一、英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言。二、英语的使用范围非常广泛。三、国家发展和国际合作需要英语四、英语作为中考、高考的必选重点科目,其得分的高低,直接影响到是否在全班全年级占据优势,被名牌大学录取;五、即使是有偏科倾向的学生,如果她的英语口语或者写作或者翻译有一技之长,将来即使是没有考上大学,他也会被社会广泛需要的,比如从事翻译、口译、英语教师、幼儿园老师、外贸行业等。六、语言好的学生,其右脑的智商相对更高,反应更灵敏、沟通更快捷易懂、给人印象更深刻,在竞争激烈的社会中,更有优势,更容易夺得一些机会。七、如果你想将来出国,就不会在语言关方面花费很多金钱、时间和精力去补课,而是一站式通达国外,获得更多良好教育的机会,也更容易引起外国的青睐,收到意想不到的效果。可见,英语的应用无处不在,我们已经身处在一个开口就是英语的时代和地方,英语对于我们而言,就像一日三餐,对于人类而言不可或缺,只要这个地球存在,英语就会永远存续下去。放弃30万奖学金,被顶尖大学录取,坦言成绩的取得:哪几者缺一不可?中国人要学习英语是因为任何一个国家的文化都有其优秀的地方,也有其糟糕的地方,学习别国的语言和文化是为了更好的了解他们的历史、人文,用别人的经验教训来指导我们走向更好的未来。而且在高速发展的全球化时代,只有掌握好一门世界级的语言才能更好地走向社会,面向更广阔的天地。教育是社会发展的必需品,教育代表着一个国家的未来,如果在教育上还报以如此狭隘的思想,那无疑等于闭关锁国,坐吃等死。学习英语的要点1、树立良好的学习心态 对很多初学者或者是基础差的学员,或者是基础好的学员,在学习英语的时候,都要保持谦虚的学习态度,认真学习,保持良好的学习心态,对学习英语是很有用的。 2、要点滴积累,不要急于求成。 急于求成就可能会造成消化不良,或者一事无成的结果。急于求成往往表现为对自己提出过高的要求。这样做往往会给自己很大压力,进而对自己逐渐失去信心,失去兴趣。利用点滴时间与其他学科进行穿插学习,慢慢坚持学习,就会发现自己的英语水平提升了很多。 为什么要学习英语,有什么实际用处?放弃30万奖学金,被顶尖大学录取,坦言成绩的取得:哪几者缺一不可?《罗马典故》中有句俗语翻译中文,便是:“条条大路通罗马”,不过随着这句话被普遍使用,也逐步远离了原本的意思,尤其是在描述一些人生道路差别甚大的举例说明中,通常会在后边加上一句:“有些人从一出生就在罗马”。针对学生来说,从一出生起,父母职业的文化艺术、家庭条件、客观条件这些都将成为影响人发展方向的重要因素,特别是在伴随着近几年来,高考考试市场竞争更加白热化,而能够在高考中突围的学生中,出身贫寒的越来越低,大多数都是很早在童年时期,就已定好了未来发展线路,只不过是按部就班完成了自己的理想。雷孟子昂出生在安徽,家庭条件非常好,加上父母对孩子教育尤其高度重视,基本上从小时候逐渐,雷孟子昂就获得了很不错的文化教育。除了一些是来自于课本上的知识的学习外,度假旅游、兴趣爱好、培养兴趣这种都给雷孟子昂早早的走在同龄人前边。在高三的时候,雷孟子昂接到来源于5所顶尖大学的橄榄叶,最后回绝了在其中一所名牌大学给的30万学业奖学金,而选择英国帝国理工学院。雷孟子昂的遭遇被别人形容为是“一出生就在罗马”,可是撇开这些对于他来讲算得上一出生就得到的东西,雷孟子昂成绩的取得,与这3者关联都是属于缺一不可。家中、父母和自身不容置疑,当自己一出生以后就好像一张白纸,可以在墙上落下来第一笔的那便是和自己最亲近的父母。索菲娅·欧帆曾经讲过:“家中是学习举动礼貌性的好场地。假如您的孩子成人后有较好的举动,这时候使得他们生活更悠闲舒服。”来源于家庭的影响,让雷孟子昂可以打小就接触到了更加渊博的知识、方面及其全球,而家中自身对文化教育的高度重视,也是他能建立起正确学习的态度、读书习惯的前提。父母的以身作则让孩子能爱惜自己接纳资源,而同时也可以在不知不觉中,让儿童可以从习惯性、观念、思想观念,渐渐地的建立正确学习的态度。在同年龄人玩乐打闹时,雷孟子昂的大多数时间都是用于学习培训、游览甚至充实自己,可以这么说,父母产生的影响对于他的发展也是至关重要的。而能够让他在高三的时候就收到来源于5所顶尖大学的橄榄叶,最主要的自身关于未来一直拥有自己的见解和目标,并没有沉溺在能够放肆的虚无缥缈中,选择脚踏实地的十年如一日丰富充实自己,才能给最后考试成绩打下基础,可以这么说这就是在先天条件优点另加本身努力的结果,而非能够轻易的“抢人头”。翻译简历我觉得,不是中国人学英语没用,而是中国人学英语的方法从本质上来说根本就是错误的。 先不谈理由,你先想一想,我们从小学汉语,是怎么学的?有老师教词汇教语法吗?有录音机跟着听吗?没有,还不是自然而然就脱口而出了。这也不能完全怪教育,毕竟我们没有这个外语环境,所以也就无法真正学会能用得上的英语。现在的英语教学太看重语法、考试、词汇和句型了,真正的口语没有人去教。其实,口语才是最重要的东西。当你见到老外,肯定要开口说话才能交流啊,难不成每天带着纸笔上街,见到老外就写给他看? 其实现在我们国内有一些全封闭的外教口语班,是相当不错的,里面学到的东西能够完全让你体会到天朝目前外语教学的弊病。我曾经在里面学过一段时间,感触很深。而对于英语的用处,虽说实际用处不如那些实践性科目强,但或多或少掌握一门外语,还是很有优势的。现在很多企业招人都要求英语六级(狠一点的甚至要求专八),主要是考虑到中国与国际交流越来越频繁,来中国的外国人越来越多,而英语作为“世界语”,自然在这方面是有着不可忽视的作用的。Resume Name:Wu Duan's sex:Male Date of birth:197406Age:35 Title:Engineer and whole country one class construct teacher educational background:Together help university engineering Master Work time limit:13 year population:Yang Pu Qu in Shanghai City Work resume: 1996~1998 aerospace building design institute for research(first grade) structure in Shanghai designs; Design 1998~1999 Wei Si design structure professional representative directors of company(first grade) of Shanghai of Peking; 1999~2004 together help an university building design institute for research Gao Xin Suo;The period participates in and managed a few point items of Shanghai City, for example:Disable and sick person's activity center in Shanghai City waits;Serve as the vice- bureau chief of Gao Xin Suo in 2002, be responsible for works, such as the management in, personnel and financeetc completely, make the production value turned over a to turn over inside within a year 2004~ joins three building design business offices in Shanghai to allow shareholder up to now, and establish to design 2, allow bureau chiefYear production value in the business office of three building design in Shanghai is must all super up to now in 2004 dollar, Be located on ex- row in the business office of the run by private capital share system design 2004~ passes in 2004 up to now one class in a batch of nations constructs a teachers space attestation, the same period joins glorious Hui construction group limited company(nation one class construction natural intelligence) in Shanghai to serve as vice-president an engineerIn addition to is concretely starting construction item up serve as item representative director, also be responsible for the processing of group all engineerings complicated technique problem, include the establishment of starting construction the project among them, with the communication of the owner and the coordination of the government section etcServe as vice-president at me for engineer's period, the group has no important and safe trouble, the accomplishment is also a violent wind to living all the way and synthesize real strenght to be included in building industry in Shanghai City 30 strong business enterprises in 2006 BE controled by Hong Kong listed company idea section in 2005(stock code:0943)entrust, serve as the first party from the generation of Jia idea logistics center item in Shanghai of its investment, manage to sign an item, design construction and product to choose a type, quality control and finish construction to check and accept a whole process contents from the item, that item invests 100,000,000 dollars renminbi, in a year the item complete smoothly Main engineering accomplishment: 1The city 160000 ms of the city hurl century in Shanghai 2, serve as to design item a representative director; 2Jia idea logistics center 30000 ms in Shanghai 2, serve as to design item representative director and generation the first party; 3Jia cypress logistics warehouse 15000 ms in Shanghai 2, serve as to design item a representative director; 4Up Helen clear plastics product limited company Ma Qiao the factory premises 50000 ms 2, serve as to design item a representative director; 5Nanking City six match the area athletics 45000 ms in the center 2, serve as to design item a representative director; 6The Kun mountain great universe garden sells the building 11000 ms 2, serve as construction item representative director; My words: I designed primer to join from the structure the engineering realm has already had 13 years up to now, the four first grade designs unit particularly together helps an university design hospital of from already checked to beat to descend deep technique basis for me, along with the age and the empirical growth, I profoundly felt again currently this platform up have the growth flying soon was very difficulty, so I wanted to look for a larger satge to display myselfThe building industry business enterprise of a good multinational is that my head choose, I believe to will definitely stand firm a heel with lending my real strenght, and work hard a some kind of new worlds See NES delivers of post information, although is recruit a Structural structure engineer of Engineer of Civil, to his ability request but is all-directionsHowever I own higher famous brand university educational background and several first grade designs hospital from already check, a class construct a teacher construction to keep industry qualifications, to engineering item the whole process become the bamboo is at the chest, this at building industry talented person in is also is number not much, at the right moment request with this post to match to clapHoping this post can bring me a new challenge and also give the choice my person brings larger surprised please我是外语学院的,9999%的正确率,分给我吧!!!