
______George Washington remained the preeminent figure in American history. His rise to  1 fame really began in July 1775, when he took  2 of the newly formed Continental Army. He was already an international figure because of the  3 he had played in the ...

2021年医师系列《中医助理医师》考试题库-中医助理医师-第七单元 妊娠病-



George Washington remained the preeminent figure in American history. His rise to  1 fame really began in July 1775, when he took  2 of the newly formed Continental Army. He was already an international figure because of the  3 he had played in the French and Indian War. However, the quarter of a century that loomed(迫近) ahead of that July day was to place him high in first ranks of the world's great. The problems that  4 the new commander and his country were massive. Thirteen small colonies, with  5 rich but yet undeveloped resources, had  6 on armed conflict with the richest and most powerful empire in the world. It was an empire  7 far-firing commerce supplied an  8 of the weapons of war.  As  9 of the small Continental Army who was  10 to win independence for the colonies, Washington was an inspiring leader. He showed a remarkable ability to  11 the best results with the  12 material resources and untrained armed forces  13 his command. He made  14 this army an easily maneuverable force which  15 the worst blows of its foe and even won significant victories in the first 3 years of the war. He thus  16 the important alliance with France  17 was to guarantee the achievement of American independence.  By the close of the Revolution the outstanding position of Washington in the minds of the American people was generally  18 . More than any other American, he symbolized the Revolution and its triumphant  19 ; he had been its military leader for more than 8 years. No figure in American military or civil life commanded the same general respect and admiration  20 were shown to him. At times, it was by his military ability that he had prevented the Revolution from collapsing.


A.one commander 

B.the commander 


D.a commander




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