美国留学给导师发邮件用什么称谓好?要是知道名字的话就说 Dear Mrs/Mr/Ms+last name,不知道就说 Hi,I'm excited to learn that you will be my host family 然后介绍一...
美国留学给导师发邮件用什么称谓好?要是知道名字的话就说 Dear Mrs/Mr/Ms+last name,不知道就说 Hi,I'm excited to learn that you will be my host family 然后介绍一下你自己,经历和爱好等等。表达一下你对留学生活的向往。最后 looking forward to meeting you! Thanks for hosting me!Best,你的名字没什么关系的,肯收留学生的家庭一般都很nice。只要发了邮件表达一下自己的热情和自己是个阳光向上的孩子对方就会很高兴。祝你留学生活愉快!美国留学如何正确有礼貌的进行邮件沟通直接用Dear Sir/Madam,然后结尾的时候可以写Sincerely yours。Dear Zhang San:Kind(Best) regards(Name&Address)而且回复的邮件通常会在姓名最后注明(Mr)或者(Mrs),如果还需继续回复这个邮件,就可以根据称谓直接用Dear Sir或Dear Madam了。Dear XXXI got trouble to login in The account has been disabled My user name is XXX Thanks for your attention and hope the problem could be addressed as soon as possibleRegardsXXX如果不记得密码可以等帐户激活以后在学校网站上找“forgotten password”之类的点,只需要填一些基本信息还有备用邮箱什么的,到时候密码会发到你的备用邮箱。在中国,我们使用邮件的频率不是很高。但是在美国,学会发送邮件的正确方式,不仅能够帮你提高沟通效率,有的时候更能够为你赢得一次面试或者面谈的机会美国人真的是非常重视邮件这种在中国基本被无视的沟通方式!下面,为美国留学生们介绍如何正确有礼貌的进行邮件沟通1、邮件问好:Hope you’re well/Hope you are doing wellI hope this message finds you well隐藏句式(技能):(周一/二可用):I hope that your week is off to a great start(周五可用):Hope you had a great weekend效果:并没有什么卵用,但就是要炫一下2、道歉:My sincere apology for (this unfortunate situation, 或者你需要道歉的事情)隐藏句式(技能):邮件结尾加上Again,please accept my most sincere apology效果:收件人怒气消除40%3、 回答完对方的问题之后:Hope this answers your question Let me know if you need any further detail/explanation4、请他人帮忙(收发文件、等等):At your convenience, would you please send me隐藏句式(技能):邮件结尾加上一句Thank you for your assistance(in advance)效果:收信人回复效率10%UP5、文件(essay)打了草稿,请求上级(教授)审阅(提建议):Attached is the drafted xx file It is still a/an work in process(unfinished essay) but I would like给老板:to see if anything immediately stood out to you as odd or worthy of follow-up给教授: you to view it in advance and give me some feedback on (论文的某个部分)at your convenience6、会议总结:Thank you for making time on a very busy (时间词) to join our discussion I hope we were able to provide clarity on隐藏句式(技能):Attached is a summary of what we discussed today(写完记得加上附件)效果:Team Work效率300%UP7、 寻求意见:I (We, Our team) would appreciate your insights/input on隐藏句式(技能):Due to the short time frame for this (proposal, program, project, etc),prompt reply is greatly appreciated效果:收信人回复时间 50%Down