英国高中留学个人陈述英文范文 大家想要去英国留学,申请的时候文书的写作是很重要的一点。有些学生在写文书的时候往往没有什么逻辑性,条例不清楚,这就犯了写文书的大忌了。那么英国留学写文书要怎么写呢 一、简洁突出重点 英国大学招生老师每天要...
英国高中留学个人陈述英文范文 大家想要去英国留学,申请的时候文书的写作是很重要的一点。有些学生在写文书的时候往往没有什么逻辑性,条例不清楚,这就犯了写文书的大忌了。那么英国留学写文书要怎么写呢 一、简洁突出重点 英国大学招生老师每天要审批大量的申请材料,所以招生官肯定不会仔细去推敲阅读你的文书材料,而是大致扫一眼文书中的重点。所以这就要求申请者在写文书时,一定要简洁,文章层次分明,逻辑清晰,重点突出才行。 二、文书是展示自己的最好媒介 很多同学在申请英国大学时,花很多时间在雅思准备和学校专业的选择上,从而忽略了文书的写作,其实这是一种错误的方式。由于每个申请者的性格特点、个人能力、学习动机乃至职业规划都不相同,而这些可以展示自己个性的申请材料,往往只能通过申请人的申请文书展现出来,如果这个也被忽略了,那么你成功的几率还有多大呢 三、挖掘亮点 英国留学申请文书中的个人陈述是申请者发挥自身才华机会,针对自己要申请的专业,写一篇有针对性的介绍自己的文章。 四、文书写作的一些注意事项: 1、一定不要表现得自命不凡; 2、尽量不要以“I”开头展开句子描述; 3、尽量用有趣的词组做开头和结尾; 4、尽量不要引用报纸杂志书籍上的名言警句,感觉像是表示你多么地饱读经书然后故意秀出来一样; 5、一定不要撒谎,要真实诚恳; 6、不要尝试在ps里面故作滑稽开玩笑; 7、不要谈与你的申请无关的兴趣爱好; 8、不要用生僻词汇; 9、不要重复那些在大学申请表格上就有的内容; 10、不要提及任何政治立场。 大家想要去英国留学的话,在申请的时候一定要把文书写得出彩,这样才能让自己给申请学校的老师留下好的印象,从而增加录取机会。 下面是搜集的英国高中留学个人陈述英文范文,希望对大家认真看看别人家的个人陈述是怎么写的,我们提供的个人陈述英文模板仅供参考,请大家不要照搬。 范文: I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven years period, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step When I got the name of actuary from the newspaper, I felt that I found my foreordination From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and was sensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose my enthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the market tendency, strong analysis ability on the problem and I am responsible for the enterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and my character So I chose xx University as my early decision to learn the accurate calculation which is the best major in xx University In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I often browsed SOA, CAS web and got information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these new technology ways Such as enterprise risk management and the new development of dynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of xxx professor Especially, when I prepared for the exam F& P, I strengthened my basic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds of formulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of the accurate calculation and the balance of the cash After, I took part in compiling the insurance actuary science written by professor xxx, my task was to tidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language which made me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before During the learning process, I got new realization from the accurate calculation, besides the knowledge, I need have management, communication ability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with the whole economy environment So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electron form financial management and economy, etc and applied these theories to practices Then in my junior holiday, I entered into an investment consulting company to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysis conclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on the city analysis helping the stock trade activities Until now, I took part in “College R&D outlay research statistics” presided by xx professor and pre- surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stage research reports During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed the data to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging I spent my three undergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I still hope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advanced theory and better conditions for my study Even though the front road is filled with hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream Because I firmly believe that if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result