The money-weighted rate of ret

The money-weighted rate of return on the investment is:Use the following data to answer Questions 32 and 33.Assume an investor purchases a share of stock for $50 at time t = 0, and another share at $65 at time t = 1, and at the end of Year 1 and Year 2, t...

2021年CFA考试《Level Ⅰ》考试题库-CFA考试(Level Ⅰ)-Study Session 2 Quantitative Methods Basic Concepts-


阅读理解-The money-weighted rate of return on the investment is:

Use the following data to answer Questions 32 and 33.Assume an investor purchases a share of stock for $50 at time t = 0, and another share at $65 at time t = 1, and at the end of Year 1 and Year 2, the stock paid a $2 dividend. Also, at the end of Year 2, the investor sold both shares for $70 each.






解析:One way to do this problem is to set up the cash flows so that the PV of inflows = PV of outflows and plug in each of the multiple choices.50 + 65 / (1 + r) = 2 / (1 + r) + 144 / (1 + r)2 → r = 18.02%. Or on your financial calculator, solve for IRR:

Calculating Money-Weighted Return With the TI Business Analyst II Plus?


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