
出国留学推荐信也是大学申请的一个必不可少的组成部分,一般大学需要三封推荐信,一份来自班主任的推荐信,以及两封来自任课老师的推荐信。有些学校还可以接受来自实习单位,社团领导,甚至同龄人的第三方推荐信。  国际学生的推荐信  如果您的孩子是在国...
出国留学推荐信也是大学申请的一个必不可少的组成部分,一般大学需要三封推荐信,一份来自班主任的推荐信,以及两封来自任课老师的推荐信。有些学校还可以接受来自实习单位,社团领导,甚至同龄人的第三方推荐信。  国际学生的推荐信  如果您的孩子是在国外读高中,或者上的是国际班,那么推荐信是完全由老师亲自写的,而且老师写完之后会直接邮寄给学校,或者通过一个在线的系统上传给学校,不给学生过目的权利。当然,这样的推荐信也最具备公信力,因为这是老师对于学生最直接最客观最不掺假的评价。而且一般加拿大(或者说西方国家)的老师给学生写的推荐信都会比较客观,不会一味美化和夸大学生的有点,有时候也会提出学生不足的地方,所以这样的推荐信绝对会影响到招生官的判断。  自荐信的作用是什么  但是无论是国际班还是国外高中,到了申学季,找招生官写推荐信的学生都会比较多,有时候招生官也会应接不暇,所有有时候给学生的推荐信只会是草草几句话。这种情况下,我们会建议也指导学生给招生官写一封自荐信。一般是以Email的形式,在请求老师帮自己写推荐信的同时,可以适当“提醒”老师自己和老师相处的这段时间都一起做过哪些有有意义的活动或者在班级担任了哪些职务做出了什么贡献等等。毕竟老师也是人,除非那些特别突出,给老师留下特别印象的学生,大多数学生与老师互动的一些事情容易被老师遗忘,所以老师也希望得到你的提示,唤醒自己的记忆。  如果你上的是中国国内的课程,那么一般来说很难从老师那得到一份真正的推荐信。南外每年几百个出国生,想让同时兼顾教学工作的老师去一个个写推荐信确实强人所难。所以对于大多数学生来说,只能自己写推荐信,然后拿去给老师签字。看起来老师是在帮你,其实不尽然。最大的困难莫过于从另一个人的角度夸奖自己。  如何让自己的推荐信被写得更好  就拿学校老师的推荐信来说,一般班主任老师的推荐信着重体现学生的个性魅力,任课老师的推荐信着重体现学生的学术能力。因为就一个班级来说,班主任是跟学生最亲近的老师,虽然班主任也任教,但是班级大大小小的事务,活动,晚会等班主任一般都会参与。所以班主任是最有可能了解学生学术以外的能力的,班主任的推荐信中就要尽量展示学生在学术以外的特点。在学生写推荐信之前,可以列一个提纲好好回忆一下,也可以去找班主任老师讨论一下,想一想具体的事例,比如某一次义卖活动,你是如何发挥了自己的凝聚力,带领大家完成任务。或者某一次艺术节,你担任了什麽职务,如何协调各个部门的运作,期间又遇到了什麽困难如何解决的等等。切记不要满纸套话,肆意吹捧,把自己描述成一个全面发展,毫无缺点的学生,这样的推荐信非常虚伪,会让招生官一看就觉得是自己代写的,因为这不是一位教师应该有的客观公正的素质和态度。  另外任课老师的推荐信就要着重体现学生的学术能力,你是一个课堂上积极踊跃,反应快,思维活跃,善于表达的人,还是一个思维严谨,不想到百分之百正确的答案绝不会举手发言的人。平时是保质保量完成作业,时间观念很强,还是虽然不能按时完成作业,但每次作业都本上都有更多更快的解题步骤。不管是哪种类型的人,都体现了你独特的个性。因为人才的形式有很多种,不拘一格。  所以这也就牵涉到很重要的一点,也就是一致性。就像我在上一次讲座中所讲到的,申请绝不是由单纯的分数,或者某一篇文书决定的,招生官是根据包括,标准化考试,个人陈述,命题作文,推荐信,面试,GPA, AP,竞赛,活动等方方面面对学生做出的全面评估。所以,整个申请材料的一致性和连贯性就显得非常重要。比如如果你在个人陈述中强调自己是一个活跃开朗,善于表达的人,无论观点是否成熟都愿意先吐为快,拿出来和大家一起讨论。而在推荐信中,老师却说这位同学谦虚谨慎,思维严谨,如果没有万无一失的答案绝对不会轻易分享,这整个申请就出现了冲突和矛盾。招生官就会觉得要不你的个人陈述是找人代写的,要么推荐信是自己代老师写的,对于这样一位不诚信的学生,即便标准化考试接近满分也很难被名校录取。  总之,申请工作是一个繁琐细致,需要深入挖掘自己的大工程,推荐信虽然只占这项工程的十分之一(粗略估计),只是其中一个小项目,但依然不可忽视。只有方方面面都做到尽量完美,才能最终打动招生官。详细可以问一下中青留学英语推荐信最美教师 很多去美国留学的同学不了解推荐信改如何书写,推荐信在申请文书中也是很重要的一项材料,那么以下是我整理的2018美国留学如何写推荐信,欢迎大家阅读。 1如何选择推荐人?  对于本科申请者没有必要刻意想方设法去寻找著名人士来做推荐人,相反,普通的任课教师和辅导员往往能起到更大的作用。  一般学校要求的2或3封推荐信,一封应该来自某一科目任课教师(老师所教科目应该尽量与自己申请的专业相结合)。这封推荐信应该重点放在申请者的学习能力、学习方法、学习习惯、学习态度以及学业潜力等方面上。  另外一封推荐信应该来自辅导员(国内高中的班主任、年级组长等角色),重点放在申请者的性格特点、综合素质、能力特长、课内课外整体表现等方面。  需要第三封推荐信的话可以根据自身的实际情况进行选择,例如如果参加过与申请专业相关的社会实践工作可以由工作中的主管提供一封推荐信,或者就简单地由英语老师提供一份评述申请者英语能力的推荐信。总之,选择推荐人不求“大”,但一定要贴切,且每个推荐人都应该从合适的角度进行推荐。 2书写推荐信之前需要考虑哪些问题?  1所要申请的专业是什么,以及这个专业需要申请者具备哪些素质。  2申请者有什么主要经历,就申请本科学位的申请者来说主要是本人有哪些特长,竞赛经历,课外活动及获奖经历等。  3申请者的主要特质、性格特征等,有什么优点和缺点。  4申请者是否有什么特殊的情况需要在这封信中体现出来。  在动笔之前把这些问题考虑清楚可以更有条理地对推荐信做出一个规划。 3完整的推荐信应该包括哪些内容?  (1) 申请者的学业成绩或特质,是否具有领导才能,是否具有很强的分析能力等。在这一点上要注意适度,不能因为谦虚对优点加以掩盖,也不能夸夸其谈过高的估计申请者。  (2) 充分挖掘申请者自身的特殊之处,例如有很强的沟通能力,或者是擅长某种语言等。  (3) 就你所了解的范围而言,该申请者有什么比较重要的成绩或是成就,学业上的或是其他方面的。  (4) 该申请者是否有何弱项,例如之前有过某些方面的挫折,但是从这个失败的经历中获得了什么经验教训等。  (5) 对申请者未来潜力的描述,即解释推荐人愿意对该申请者做出推荐的原因,以及一旦该申请者获得到该校继续深造的机会将会有什么发展等。 一封结构清晰明确内容翔实的推荐信都应该由以下几个部分组成  1介绍部份  首先应该清楚明确的介绍推荐人的情况,工作单位、职位、与被推荐人的关系以及与被推荐人相处的时间长短等。在这一部份也可以给被推荐人一个总体的评价。 2主体部分  重点讲述被推荐人一至两个优秀品质,并且用有力的事实证明加以辅佐。要注意掌握对具体事例的选择,这不是简单的把申请者简历上的经历等内容进行一个拼凑,而是要要举出几个最有代表性的能够充分体现申请人人格魅力的例子。   3结论部份  解释为什么申请人的申请计划是适合他本人的,并且说明你认为该申请人在未来会对这个被申请的学校做出什么样的贡献。最后可以再次强调你对推荐该申请者充满信心,为能够推荐他到更好的院校进行深造感到十分自豪,同时表示学校在审核材料的过程中可以随时联系你,不要忘记附上你的****。请以某大学教师王静的名义写一封推荐信(100字),向你的外国朋友 Johnson先生推荐你的学生陈琳 Ms Wells is my English teacher She is a good teacher and she is willing to help students in their life For example, when we don't have money to eat, she offered to lend us So we are very happy to know her And she's very responsible in work She often lessons late into the night On one occasion, she even correcting students' homework until one o 'clock And she get along well with us去澳洲留学推荐信怎么写啊?Dear MrJohnson, I recormend you my student Chen Lin Chen Lin is now studying at our university and is going to graduate noon She plans to go to youe university to further study for a master's degree Chen Lin is smart,hard working and read to help others, and she is sure to be a good student I'll be grateful to you if you can help her Faithfuly yours, Wang Jing教师推荐信英文范文写作?标题台头1XXX时候入读XXX学校,攻读XXX专业(如果是大学、大专等)2在校学习表现3在校行为表现4在校思想品德表现5学校推荐XXX同学到澳洲XXX学校继续深造,希望XXX同学能(成才、作贡献之类的) 特此推荐,请接洽! 推荐教师(或院长、校长):XXX (签名) (推荐人)电子邮箱:@ (推荐人)联系电话: 日期:申请美国留学,推荐信怎么写比较好  老师给我们写的英文推荐信,有哪些格式和要点值得我们借鉴的下面是我给大家整理的教师推荐信英文范文,供大家参阅! 教师推荐信英文范文1 being a professor in shanghai finance and economics university, i had given six lectures to hua sheng as an auditing teacher when she studied accountancy there as her second major, and had been her supervisor when she worked as an intern in my credit rating pany she had listened to me so attentively that many of the cases we studied in class were applied to her work effectively i was really impressed by hua sheng’s performance during her five-week internship in order to be more petent in the field of credit rating, she volunteered to assume more tasks, and further offered to work overtime with other regular employees however hard the tasks were, she always managed to fulfill them with flying colors such   devotion to her career even as an intern is rarely seen in her peers as she had done well in her accounting major, with an average score of 85 for the core courses, in addition to her remarkable learning ability, hua sheng was capable of doing some of the basic businesses in the pany, and thus understanding the know-how of accounting more profoundly she visited and researched fifteen panies in all, big or all, home or abroad, within the twenty-five weekdays i could see a clear mind and a strong logic in her participation in writing credit rating reports she was able to acplish her own assignments independently while at the same time municating oothly/articulately/explicitly and cooperating excellently with all of the five teachers, who had given her some instructions during the internship, further she had raised a few profound questions in the specialty of credit rating all in all, her work was highly appraised by everyone in the pany 教师推荐信英文范文2 dear colleagues: ms xxx requested a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university as her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science beijing university of chemical technology, i am pleased to ply with her request i have known ms zhang since 2003, when she was admitted as a master of science candidate into the school as her research adviser, i directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity during her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and general gpa 33 she particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as quantum chemistry and theory of electrochemistry during the following two years, ms zhang worked on a putational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis “theoretical study of electronic structures of several representative metal element in the hydrotalcite slabs” to make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques working hard and independently, she cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence during her ms period, she had three papers published in international journals judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, i am convinced that ms zhang has acquired the knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training i therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application 教师推荐信英文范文3 November 30, 2003 To Whom It May Concern: I would like to enthusiastically remend Pei Yi for admission to the Department of Electrical Engineering and puter Science, University of California Berkeley Pei Yi not only has academic background and technical qualifications for admission to your program, but also has demonstrated the independence, perseverance, and other personal characters necessary to succeed in Sciences I have worked with Pei Yi for one and a half years since he began the Principal Fund Project in 2002 I think he has developed a mature character as a young academic research worker Pei Yi is a very diligent student in our lab He is almost the last one leaving the lab every day To acquaint himself with the work more quickly, he chose my graduate course: Electron Physics Though he has an excellent scholastic aptitude, I was afraid that the course was a little difficult for an undergraduate student As things went by, I found my worry was quite unnecessary He studied relevant courses such as quantum mechanics by himself and got the highest score for my course An intelligent young man with hard-working spirit can always live a fruitful and effective life I’m deeply impressed by his ability to work independently I was very busy last year for official work, and have little time to guide him However every time I see him, he was working or reading in the lab He told me that he learned by himself through reading the academic journal and learned from other groups in our laboratory In addition, he has a strong desire for good quality of academic work He attended every seminar and had a successful corporation with researchers from other groups A flexible and adaptable people can do any work assigned to him, so does Mr Pei During the period of his principal fund research, he established the suitable model for field emission, and finished the simulation of space charge effect He also made prominent progress on calculation of field-enhancement factor and wrote two papers One paper is accepted by “Series of The First Principal Fund Papers” and another paper is to be submitted to an international journal This is also a demonstration of his Science and English ability It is my belief that Pei Yi's bination of the technical skills with a high level of moral standards has been critical to his personal and professional development and he will succeed in any task due to these abilities and characters If you require any further information about the student, please feel free to contact me Sincerely Yours Gangming Zhang Professor of Physicselectronics Department of Electronics Peking University Beijing 100871, P R China Phone: 86106275 1773 E-mail: [email protected] 看过教师推荐信英文范文的人还:大多数美国的学院和大学会要求你在提交院校申请的同时提交2到5封推荐信。推荐信是一封1到2页的信,是一个可以谈论你的个人、专业以及学术素养的人为你写的信,并且这封信能体现你完全符合你所申请的学习课程。推荐信通常来自于:-学校校长、教师或导师-主任、 教授或从以前就读的学院或大学的导师-你现在工作的机构的董事或监事推荐信的书写人应该是了解你,喜欢你,并且可以想到一些你最伟大的品质和成就的人。考虑从你取得过好成绩的教授,工作中与你相处得很好得主管,以及你已经获得了成功的机构那里请求推荐信。学院和大学会要求你在线、通过邮寄,或很少情况下通过电子邮件提交推荐信。为你写推荐信的人也需要:-在你申请的大学或学院指定的网站,直接提交电子档的推荐信到大学或学院-直接提交带抬头的书面推荐信(一张特制的纸,抬头包含名称、 地址和他们组织的徽标)到大学或学院 (在这种情况下这封信需要学校"密封");或-直接通过电子邮件发送推荐信给你,或者你申请的大学或学院指定的某个人


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