According to the second paragr

According to the second paragraph,In a disaster such as an earthquake or terrorist attack, nearly two-thirds of U.S. parents would disregard orders to evacuate and would rush to pick up their kids from school, according to a new survey. The survey found t...

2021年医师系列《中医助理医师》考试题库-中医助理医师-第一单元 经络系统-


阅读理解-According to the second paragraph,

In a disaster such as an earthquake or terrorist attack, nearly two-thirds of U.S. parents would disregard orders to evacuate and would rush to pick up their kids from school, according to a new survey. The survey found that 63% of parents would ignore orders to evacuate and instead attempt to reunite with their children, possibly hindering rescue efforts by adding to traffic congestion.  The authors of the study, released Thursday on the seventh anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, said that despite years of government efforts to enhance disaster preparedness, schools need to do more to plan for disasters and parents need to be made aware of the plans. The report was commissioned by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and the Children's Health Fund. Among parents of school-age children, 45 percent said they do not know the location where their children would be evacuated as part of the school's disaster plan. “There should be an outcry from parents to push their schools and their school districts to develop a plan that makes sense,” said Irwin Redlener, president of the Children's Health Fund.  The federal Department of Homeland Security has allocated billions of dollars to help state and local governments set up disaster contingency plans. But just 44% of the U.S. residents surveyed this year said they have all or some of the basic elements of a disaster preparedness plan, including food, water, a flash- light with extra batteries and a meeting place in case of evacuation. The survey has been administered annually since 2002 by the Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. The telephone survey of 1,579 adults was conducted between July 25 and Aug. 9. The margin of error for the entire survey was 2.5% points. The margin of error for the subset of households with children was 4% points.  Parents said Thursday they were not surprised by the finding that most of them would disregard evacuation orders and pick up their children. Diana Ennen, of Margate, Fla., is the author of The Home Office Recovery Plan: Disaster Preparedness for Your Home-Based Businessand a mother of three. “As a mom, you wouldn't be able to keep me away from picking up my children,” she said in an e-mail. “My first instinct would be to get them at all costs. I would literally run the entire distance to get them. I believe most parents would feel the same.”(此文选自Time2008年刊)


A.schools should do more in their disaster preparedness.

B.the government has been well prepared for disasters.

C.parents do not care about their children enough.

D.schools' former plans for disasters do not make sense at all.


解析:细节题,直接定位第二段寻找相关信息。A项表达的意思正好和第二段第一句“...schools need to do more to plan for disasters…”一致,因此为正确答案;B所表达的意思明显与首句不符,故B错;C项与文中要传达的意思正好相反,故排除此项;第二段最后一句强调家长应该强烈呼吁以推动学校和学区制定合理备灾计划,但是并未完全否定之前备灾计划的合理性,故排除D。


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