Zhang: dig dung selflessly self-sacrifice to save the elderly July 11, 1982, 69-year-old old man Wei-tak, dig dig dung...
Zhang: dig dung selflessly self-sacrifice to save the elderly July 11, 1982, 69-year-old old man Wei-tak, dig dig dung manure when he was septic tanks emit methane smoked down, fall into the septic tanks Fourth Military Medical University, Faculty of Medicine, Air Force, a third year student Zhang a cry for help, do not hesitate to enter the septic tanks to save the elderly, he was smoked down methane, and no longer wake up from this "Huashan wall", to help visitors safely evacuated May 1, 1983, Huashan Qianchi buildings on a serious danger, a middle-aged engineer was away from the tourists crowded the steps, causing a chain reaction, more than ten straight rapidly under tourists away, Hill's fourth tour here Military Medical University student Wang Qiang, Li Bo, Zhao Jianhua of 11 people spontaneously organize themselves, risking their own was injured, colliding with great danger, struggling to rescue from the ladder on the cliff falling down about a dozen injured tourists Zhao Yu: trees and saving rather than help earn January 22, 2007 afternoon, ZHANG Duo-old accidentally slipped into the river level ZHAO Chuan-yu cry for help was too late take off clothes, shoes and then jump leap into the icy river, rescued the elderly Ashore, the others asked for his name, Zhao Yu laughed off the question, the crowd left quietly Later, Zhang multi-ping for the elderly by making inquiries before we know that young people known as Zhao Yu, a student at the University Yangtze River With "life chain" to save two fell into the sea of juvenile October 24, 2009, two juveniles were Jiangliu away from the bank, can not swim in the Yangtze River more than 10 college students wading arm in arm, formed a "human chain" to save people Thought "human chain" because a student slipped off 2 fell into the sea of juvenile saved, while Chen and timely, Fang Zhao, He Dongxu three college students have sacrificed their precious lives醛和酮的性质(大学化学)担任《环境化学原理》、《环境微生物学》等课程的教学工作。 1987年7月本科毕业并获得复旦大学理学学士学位,毕业后在复旦大学物理二系任助理工程师。1993年10月晋升为工程师。1996年6月进入复旦大学环境科学与工程系1997年11月~1999年3月赴德国康斯坦茨大学进行学术访问。1999年7月获得复旦大学理学硕士学位。2002年12月起任复旦大学环境科学与工程系副教授。2006年1月获得复旦大学理学博士学位。2006年4月起任复旦大学环境科学与工程系教授。 已在国内外核心刊物上发表论文50余篇。近年来代表性论文如下:1 Li Huang, Liang Li, Wenbo Dong, Yan Liu, Huiqi Hou Removal of Ammonia by OH Radical in Aqueous PhaseEnviron Sci Technol 2008 42(21): 8070-8075SCI2 Zhang RenXi, Shen Yan, Li Ping, Huang Li, Dong WenBo, Hou HuiQi Investigation of the cross-reaction mechanism of C6H5F-HNO2 aqueous solution irradiated at 355 nm by transient absorbance spectrum techniqueChinese Sci Bull APR 2008 53(7): 998-1003(中文版:张仁熙,沈燕,李萍,黄丽,董文博,侯惠奇 瞬态吸收光谱技术研究C6H5F与亚硝酸在355 nm光作用下的交叉反应。科学通报2007 52(19): 2260-2265)SCI3 Xia Lan-Yan, Gu Ding-Hong, Tan Jing, Dong Wen-Bo, Hou Hui-Qi Photolysis of low concentration H2S under UV/VUV irradiation emitted from microwave discharge electrodeless lamps ChemosphereAPR 2008 71(9): 1774-1780SCI4 Li Ping, Dong Wenbo, Zhang Renxi, Huang Li, Ye Zhaolian, Hou Huiqi Different reaction mechanisms of diphenylether and 4-bromodiphenylether with nitrous acid in the 355 nm laser flash photolysis of mixed aqueous solution Chemosphere APR 2008 71(8): 1494-1501SCI5 Xia Lanyan, Huang Li, Shu Xiaohong, Zhang Renxi, Dong Wenbo, Hou Huiqi Removal of ammonia from gas streams with dielectric barrier discharge plasmas Journal of Hazardous Materials MAR 21 2008 152(1): 113-119 ISSN: 0304-3894SCI6 Huang Li, Shen Yan, Dong Wenbo, Zhang Renxi, Zhang Jianliang, Hou Huiqi A novel method to decompose two potent greenhouse gases: Photoreduction of SF6 and SF5CF3 in the presence of propene Journal of Hazardous Materials MAR 1 2008 151(2-3): 323-330SCI7 曹长青,黄丽,张仁熙,董文博,侯惠奇 瞬态吸收光谱研究水相中三苯基锡与OH 自由基反应机理 化学学报JAN 14 2008 66(1): 112-116 SCI广西医科大学第一附属医院/广西医大一院可以做第三代试管婴儿吗?需要什么条件?一、物理性质(physical properties,自学)C4以下醛、酮可溶于水:——氢键醛分子之间并不能形成氢键。二、化学性质(chemical properties):一、亲核加成(nucleophilic addition):——亲核试剂中谁是亲核原子?(哪一个原子直接进攻羰基碳与其成键?)1 与HCN加成: ⑴ 加酸抑制反应,加碱促进反应。3~4小时,反应完成50%; 加一滴KOH,2分钟完成反应。⑵ 影响 >C=O 加成反应的因素:①碳原子上正电荷密度越大,越有利于反应:CCl3-CHO > H2C=O > CH3CHO > (CH3)2C=O② >C=O碳上所连基团越小,越有利于反应:醛、脂肪族甲基酮和C8以下环酮能反应。③ 芳香醛、酮中的共轭作用不利于亲核加成:共轭效应减弱羰基碳上的正电荷密度,不利于反应。(3) 应用:——合成α-羟基酸例1:解:2 与NaHSO3 (饱和溶液)加成:应用: 分离、纯化醛、甲基酮、环酮;鉴定不同类型的酮。 醛、脂肪族甲基酮、C8以下环酮能反应,其他酮不反应,如:ArCOCH3不能反应。例2:鉴定:解:例3:分离乙醇和乙醛的混合物(不能用蒸馏的方法): 解:3 与H2O加成:多数醛、酮的反应平衡偏向左边。特殊结构的醛、酮水合物:4 与醇加成:反应机理:第一步:亲核加成第二步:亲核取代:不断将水蒸出,有利于反应进行缩醛在酸性条件下水解,重新得到醛、酮。 缩醛对氧化剂、还原剂、碱稳定。——官能团保护,保护羰基。例4:合成题:解:乙二醇常用于合成中保护羰基:例5: (能否用KMnO4直接氧化?)特殊的半缩醛结构:5 与格利雅试剂加成:——增长碳链,广泛用于合成酮反应得叔醇:醛反应得仲醇:甲醛反应得伯醇:环氧乙烷反应得伯醇:CO2反应得羧酸:练习1:以乙烯为原料,合成下列化合物(无机试剂及常用有机溶剂任选):⑴ CH3CH2CH2OH ⑵ CH3CH2CH2CH2OH ⑶ ⑷ 看答案 6 与氨的衍生物的加成:——合成C=N键化合物与伯胺反应:中任一个为芳基时,亚胺为稳定晶体,叫作西佛碱(Schiff base)。分离、提纯醛酮。其他反应:苯腙:低熔点固体甚至液体,鉴定醛酮。二、 还原反应(reduction reaction):1LiAlH4(或NaBH4)还原:提供氢负离子 ,进攻极性键的正电部分,如: >C = O, >C = N, >S = O键等。对>C = C<双键一般不发生作用。NaBH4:缓和还原剂,还原醛、酮、酰氯2 Clemmenson还原醛酮:例:3 Wolff-Kishner-黄鸣龙还原法:高沸点溶剂:二缩乙二醇(HOCH2CH2)2O三缩乙二醇(HOCH2CH2OCH2)2练习2:合成题(无机试剂及C3以下有机试剂任选):(1) (2) 看答案黄鸣龙(1898-1979):有机化学家,江苏省扬州人,1924年获德国柏林大学博士学位,1955年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士),是中国有机化学先辈之一。1940—1943年间,黄鸣龙任职于昆明中央研究院化学研究所,正值抗日战争期间,用仅有的盐酸、氢氧化钠、酒精等试剂,在频繁的空袭警报干扰下,进行山道年等的立体化学研究。 黄鸣龙在做基希纳-沃尔夫还原反应时,曾突然出现意外的情况,但他并未置之不顾,而是照样研究下去,结果得到出乎意料的好结果。于是他仔细分析原因,又经过一系列改变条件的实验,终于达到了改良的目的。他的英名也载入有机化学史册。三、氧化反应(oxydation reaction):1弱氧化剂氧化: 选择性氧化醛基(-CHO),不影响-OH, >C=C<键等。练习3:鉴别甲醛、乙醛、苯甲醛:看答案2 KMnO4/H+或K2Cr2O7/H+强氧化:3 酮过氧化成酯(Bayer-Villiger重排):4 歧化反应(Cannizzaro反应): ——浓碱作用下,两分子无α- H的醛相互发生氧化——还原反应。两种醛反应,HCHO HCOOH:随堂练:完成下列化学反应方程式:四、羟醛缩合反应: ——在稀酸或稀碱催化下,两分子含α-H的醛酮互相结合生成β-羟基醛酮的反应。碱催化机理:——反应是可逆的。β-羟基醛、酮加热易脱水:例:——用于有机合成例: ——无合成意义在有机合成中,常使两种反应物中的一种不含α-H:二羰基化合物的分子内缩合:五、卤代反应(halogenating reaction):酸催化:一卤代产物,用于合成:碱催化:多卤代产物,卤仿反应(C-C键断裂,haloform reaction):CHI3:淡**沉淀碘仿反应:检验、鉴别具有 或 结构的化合物。急求!!!!!!!!!!!怪兽大学英文观后感试管婴儿的成功率,不是您们所想象的那样。IVF和ICSI的欧洲怀孕率似乎达到了顶峰2019年6月25日维也纳:ESHRE从欧洲国家登记处(2016年)收集的最新年度数据显示,IVF在治疗不孕症方面的累积使用率再次上升,尽管IVF或ICSI后的成功率似乎已达到峰值, IVF后每次开始治疗的妊娠率为271%,ICSI后为243%。这些数字虽然表明妊娠率略有下降,但最近的传统IVF周期表现仍然优于ICSI。做试管,前期的检查准备,进周前,通常大约需要三到六个月甚至一年或者更长的时间,如果排队到您的跟前,那就可以顺利做试管了;若无异常,大夫会为您建立一份病历,告诉您何时进入周期,开始试管婴儿治疗。帮翻译以下大学英语书里面的段落,谢谢!1 It is a really good movie to teach kids to accept people of who they are and to be happy to be you This also teaches how the bullys always lose and to have good sportsmanship and not cheat Just saw it today and Mike is a excellent role model to live your dreams and fulfill your goals even through life obstacles2 It's a perfect movie That its ambitions are modest shouldn't be a reason to penalize it; it's the animated equivalent of one of those variety show guests on the old Ed Sullivan show that kept six plates spinning while riding a unicycle3"Monsters University" is the sort of film that's easy to undervalue It's not deep, nor is it trying to be, but its goals are numerous and varied, and it achieves every of them with grace If you've ever seen a sports picture, you know how things have to go, and the movie hits every beat you'd expect; but it never arrives via the most obvious route, and it's so attuned to the way modern audiences watch genre films that there are times when it seems to anticipate our objections and tease them out so that it can answer them later, to our satisfaction and delight (When a moment feels a bit off, there's a reason for its off-ness)The script is filled with lines that are quotable not just because they're funny (though many are) but because they're wise, such as Mike telling Sully, during an inspirational trip to watch the professionals at Monsters Incorporated, "The best scarers use their differences to their advantage," and Mike's follow-up, a reaction to watching a legendary and now very old scaremaster do his thing, "He doesn't have the speed anymore, but his technique is flawless" My former colleague Manohla Dargis was right to object to Pixar's decision to tell yet another guy-centric story after releasing the quietly revolutionary "Brave" — but considering the warmth and intelligence radiating from every frame of this film, it's far from a dealbreaker There's a decency and lightness of spirit to "Monsters University" which, in a time of tediously "dark" and "gritty" entertainment, is as bracing as a cannonball-dive into a pool on a hot summer's day关于与动物故事的大学英语作文1 The ideal agricultural system would be sustainble; that is, its level of productivity could be indefinitely and damage to the environment much less This is a war which must be won because it would have only winners for both famers and consumers of farm products 传统的农业体制将会被持续下去;换句话说,生产力的水平的不确定和对环境危害的减少。这是一场必须赢胜利的战争,因为其胜利者只有农民和农产品消费者。2 He has been gone may years now, but I think of him often I wonder if he sended my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks If he did,I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was,how unworthy I was,how I regretted itI think of him when I complain about trifes, when I am envious of another's good fortune, when I don't have a "good heart" 他已经走了可能几年了吧,但我时常想起他。如果他(搞不清啊)在我们的路上见到他。 如果他做了,抱歉我从没有告诉他我是多么歉意, 我是多么的卑劣,多后悔。 我想他,当我解释trifes时,当我嫉妒被人的好运时,当我没有了一颗善良的心的时候。3when we refer to a person as a winner, wo do not mean one who defeats the other person by dominating and making his lose 当我们谈及一个胜利者时,不是指一个用专横击败另外一个人(并使其失败)的人。4The study of placebo opens up new knowledge about the way the human body can heal itself 安慰剂的研究开始了一个关于的人类肢体自愈方法的知识。5The success of this treatment seems to rest a lot with the relationship between the patient and the doctor The range power of the placebo does seem to suggest that the human mind is stronger than we think it is 治疗的成功似乎取非常多的决于病人和医生之间关系。安慰剂的力量好像是暗示人类的精神是强于我们所想象的。6A placebo can also have bad effectsIf patients expect a bad reaction to medicine,then they will also show a bad reaction to the placeboThis would seem to show that a lot of how you react to medicines is in your mind rather than in your body 说明:placrbo:安慰剂安慰剂同样有副作用。如果患者认为药物有害的反作用, 他们就会同样显示出对安慰剂严重的不良反应。这就好像说明大量的你对药物在心理上的反应胜于肢体上的反应。我家有两只活泼又胆小的动物,它们就是我的乌龟朋友。它们都很可爱,一大一小,大的叫祥龙,小的叫凤凰。我们把它们养在鱼缸里,它们给我家添了不少情趣。乌龟的体形是同一种类型的。他们的头是翠绿色的,两侧镶嵌着一对黑珍珠似的小眼睛,那薄膜般的眼皮常常迅速垂下去,又很快掀起,一眨一眨的。它们背着一个像山的壳,这可是它们的防身武器呢!翻过来看,肚皮是黄的,上面分布着紫色的图案。这就是乌龟的样子。别看它们可爱,可它们很胆小。我只要在它们舒适自在地伸展四肢的时候,猛然间冲到它们跟前,它的头、四肢、尾巴都会快如闪电地缩进了壳里。有时,它们也很好动。只要把它们翻个身使它们肚皮朝上,过了一会儿,它们便伸出脖子张望,像在说:“OK,没问题,可以行动了。”于是,四肢伸长,然后脖子伸得老长,往地上一顶,利用惯性,“扑”就这样翻了过来。不知怎么的,我竟大胆起来,能够跟爸爸一样捉乌龟了。我正在捉时,说时迟,那时快,它发现了我,便迅速逃离,总算逃出了我的魔掌,自己溜之大吉了。结果,我扑了个空,差点摔了。我只找到一个正在晒太阳的乌龟,还有一个在哪里?我透过水草,终于在假石下找到了它。它还抿着嘴,轻轻微笑,仿佛在说:“我投降了,我以后听你的了。”我当然同意了。心想:没想到它竟有温柔的一面。关于祥龙、凤凰的故事还有很多,它们给我带来了欢乐。最终我要说上一句:我孤单,有它们陪我;它们孤单了,我也应该陪陪它们。自己翻译成英文