Which statement is NOT true ac

Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?  We unemployed share a social stigma(耻辱) similar to that of the rape victim.Whether consciously or subconsciously, much of the work-ethic driven public feels that you’ve somehow “asked for it”.Secretly...



阅读理解-Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?

  We unemployed share a social stigma(耻辱) similar to that of the rape victim.Whether consciously or subconsciously, much of the work-ethic driven public feels that you’ve somehow “asked for it”.Secretly wanted to lose your job and “flirted(幻想)” with unemployment through your attitude probably dressed in a way to invite it (left the vest unbuttoned on your three piece suit).  But the worse of it isn’t society’s work-ethic morality: it’s your own, which you never knew you had.You find out how much self-satisfaction was gained from even the most simple work related task: a well worded letter, a well-handled phone call, even a clean file.Being useful to yourself isn’t enough.  But then almost everyone has heard about the need to be a useful member of society.What you didn’t know about was the loneliness.You’ve spent your life almost constantly surrounded by people, in classes, in dorms and at work.To suddenly find yourself with only your cat to talk to all day distorts(歪曲) your sense of reality.You begin to worry that fights of fancy might become one way.  But you always were, and still are, stronger than that.You maintain balance and perspective, mainly through resorting frequently to sarcasm(嘲笑) and irreverence.Although something going wrong in any aspect of your life now seems to push you into temporary despair much more easily than before, you have some very important things to hang on to—people who care, your sense of humor, your talents, your cat and your hopes.  And beyond that, you’ve gained something— a little more knowledge and a lot more compassion.You’ve learned the value of the routine you scorned and the importance of the job you took for granted.But most of all, you’ve learned what a “7.6 percent unemployment rate” really means.


A.The worst of layoff is the society’s work-ethic morality.

B.Unemployment brings great mental hurt to people.

C.Those who lost their jobs become easily depressed.

D.Those who lost jobs would value any job they can get.




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