
______Today's business people live in an over communicated world. There are too many Web sites, too many reports, too many bits of information  1 for their attention. The successful ones are forced to become deft machete wielders in this jungle to  2 . Th...

2021年医师系列《中医助理医师》考试题库-中医助理医师-第二单元 经络的作用和经络学说的临床应用-



Today's business people live in an over communicated world. There are too many Web sites, too many reports, too many bits of information  1 for their attention. The successful ones are forced to become deft machete wielders in this jungle to  2 . They ruthlessly cut  3 all the extraneous data that are encroaching them. They  4 through their tasks so they can cover as mush  5 as possible answering dozens of e-mails at a sitting and scrolling past dozens more.  6 the main scarcity in their life is not money, it's time. They guard every  7 second the way a desert wanderer  8 his water.  The problem  9 all this speed and the frantic energy that is spent using time efficiently is that it  10 creativity. After all creativity that  11 while you're doing some-thing else:  When you're in the shower your brain has time to noodle about and  12 the odd connections that lead to new ideas. But if your brain is always multitasking, or responding to techno prompts, there is on time or energy for undirected  13 play Furthermore if you are consumed by the same information loop  14 around everyone else you don't have anything to stimulate you  15 thinking differently. You don't have time to read the history book or the science book that may actually  16 you to see your own business in a new  17 . You don't have access to unexpected knowledge. You're just  18 along in the same narrow current as everyone else which is swift but not deep.  A placebo machine—a little gadget with voice  19 and everything will help Wireless people to log  20 and it will tell them they have no messages. They'll be able to experience life instead of information. They'll be able to reflect instead of react







解析:根据文章首句的 an over communicated world可以判断此处应是communication,表示“人际交往”。


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  • 第一车间生产出的甲产品(半成品)耗用的直接人工费用和制造费用

    第一车间生产出的甲产品(半成品)耗用的直接人工费用和制造费用分别为(  )元。2.某工业企业大量生产甲产品,采用平行结转分步法计算产品成本。生产分为两个步骤,分别由第一和第二两个车间进行生产。第一车间为第二车间提供半成品,第二车间将半成品加工成为产成品。产成品和月末在产品之间分配生产成本的方法采用定额比例法,材料成本按定额材料成本比例分配,其他成本按定额工时比例分配。假定该公司月末没有盘点在产品,月末在产品的定额材料要根据月初在产品定额材料加上本月投产的定额材料减去产成品的定额材料计算求出。相关资料如下:

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  • 对外分配时,计入制造费用的金额是(  )万元。

    对外分配时,计入制造费用的金额是(  )万元。1.某制造企业下设机修和供电两个辅助生产车间,采用交互分配法分配辅助生产费用。辅助生产车间的制造费用不通过“制造费用”科目核算。2020年3月份各辅助生产车间发生的费用及提供的产品和劳务数量见下表:要求:根据上述资料,不考虑其他因素,回答下列小题。(答案中的金额单位用万元表示,计算结果保留小数点后两位)

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