阅读理解-In an “open classroom” the teacher is supposed to _____.
Basic academic subjects like reading, writing and arithmetic were the backbone(主干) of the schools during the 1920s and 1930s, until reform movements of the 1940s and 1950s reacted against heavy systematization(系统化, 组织化) to bring about methods that focused on taking advantage of students’ interests.In 1957 when the former Soviet Union sent the first satellite into outer space, Americans got scared that our students were not as well prepared scientifically and the Soviet children were, so a big wave of encouragement for science and math took over in our schools.During the politically eventful(多变化的) late 1960s, such curricula seemed less relevant than children’s ability to think for themselves and direct the course of their own education.Experiments such as “open classrooms” came into being, with children in the same room doing a variety of different activities, and teachers seem more as overseers than transmitters of knowledge.High school students made more of their own decisions on which courses to take, and as a result fewer studied foreign languages and hard science. When the mid-1970s brought drops in the scores achieved by high school students, the US educators became concerned that our schools were not giving students enough grounding in basic academic skills and became convinced that students could best think for themselves if they had better basic skills.As a result, the idea is “back to basics”, as schools emphasize these as part of standard curricula. What do all these changes mean for US children? They illustrate, for one thing, the underlying American faith that our future rests on the way our children turn out, and that a basic way to affect children’s development is through their education.
A.organize classroom activities rather than merely transmit knowledge
B.rely on the students interests in classroom activities
C.teach course less relevant to the established curricula
D.help the students improve their basic academic skills
解析:本题主要考查open classrooms的定义。其意思是指学校给学生提供一个活动的场所,学生可以做自己的事,老师的作用只是起监督作用而不负责传授知识。参考文章第二段末尾:孩子们在同一开放教室中进行许多不同的活动,而教师更多的是被看成敦促者而非知识的传播者。中学生有更多的机会自己决定选修什么课程,结果没有多少学生选修“外语和硬科学”。(注:硬科学指物理、化学、生物学、地质学等自然科学。)