
美国签证官经常问的问题是:  1,Hello, how are you  2 Why do you need a visa Where will you go  3 Have you taken TOEFL or IELTS exams/...
美国签证官经常问的问题是:  1,Hello, how are you  2 Why do you need a visa Where will you go  3 Have you taken TOEFL or IELTS exams/ Did you take any standard tests  4 Why don’t you study in China   5 Why do you choose this university  6 What is your major Why do you like this major Why do you choose this major  7 How long do you plan to stay in the US  8 What are you going to do after graduation Do you have a clear future plan After your study in the US, what will you do   9 When will you go to university   10 Where will you live  11 How many universities have you compared with What are they  12 How much do you know about the university Tell me something about the university you choose  13 How many university admit you  14 Do they give you financial aid Do you seek financial aid from the universities Do you seek scholarship   15 Where are you studying now  16 Have you taken GAOKAO/National Entrance Exam   17 Why don’t you choose a university in China  18 Show me your transcript May I see your transcript Do you have a transcript  19 Are you a good student  20 What is your favorite subject  21 Who will support you Who is your sponsor  22 Do you know how much money will you need for your study/stay in the US    23 Do you plan to seek financial support in US  24 Show me your bank certificate/ Can I see your bank deposit     25 What do your parents do  26 How much do ther earn a year/ What’s their income  27 Explain the source of the money  28 What will you do after your graduation What is your future plan  29 Do you plan to seek employment in US after your graduation  30 Is this the first time you are outside of China Is this your first time abroad Have you ever been outside of China  31 Do you have any friends or relatives in the US  32 Is this the first time for your US visa interview  33 Who is your advisor  34 How do you connect with the university  35 How did you find the unversity  36 How do you apply to the universities  37 How long have you prepared for your visa interview  38 What is your major now and what is the major you will study further  39 Can you compare with your majors  40 Can you explain what you learned in the university Talk about something about your major  41 Do you know what courses you will have in future  42 Why do you choose this major  一般不会超出这些问题,不要担心,你一定能过的。  很多时候,面试失败的原因不是能力的欠缺,而是心理素质的脆弱。如果你在面对签证官的时候产生紧张情绪,则很容易导致发挥失常,甚至遭遇拒签。你应保持平和的心态,切记紧张。如果你平时语速过快,也要注意在面试时放慢语速,其实不用着急,有话慢慢说,  最重要是让签证官听明白回答的内容。同时反应要快,不要签证官提问停顿太久也回答不上来。当你没听清问题时,可以礼貌地请签证官再说一遍,切忌无动于衷。面试官主要考虑的问题是:一,学生身份和学习动机    面试之前,签证官会在你所提交的材料上看到你的学生身份,所以,在面试之前,学生身份的确认比较简单,但要说清楚自己的学习动机则稍显困难些。对此,你应该清楚地告诉你的签证官,你的实际情况是怎样的,这与你所申请的专业有何关系,以及你对专业的认识等内容。要回答这三个问题,就必然要求你对自己有清楚的认识,对申请专业和学校有透彻清晰的了解。而这些都有助于签证官明确你的学习动机,从而获得签证官的信赖。所以,建议在面试前,多多查询申请学校的官网,结合自己的想法,形成对专业的认识,在面试时,言简意赅地向签证官表达出来即可。二、财务证明    签证提交的材料中也包含了学生的财务证明,在面试的时候,签证官依然还会审核这方面的内容。如果你的财务证明非常齐全,你便要用语言向签证官叙述财务状况。尤其对一些特殊情况,必须在面试上清楚得向签证官解释说明。比如你所提供的存款存期较短,签证官很可能询问其原因。那么你便要给出具有说服力的理由,让签证官相信财产来源的合法性以及你在留学期间有稳定的费用来源。在存款金额上也要注意,一般以I-20表上载明的费用为准,本科生提供至少覆盖三年、研究生提供至少一年的学习和生活费用的存款证明。签证官对财务证明非常重视,你既要准备充分的证明材料,也需要在面试中边说边向签证官出示相应的证明,最好不要让签证官来提醒你,你需要给他看哪些资料。这样的情况会造成冷场不说,也会给签证官留下不好的印象。   三、按期回国    学生签证获得的一个重要原则是没有移民倾向,即你要使签证官确信在完成学业后能按期回国。在阐述的时候,你要证明赴美留学的唯一目的是完成在美的全职学习,只是做短期的临时居留。同时,要把自身和家庭情况表述清楚,签证官会考量你在国内的社会地位和社会关系,相信学生会按期回国。你还应当准备学成归国的计划,以便进一步表明自己没有移民倾向,比如:未来职业发展计划是否和申请的专业有很大的关联。    此外,需要说明的是,你是否有家人在美国,并不影响获得签证的资格。如果你所申请申请的专业及背景有所特殊,可则能需要接受额外的审核。建议你做好研究计划并准备好导师网页的打印件,这种安全审核一般需要4周左右的时间。加拿大高中留学面试问题有哪些留学ps和cv分别是个人陈述和简历的意思。一、ps:个人陈述。个人陈述,(personal statement),以下简称ps,是申请美国、加拿大、英国等西方国家的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫personal statement,如有的学校会让你写动机(motivation)、兴趣、经历等。除了personal statement,还会看到“statement of purpose”,甚至还有的学校称之为“personal statement of purpose”。它们差别并不大,如果非要说出个差别,“personal statement”可以多说一些自己的性格,比如自己的爱好,成长等,而“statement of purpose”更偏重于学术;而“personal statement of purpose”则更灵活一些了。注意事项:1、ps长度:一篇ps的正常长度为600—800英文单词。2、ps目的:你必须通过ps让招生者知道你选择该专业的明确和强烈的动机,同时具备充分的条件完成该专业的学习。3、ps结构:simple is the best是亘古不变的真理。招生人员每天要读大量的申请资料,只有那种简单有力重点突出的文章才能打动招生人员。二、cv—简历关于cv=curriculum vitae或是resume即简历,顾名思义就是简单的经历罗列你的个人信息、教育经历等等。一般来说,cv比resume略为严格一些,更要突出一下本人的专业背景和实力。在申请大学、找工作等等,一般都需要它。注意事项:1、cv长度:cv应该简洁,去掉废话,2页是通常最长的篇幅。如果工作专业经验不多的话,1页会更有意义。2、cv目的:cv的目的是让对方清晰地了解申请者的全面情况,应力求在真实、全面、简明的基础上准确地反映自己受教育和从事专业工作的经历,特别是近年来的工作方向、研究兴趣及成果。3、cv要点:cv是一个人所经历过的各种活动、荣誉以及其他信息的列表。cv应该包括你的名字、联系信息、受教育的经历、技能以及工作经验。除了这些它还应该包括你的你的科研或者教学经历、论文以及专著的列表、曾经获得过的各种奖励和荣誉、曾经得到的专业证书、获得的专业协会资格、你的兴趣所在、未来的发展计划以及其他详细信息等等。出国留学的好处:1、强烈的竞争后劲。中国的学生在毕业之后会承受巨大的就业压力,但如果说有留学经历,那么孩子的自身竞争力后劲就会更加强。2、掌握熟练的英语。学生去国外留学,那么自身的英文程度就可以达到国内英语系毕业生的水平,实际运用的能力也会增强很多。3、灵活的教学方法。学生们可以根据将来要就读大学的专业和兴趣来选择课程,不仅调动学习的积极性,而且更容易获得高分。4、独立生活的能力。学生在国外留学期间锻炼了独自生活的能力,那么这对于适应社会有很大的帮助。加拿大高中留学申请面试常问问题一览一:关于学习背景和经历1你是从哪个学校毕业的什么时候毕业的你读的是什么专业Where did you graduate from/ From what school did you graduateWhen did you graduateWhat major were you in / What was your major in your university in China2你现在做什么在什么学校读书读什么专业何时毕业What/where are you studying NOWWhat’s major nowWhen will you graduate3你为什么要放弃在中国大学的读书而去加拿大留学你为什么要换专业Why do you give up study in such a good Chinese university and go to CanadaWhy do you change your major / Give me reasons that you change the major4你的学术成绩怎样为什么不是很理想What is your academic recordWhy not good5参加过托福/雅思/GMAT/GRE考试吗你参加过高考吗成绩怎样是否被中国的高中录取了Have you ever taken TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE testWhat is your TOEFL/ IELTS/GMAT/GRE scoreHave you tanked China’s National University Entrance Examination Your score reportHave you been admitted into China’s university二:关于申请学校的情况1 你去什么学校读书为什么选择这个学校怎么知道这个学校的这个学校在哪个州Which school will you study in / What’s your school in CanadaWhy do you choose this schoolHow do you get to know this schoolWhich state are you going to in Canada / Which part of Canada are you going to2你申请了几所高中都录取了吗How many schools did you apply forAll the schools accepted you / You were admitted into all these schools4谁帮你申请到这个学校的录取是你自己申请的学校吗Who applied for this school’s admission for youDid you apply by yourself5你有奖学金吗有多少谁帮你申请的Do you have scholarshipHow much is itWho apply for you三:关于赴加留学的动机1你为什么要去加拿大Why do you go to Canada / What is your purpose to go to Canada2你为什么选择加拿大留学而不是其他国家Why do you choose Canada to study rather than other foreign countries3你有明确的学习计划吗Do you have clear study plan What’s your study plan / Please let me know you study plan。4你花这么多钱去加拿大读书值得吗你在中国也可以学习这个专业的知识而且费用又少,一定要去加拿大吗Is it necessary for you to spend so much money studying in USIf you study this major in China, you can cost less while obtain the same knowledge, why choose the expensive way四:家庭背景情况1你有兄弟姐妹吗他们为什么不去加拿大留学Do you have brother or sisterWhy don’t they go to Canada to study2你是否有亲戚在加拿大他们在加拿大做什么为什么没有回中国你会跟他们一样留在加拿大吗Do you have any relative in the Canada / Are there any family members of yours in CanadaWhat do they do in USWhy don’t they come back to China / Why do they stay in CanadaWill you stay in Canada like them3你去过加拿大吗你父母去过加拿大吗Have you gone to Canada / Have you been to Canada in the pastDid your parents go to Canada4你去过其他国家吗去做什么为什么不在那留学Have you ever been to abroad / Did you go to other foreign countriesWhy did you go there / What did you do in the countryWhy don’t you choose to further your study there5 关于一些个人喜好类的问题随机问答 food ,book , sports travelling, photo, friend, season, weather出国留学动机信范文一篇 很多国内的学生会选择去加拿大读高中,那么加拿大高中留学申请面试常见问题有哪些呢?和一起来看看吧!下面是我整理的加拿大高中留学申请面试常问问题一览。  加拿大高中申请面试常见问题汇总  一、关于学习背景和经历  1、你是从哪个学校毕业的什么时候毕业的你读的是什么专业  Where did you graduate from/ From what school did you graduate  When did you graduate  What major were you in / What was your major in your university in China  2、你现在做什么在什么学校读书读什么专业何时毕业  What/where are you studying NOW  What’s major now  When will you graduate  3、你为什么要放弃在中国大学的读书而去加拿大留学你为什么要换专业  Why do you give up study in such a good Chinese university and go to Canada  Why do you change your major / Give me reasons that you change the major  4、你的学术成绩怎样为什么不是很理想  What is your academic record  Why not good  5、参加过托福/雅思/GMAT/GRE考试吗你参加过高考吗成绩怎样是否被中国的高中录取了  Have you ever taken TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE test  What is your TOEFL/ IELTS/GMAT/GRE score  Have you tanked China’s National University Entrance Examination Your score report  Have you been admitted into China’s university  二、关于申请学校的情况  1、你去什么学校读书为什么选择这个学校怎么知道这个学校的这个学校在哪个州  Which school will you study in / What’s your school in Canada  Why do you choose this school  How do you get to know this school  Which state are you going to in Canada / Which part of Canada are you going to  2、你申请了几所高中都录取了吗  How many schools did you apply for  All the schools accepted you / You were admitted into all these schools  3、谁帮你申请到这个学校的录取是你自己申请的学校吗  Who applied for this school’s admission for you  Did you apply by yourself  4、你有奖学金吗有多少谁帮你申请的  Do you have scholarship  How much is it  Who apply for you  三、关于赴加拿大留学的动机  1、你为什么要去加拿大  Why do you go to Canada / What is your purpose to go to Canada  2、你为什么选择加拿大留学而不是其他国家  Why do you choose Canada to study rather than other foreign countries  3、你有明确的学习计划吗  Do you have clear study plan What’s your study plan / Please let me know you study plan  4、你花这么多钱去加拿大读书值得吗你在中国也可以学习这个专业的知识而且费用又少,一定要去加拿大吗  Is it necessary for you to spend so much money studying in US  If you study this major in China, you can cost less while obtain the same knowledge, why choose the expensive way  四、家庭背景情况  1、你有兄弟姐妹吗他们为什么不去加拿大留学  Do you have brother or sister  Why don’t they go to Canada to study  2、你是否有亲戚在加拿大他们在加拿大做什么为什么没有回中国你会跟他们一样留在加拿大吗  Do you have any relative in the Canada / Are there any family members of yours in Canada  What do they do in US  Why don’t they come back to China / Why do they stay in Canada  Will you stay in Canada like them  3、你去过加拿大吗你父母去过加拿大吗  Have you gone to Canada / Have you been to Canada in the past  Did your parents go to Canada  4、你去过其他国家吗去做什么为什么不在那留学  Have you ever been to abroad / Did you go to other foreign countries  Why did you go there / What did you do in the country  Why don’t you choose to further your study there  5、关于一些个人喜好类的问题  随机问答如:food 、book 、sports travelling、photo、friend、season、weather。  出国留学,现在已经越来越普遍。 而 动机信是留学申请中的重要材料,很多学生面对这类写作不知道如何下手。别担心,接下来我带来了出国留学动机信范文一篇,供同学们参考与阅读。  Faculty of Electromechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, No 100 Waihuan Xi Road, Guangzhou Higher Education MegaCenter, Panyu District, Guangzhou China, 510006 Dear Mr /Mrs : I appreciate that you can take time off your busy schedule to read my letter This is a letter of my motivation to apply for the Master degree of Precision Manufacturing(MPM) of University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) First, allow me to introduce myself My name is Liu Yang I’m a first grade postgraduate of Guangdong University of Technology(GDUT) My major is Mechanical Engineering and Automation I get my bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation at Wuhan University of Technology in 7thJuly, 2007 After I graduated from my university, I worked in Jiangling automobile joint-stock company for about 1year Then I took the Postgraduate entrance examination and was enrolled in GDUT at last There are some hearty reasons why I like SUPSI and the major of MPM: First,I am interested in MPM, for I have been studying in Mechanical Engineer- ing and Automation since I started my university life It’s well known that this major plays a foundational role of the developing of industry and it is easy for us to find a , in my opinion,is a similar major with Mechanical Engine- ering and tly speaking, it’s the specialization and concretion of Mechanical Engineering and Automation MPM in SUPSI based on a set of prominent and well balanced lectures that not only promote individual profess- nal skills and cultivate their ability but also their creativity, management level and shape attitude I think I can get more professional knowledges than I can get inland and extend my knowledge fields to enhance my competitive strength Second, SUPSI can offer me good teaching quality SUPSI is one of the eight Universities of Applied Sciences in institution focuses on education based on professional need and on applied research, and , at


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