The second paragraph deals wit

The second paragraph deals with all of the following types of goods EXCEPT _____.  Without question there are plenty of bargains to be had at sales time—particularly at the top-quality shops whose reputation depends on having only the best and newest good...



阅读理解-The second paragraph deals with all of the following types of goods EXCEPT _____.

  Without question there are plenty of bargains to be had at sales time—particularly at the top-quality shops whose reputation depends on having only the best and newest goods in stock each season.They tend, for obvious reasons, to be the fashion or seasonal goods which in due course become the biggest bargains.  It is true that some goods are specially brought in for the sales but these too can provide exceptional value.A manufacturer may have the end of a range left on his hands and be glad to sell the lot off cheaply to shops; or he may have a surplus of a certain material which he is glad to make up and get rid of cheaply; or he may be prepared to produce a special line at low cost merely to keep his employees busy during a slack period.He is likely to have a good many “seconds” available and if their defects are trifling these may be particularly good bargains.  Nevertheless, sales do offer a special opportunity for sharp practices and shoppers need to be extra critical.For example the “second” should be clearly marked as such and not sold as if they were perfect.(The term “substandard”, incidentally, usually indicates a more serious defect than “seconds”.) More serious is the habit of marking the price down from an alleged previous price which is in fact fictitious.Misdescription of this and all other kinds is much practiced by the men who run one-day sales of carpets in church halls and the like.As the sellers leave the district the day after the sale there is little possibility of redress.In advertising sales, shops may say “only 100 left” when in fact they have plenty more; conversely they may say “10000 at half-price” when only a few are available at such a drastic reduction.If ever the warning “let the buyer beware” were necessary it is during sales.


A.surplus goods

B.low-cost goods

C.the end lot goods

D.exceptionally valued goods




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