其他学校的录取通知书。对于这样的录取结果,四兄弟都表示很震惊。现在他们都选择了耶鲁大学。除去他们的学霸属性之外,小编认为帮助他们成功斩获多所名校offer的是申请文书。四胞胎在写essay的时候,讨论出一个新奇的点子:提交一份联合申请文书,着重介绍四胞胎生活对他们兄弟的影响,但每个人分开提交,从四兄弟不同的视角来描述各自的经历和感受。这四兄弟的文书既可以单独看,又可以合在一起整体阅读。单独看的时候,文书叙述的是一个人的生活经历,而生活经历中又突出四胞胎对相互生活的影响。放在整体阅读时,就像是平面图变立体,每个兄弟的文章相互联系,能更好的理解他们的生活经历。我们有个偏见,考入同一所顶尖名校的双胞胎都是一个模子里刻出来的,更遑论四胞胎。然而四胞胎的成功却是源于跳出了这个模型。这四胞胎每个人都有自己的特质。Nigel说:“我们一直在努力培养个性,力求每一个人都能活出属于自己的生活。我们是独立的个体,但是如果我们聚在一起,那也是不错的选择”。除了他们创新的文书形式独特,文书内容也很诙谐幽默。纽约时报将他们的文书刊登了出来,全文如下:NICK“Wade Wade Wade Wade,” shouted my football coach as he called roll at breakneck speed“Here,” we sounded in unisonA chorus of laughter erupted Every day, the coach made this joke, and every day, the whole team laughed as if it were the funniest thing ever I never found it funny But I always smiled and laughed, as if to fool them into thinking that sharing a last name with three other brothers, all born in the span of ten minutes, was something to laugh about, rather than something I'd struggled my entire life to reconcileWhen people learn that I am a quadruplet, their eyes widen Women invariably say,"Your poor mother" Neighbors, teachers, and friends seldom use my first name They perpetually refer to me as “one of the Wade boys” Or they say, “Wait, which one are you”People think of me less as individual and more like one in a set of matching luggage Because the world did not see my individual identity, I grew up thinking I didn’t have one It would take a long time to form a clear sense of self, to be something other than a QuadMy quest to establish my identity started in high school Clubs looked like the answer I joined Latin, Tech, Robotics, Art, and Spanish Clubs But they all felt like fillers Only one club remained The Cultural Club Why would I want to want to learn about other cultures when I couldn’t even figure out my personal cultureBut, it felt like my last option to be more than just one of the Wade boysThe Cultural Club gave me direction It incited a curiosity that could only be satiated by learning about the trials and triumphs of people worldwide I began to follow all things international relationsSince conflict in the Middle East often made headlines, the Cultural Club became involved with aiding Arab communities We volunteered and created care packs for refugees abroad As a personal project, I began working at Cincinnati's refugee resettlement agencyI wanted to continue building upon this foundation But howArabic was my answer I studied independently, but I felt it wasn’t enough So, I scoured the webEventually, I dug up the email of a Foreign Service Officer Her advice led to a State Department scholarship to study Arabic in Morocco When I was accepted, I was ecstaticFor the first time in my life, I would embark on a journey completely independent of my brothers I would be going to a place where no one knew about my multiple birth status In Morocco, I wouldn’t be “one of the Wade boys” I would be free to establish who I was, and who I could beI was caught off guard in Morocco I found myself immersed in everything, from the food (a really cool mix of French and Arab cuisine) to race relations (being African-American, I was called Obama more than my name) I got bitten by a beggar on the street and fell off a camel in the Sahara, all while trying to learn the notoriously difficult and beautiful language that is Arabic I did all of this not as a Quad, but as myselfBack home, I sat with my siblings on the porch, reveling in the glory of the last evening before we returned to school We laughed and joked, trading stories from the summer In that moment, I realized that while we share genes, a name, and a love for one another, we didn’t share everything My experiences, Arabic skills, and ambitions were mine alone As I sat with my brothers on the porch that evening, I realized that I could get more joy out of being a Quad now that I was better at being NickAARON“Yes, Nigel” the teacher said I lowered my hand and glanced back at Nigel’s vacant desk He had stayed home sick that day Realizing her mistake, the teacher laughed sheepishly“You all look so alike," she said "There’s no way I’ll ever be able to tell you apart”“I have braces,” I replied with a metallic grin “Nick and Nigel wear glasses And Zach is the tallest”It was no use We were four boys who shared one faceBeing a quadruplet had its perks It gave me an instant identity as a “Wade Brother” It also made me something of an expert at sharing We share birthdays We share bedrooms We share a 2023 Toyota Camry More importantly, Nick, Nigel, Zach and I share a struggle to establish ourselves as individuals Growing up, I felt as if I were a detail that people overlooked in favor of some bigger picture To a few, I was Aaron Wade To most, I was “one of the Quads”Music taught me that my brothers and I don't share everything One day, while we were roughhousing in the basement of my family’s old house, I caught sight of something I had never noticed before: an old, dusty, upright piano I walked over to the instrument and mashed down on its keys, watching in astonishment as the notes evoked a cascade of colors in my mind’s eye I pressed the keys again, this time glancing back at my brothers, who took no notice I was perplexed How could something so wonderful fail to captivate them For the first time in my life, I had found something that was entirely my ownWith the help of my piano, I began to forge a self-image that was undiluted by circumstance Even more accessible was my voice—I sang so much that my brothers grew todespise the sound of it “You sing and dance around the house constantly,” my mom commented“Why don’t you perform for anyone else”I was hesitant, considering that my only audience up to that point had been my brothers,whose reviews were less than positive But my mother was right There still existed a disconnect between my personal and public identities; I couldn’t help but wonder if performing was the way to reconcile them So I signed up to sing at my school’s talent showThe audience grew quiet as I walked onto the stage“Is that a Wade” I heard someone remark Struggling to keep my nerves at bay, I tapped my feet to the cadence of the horns in Stevie Wonder’s “Sir Duke”Then I started to singThe words came out shakily at first By the end of the first verse, though, the weight of my anxiety had been lifted There was no audience, as far as I was concerned There wasn’t even a stage There was just me, doing what I loved And it felt amazing"Just because a record has a groove Don’t make it in the grooveBut you can tell right away at letter A,When the people start to move"They were moving, all right So was I—snapping, clapping, spinning,moonwalkingOnly when the music stopped did I hear the clamor of an ovation Only then did I notice that the crowd was standing, that a chorus of cheers had filled the auditorium My gaze fell upon my brothers Of all the applause, theirs was the loudest; plastered on their faces was a look of pride“Quadruplet” will always comprise a part of my identity Although it was once a barrier to individuality, it is now one of the many things that makes me unique: a badge of honor I don as Aaron WadeNIGEL000000125%The chance that my mother would give birth to quadruplets100%The chance that this woman striding towards me and my brothers was about to make me feel like the black sheepShe turned to my brother Aaron first, “Your mother told me that you’re like Beethoven on the piano and that you have already composed three songs” She then faced my brother Nicholas, “And you young man, going to Morocco to study Arabic!” She gave an appraising look to my brother Zachary, “I can see why you took second in discus at districts” Finally she laid her eyes on me, “Nigel,” she began “ So glad to meet you”I don't blame her Honestly I don’t I was used to being compared to my brothers I suppose to some extent our family is part of all of our identities But it is different when you’re a quadruplet; your family doesn’t just become part of your identity It destroys itI tried to break away from my brothers But for a quadruplet, there were logistical limitations My parents could not drive me to every single activity I wanted to try or shell out money for every sport I was interested in because there were three other boys they had to worry about My dad put me in football, but I never truly loved it I tried drawing and music, but that was more of my brother’s niche Even track, one of the few things that brought me solace, left me feeling as if something was missingThat all changed when my father brought home a rather peculiar book It was three feet tall and about two feet wide and titled Human Anatomy From the second I cracked open its spine I fell in love Before me were gigantic images of the nervous system, microscopic bacteria blown up to the size of my hand, a network of veins and arteries beautifully depicted, and the wonders of the human body explained as if they were ordinary occurrences rather than miracles I was instantly hookedI wanted more Biology, neuroscience, anatomy, psychology … any field that could enhance my understanding of the human body I devoured hungrily But I couldn’t just stop thereI continued my journey by taking as many science classes as I could I earned the highest grade in anatomy class and an award for almost every science class I tookThe success drove me to the next level I wanted to see how the textbooks applied to the real world During my junior year, I got an internship with the biomedical engineering company,Ethicon, where I learned how to build devices that could cut, suture, and cauterize all with one button, It was amazing But still I wanted moreAn internship at the West Chester hospital allowed me to shadow medical professionals for a couple of weeks One day stood out Allowed to enter the operating room, I saw a patient who had spontaneous pneumothorax and needed to have the hole sealed The surgeon on duty entered and briefly looked at the patient I waited for the background music to come on as it typically does for operations but the room remained silent The lights dimmed and she made her first cut From that moment on she was engrossed; she had no hesitation, no doubts, only focusThere was a look of peace on her face that I had never before witnessedAnd then it clicked I knew how I was different than my brothersIt still hurts being compared to my brothers And it might continue until people call meDr Wade, but in the meantime I know with 100% certainty that I am on the right path and will be more than just one of fourZACH“Change your shirt,” I saidMy brother Aaron looked across the breakfast table, past my cereal bowl, and fixed his eyes on my black-and-white Lakota East High School sweatshirt He then looked at his chest… a black-and-white Lakota East High School shirt He sighed through his nose, cereal still in his mouth, and walk upstairs to find a different shirtSome kids would be thrilled to have someone twinning with them When you are a multiple, it feels a bit different My teachers often called me by my brothers’ names, even after being in school for a month Instead of trying to learn our first names, teachers would refer to us as “Mr Wade”Learning my name isn’t too much to ask, even if I am a quadruplet Is itBeing a quadruplet has advantages I never have that awkward feeling of showing up to a party by myself More importantly, my brothers always find a way to bring out the best in meCompetition is what drives me to do better, and there is never a lack of it in the Wade householdThey push me to work harder It is not all positive though People view us as the same person even though we aren’t identical Becoming more than “One of the Wades” has taken a long timeHigh school is when I first tried separating myself from the group I was selected to be part of the Student Athlete Leadership Team, or SALT This group is made up of student athletes who display leadership skillsAs the only Wade in the group, I thought this was a great opportunity to let people see me as an individual I thought my mission was going well Then I ran into a SALT member at United Dairy Farmers while she was working We chatted for a bit and when I finally departed, I heard her coworker ask who I was I then heard the phrase I had tried so hard to eliminate “One of the Wades”Track presented the possibility of a better solution Two of my brothers are phenomenal sprinters, I was just mediocre runner Therefore, I decided to do something different I looked in the direction of field events and fell in love with discus Not only did I love discus but also I was actually a decent thrower My ability led me into a world separate from the one in which my name was always followed by three others To the other throwers, I was not part of a group I was the only Wade they knew When they talked to me they used my name They called me ZachIn our conference, the GMC championship meet is big Teams bring their very best athletes I had befriended a thrower from a rival school over the course of the season We both knew the fight for gold would be between us The whole meet we went back and forth, each throw being farther than the last It came down to my last throw; I was in second place, behind by only inchesI entered the ring, focused, and began my spin I drove across the ring turned my hips and let the discus fly I watched the discus soar and heard the mark: “142 feet 9 inches” That was my personal best by five feet I was ecstatic until a minute later when I heard “143 feet 7 inches”Even my best was not good enough to get firstLater in the season I qualified for regionals and was named the Lakota East Field Athlete of the Year My accomplishments earned me prizes ranging from medals to little trophiesHowever, my favorite prize was the one that I won at the first meet A shirt to call my own我希望以上的解答能为您的留学规划添砖加瓦。留学之路虽曲折,却不孤单。如有更多疑惑或需要进一步了解,我们的官方网站随时欢迎您。那里有更详尽的留学资讯和专家团队的一对一指导,助您顺利走上留学之路。期待与您的每一次相遇,祝申请顺利!/liuxue87dhcom/求绯闻女孩第二季剧情介绍!我只看到17集,结局是什么现代社会,吃货天天有,但并非所有吃货都能把好(hào)吃的经验转化为优势。不过,美国田纳西州高中生卡罗莱娜·威廉姆斯做到了,她在大学申请中描述了自己对比萨的喜爱,因此受到招生负责人的青目。据美国福克斯新闻网5月31日报道,卡罗莱娜·威廉姆斯今年3月份收到了耶鲁大学的录取通知书。她能从众多申请者中脱颖而出,一个重要原因是她在申请写作中分享了叫比萨外卖的幸福感。“在家门前取过温暖的比萨盒已经成为我的习惯,我会一直喜欢叫比萨外卖,因为被切成8块的比萨饼,虽然很普通,却能让我感到独立、安慰和喜悦。”在看了威廉姆斯的文章之后,耶鲁大学一名招生负责人在下面批注道:“我也喜欢比萨,看完文章之后我大笑起来(然后叫了一个比萨)。”当然,威廉姆斯被耶鲁录取不仅仅是因为她别出心裁的文章,还因为她本身就是学霸:在班级排名前十,还参加了各种课外活动。不过,虽然收到了耶鲁大学的录取通知书,威廉姆斯还是决定去亚拉巴马州的奥本大学读商科,因为那里更适合自己,拿到奖学金的几率也更大。 第 1 集 有趣的夏日 随着上东区暑假的结尾,B携着她的新男友James从欧洲回来,当然,目的仅仅是为了气C,因为C放了B鸽子,没有和她在夏日去汉普顿共渡暑假。然而,这位新男友James也隐藏了他自己真正的身份,没有告诉任何人,包括B。S继续在和D的分手中挣扎着,尝试着和一个年轻的救生员约会。同时,N也卷入了一场新的恋情,只是这场恋情不能对外界宣扬,因为他的新女友Catherine已经是一位结了婚的贵妇。Rufus继续和他的乐队巡回旅行,D则留在纽约,和一位杂志社主编共事,并且一反常态,每天和不同的女人交往,以此麻醉自己忘掉和S的过去。J在B母亲的公司下找到一份时装设计的实习工作,她的上面是有些可怕的Laurel,当她看见J的才华时,她觉得J是她很大的一个威胁。 第 2 集 从未爱上他 在white party 过后。S和D决定要好好讨论一下他们俩恋情应该如何继续。B得知james是英国公爵marcus十分吃惊。大家返回城里。B认为mucrus不让她见家长因为她不够资格因此决定举办派对提升自己的水准。N回家后发现自己的房子被没收。而C为了重新赢回B卖掉自己最心爱的夜店。(其实不然)C带着catherine参加了Party。catherine羞辱了B。此时N到来,三人陷入尴尬。N因C骗自己卖掉夜店钱的真正用途,俩人发生了小争执,表示自己会处理自己的事情。后受到catherine的见面的短讯,catherine表示会帮助N,报酬是N要继续跟她在一起。在他们热火朝天时不巧被B撞见。她以此威胁catherine同意她和marcus的交往,奏效。J回来,D一家聚餐。B见到C表示比赛仍将继续。而N因为catherine放了V的鸽子。上东区的绯闻会继续传播…… 第 3 集 黑暗之夜 大家都十分忙碌,J在blair妈妈服装公司实习,S和D复合的消息被gossip girl传得沸沸扬扬,B继续和marcus交往,而N和V的恋情却被catherine发现了!坏事接踵而至,J因为对B母亲作品有所评价被其开除,B在catherine的指示下激N带着V参加party却又不巧因N碰见marcus而得知晚上的party,catherine也会参见,因此发短信给V取消了相约,更不巧的是难过的V决定只身参加party。party上,N想V坦白,而catherine并没放过N,她和V PK最终V决定离开N。S和D因停电被困于电梯中,双方对过去发生的事情讨论过后决定和平分手。而B在carherine刺激下决定将自己奉献给marcus,不巧被C捷足先登。在两人缠绵时却被marcus撞见。似乎只有J命运好些,因为她又重新被B妈妈获得了启用。天台上,V和D两个悲情的朋友,在互吐心声。 第 4 集 前任档案 一位新来的转校生Amanda引起了B的注意,她长相并不出众,也并没有特别突出的打扮,B注意她是因为Amanda与D相谈甚欢。为了替S出头,B挺身而出。V为了帮N,把Marcus和继母乱搞之事告诉了B,可是V却又不相信B会帮忙,把这件事又告诉了公爵,结果导致N也怒了,两人的关系降到冰点。 第 5 集 Serena成名人了 纽约时装周到了,以前B和S都是一起在后台看表演,今年B的妈妈为了让自己的时装秀更有人气,便让最近频上头条的S带着她的时尚友人坐到第一排。B无法忍受,处处为难S。 第 6 集 耶鲁之战 S为了B,总是掩饰自己的光芒。S终于无法忍受,好好地表现了一次,此后更是为了气B,申请了耶鲁大学,要和B一决高下。J终于得到了爸爸Rufus的许可,可以安心设计时装了。 第 7 集 真实世界里的Chuck C总是一副玩世不恭的样子,让V一直很讨厌他。但C帮助她阻止了一个老店被拆,让V对他的印象大为改观。D和N因为耶鲁的事情成为了好友,当D知道N现在生活已狼狈不堪后,邀请N到他家暂住。 第 8 集 Jenny的美梦成真 J和N接吻,令人不可置信。B和C本有机会重归于好,却被笨嘴拙舌的D给破坏了。 第 9 集 血色将至 J虽然毅然离开Eleanor的工作室,但她并没有认输。在模特好友Anges的帮助下,她决定要在纽约都市名流汇聚的盛大晚宴上举行一次自己的时装发布会。 B为了讨好耶鲁的一位高层,决定帮她看孩子,结果她发现现在的小孩比她当年还叛逆。本来撞见高层幽会的B想故伎重演,那这个秘密作为她进耶鲁的敲门砖,但在最后关头,她放弃了。但是最终她靠着自己的真诚赢得了进耶鲁的机会。 第 10 集 自负之火 虽然知道自己可能不是亚伦的唯一缪斯,S却决定放下一切,好好谈一次自由恋爱。D为了帮C维护好家族秘密,放弃了《纽约时报》的约稿。D不仅做了这件好事,他还促使了Bass开始理解儿子。B终于接受了Eleanor的新男友。 第 11 集 伟大的阿奇博尔德 感恩节到了,布莱尔不得不面对感恩节的新传统,Lily则努力让Rufus与J重归于好。E发现了Bass的秘密——原来他手上一直有Lily三人详细的档案。V和C联手帮助N面对他的老爸。 第 12 集 美妙的谎言 C和B打赌,看谁能帮对方找到一个完美约会情人,结果他们都是按照自己为模型进行寻找。N知道了J与V为他所耍的心计后,狠狠地数落了J一番,与V重归于好。 第 13 集 Bass之死 Bass车祸去世,让C刚刚获得的温暖完全丧失。C变得更加堕落,即便B放下所有大**的架子甚至放下尊严来照顾他,他仍是对B的态度也急转直下,还希望她去寻找新的爱人。 第 14 集 在巴斯的领土上 Bass死后,C的叔叔Jack从澳洲回到曼哈顿,正式成为C的监护人。但是Jack并不是什么好人,他一直记恨Bass当年把他赶到澳洲,此次回来,他希望拿回他认为是他的东西。Rufus知道自己和Lily的孩子被人领养了,便和Lily一同去寻找孩子,但是养父母却骗他俩说孩子已死。 第 15 集 和誓言一同逝去 Jack陷害C,让他几乎失去了集团产业,幸好Lily及时挽回一切,不但赶走Jack,还让C接受了她。Rufus与Lily的感情也因寻子一事而升温。 第 16 集 You've Got Yale S,B,D和其他高年级的学生都在试图找出谁是获得耶鲁大学提前录取资格的学生。当S发现自己被其他录取后把这个名额让给了B,“学场”得意的S和新的莎翁文学老师Rachel Carr产生了一些联系,而这个老师因为初来乍到,以至于不知道给B打她人生的第一个B会是什么后果。不过,很快B发现这个Rachel也不是什么省油的灯。另一方面,C拒绝和Lily站在同一条战线在对战Jack叔叔,来获得他自己父亲企业的掌管权。N和V的恋情在他们一起出现在一场歌剧观众席中而曝光了。Lily也不顾Rufus对上流社会的厌恶,和自己的地位曝光了他们的恋情。 第 17 集 Carnal Knowledge B计划着要报复给了自己低分的Rachel Carr老师,但是却迟迟不能得到自己“民防团”的支持,因为她们还没打算要去惹一名老师。不择手段的B便开始四处散播Rachel和D师生恋的谣言。不过一切都因为一天S巧遇D和Rachel在咖啡店约会而改变了,B不得不和自己最难的的胜利说拜拜。另一方面,C在一家陌生的酒店醒来,发现事情不对,打电话给N和V求助。他们怎么都没想到,这件看来简单的桃色事件却会给C带来严重的后果。 第 18 集 The Age of Dissonance 在Constance Billiard排练话剧“Age of Innocence”的同时,D继续忽略S,和Rachel发生师生恋。当B发现自己的耶鲁提前录取名额被Nelly夺走时,她怀疑是S走漏了她曾经被扣留的污点,同时,S不停抱怨B只知道说自己的问题。但是,真正的幕后黑手确实Rachel老师--她在报复B毁了她的前途。Rufus和J发现了D和Rachel的恋情,企图阻止他们。N因为V和话剧导演志同道合十分嫉妒,他却不知道真正看上导演的是S,V只是在帮S罢了。C开始执迷不悟的调查自己刚过世父亲和神秘地下集团的勾结 第 19 集 The Grandfather 被耶鲁拒绝,父亲唾弃的B放弃了自己大家闺秀的形象,和Carter开始鬼混,S和C不得不非常担心B现在的生活状态。V说服N差不多是时候原谅在他父亲被捕时冷血的遗弃他和他母亲的外公了。N听从了V的建议,带着V和D一起参加了外公van der Bilt家族的家庭聚会。N虽然回到了“家”,V却在心里感到,N离自己越来越远了。 第 20 集 Remains of the J Lily与Rufus两家决定给J举办一场小型的16岁生日聚会,但在早餐时得知这个消息的J却表示自己只想过个简单、温馨的生日,Lily于是就取消了聚会的筹办。S来到学校后,不料却遭到了Penelope等人的挖苦,她们觉得S之所以放弃为J举办生日聚会是因为担心生日的固定party会抢了S一家的风头。一怒之下的S找到了好友Poppy,两人商定要一起为J举办一个精致、高雅的party来庆祝J的生日。对此完全不知道的J还在与D筹备生日当晚一家人的填字游戏。J与D来到Lily一家住的酒店时,见到了受邀而来的Penelope等人,并遭到了Penelope的一番羞辱。J终于意识到,S忽略自己“要过个简单的生日”的想法而举办这个聚会的目的是为了让学校里的那些mean girls明白:S是有能力办一个轰动性的聚会的。随着party上的人越来越多,聚会终于有些失控了。Lily和Rufus归来后看到这狼藉的场面,训斥了S。J向Lily和老爸道了歉,说是自己给gossip girl发送了此处有party的消息才引来了这么多人。S受不了Lily的训斥,就去寻找好友Poppy。Poppy劝S离开一段时间,与自己和自己的男友Gabriel一起去西班牙旅行一个星期。 另一方面,V同意了帮助C施一场小计量让B和N嫉妒,结果他们却在过程中发生了关系。同时,Rufus发现D失去了拿到耶鲁大学奖学金的机会,他在Lily的帮助下企图寻找另外的方式帮助D。无巧不成书,就在这时,D收到了一封来自Boston的来信,一个神秘人物想要见他。 第 21 集 Seder Anything S从西班牙回来了,不过西班牙之行可没有这么简单的结束,她模糊的觉得她好像在疯狂派对,宿醉后和Gabriel结婚了。同时,B私下和N的爷爷约定要说服N放弃因为逆反而去读哥伦比亚大学的想法,进入耶鲁大学。 第 22 集 Southern Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Georgina洗心革面后又回到了纽约上流社会。C和N因为同时爱上B可能又要分道扬镳了。S和Gabriel的关系变得复杂,而Gabriel和Poppy的关系更是微妙。 第 23 集 The Wrath of Con Georgina在B压力下,为了偿还她过去无理行径带来的后果,不得不帮B完成个小计划。N和C为了B的竞争开始有了点头绪。S正在冥思苦想怎样报复Poppy的欺骗行为。 第 24 集 Valley Girls 在一场1983的闪回中,Lily回忆着17岁稚嫩的自己被寄宿学校赶出大门,她不得不只身跑到洛杉矶寻找她离婚的父母--工作狂父亲和浅薄的母亲。她同时也和19岁自由自在的姐姐Carol建立了良好的关系。Carol把充满欢乐,派对的世界带给了Lily,同时还有Carol工作地方的传菜员Owen。他们在一次由Lily后来的老公Keith Van Der Woodsen举办的Party中被捕了。在纽约的今天,B和N就要一起参加他们的毕业舞会了。但是这个晚上因为“Mean Girl”的捣乱变得混乱。 第 25 集 The Goodbye Gossip Girl 绯闻女孩决定在Constance Billard和StJude的毕业典礼上发一封爆炸性的邮件,让这些毕业生不得安生。S不得不计划着要让绯闻女孩不能成功。Nelly、Isabel、Penelope挑战J赢过B成为明年新的Queen。同时,Lily和Rufus终于订婚,住在一起了。而在B的祝福下,J成了新的皇后。C终于对B表白,两个人停战。暑假将近,N决定和V一起背包旅行。Georgina回到了纽约,偷了D的钱不说,还要求B做她纽约大学的室友。Carter Baizen带着S亲身父亲的秘密也回到了纽约。S要去布朗大学了。而B、D、V和Georgina都去了纽约大学。N去了哥伦比亚大学。Lily和Rufus的非婚子Scott不易察觉的到了纽约,和D作伴