西班牙留学:如何撰写研究生申请动机信在研究生申请的战场上,文书工作尤其考验申请者的耐心,其中动机信更是令人头痛的环节。动机信并非简单的自我介绍,而是展现你与目标专业契合度的关键文件。它的目的是让招生官明白,你为何选择这个学校与专业,以及你具备完成学业的能力。动机信必须原创,不可通用。即使寻求中介帮助,也应选择声誉良好的,避免模板化申请。一篇成功的动机信通常包括以下几个部分:开头段落,阐述选择学校和专业的理由,明确动机,为后续内容定下基调。详细描述经历和成就,这部分是核心,要突出与申请专业相关的亮点,如高绩点、竞赛获奖、实习经历,尤其是国外实习经历。第三段展现个性特点,与目标学校的特色相匹配,体现你对专业的热爱和投入。规划未来,包括短期和长期目标,避免表现过于强烈的移民意向。结尾部分总结全文,再次表达对学校的向往,感谢阅读。写信时,要真诚而简洁,避免空洞的华丽辞藻,关键在于事实和你的真诚态度。适度美化真实成就,但避免过度夸大,确保与学校专业要求相契合。西巡提供的服务包括便捷的院校查找,专业咨询,以及全面的申请帮助,如材料准备、申请指导和录取保障。无论是在选择学校、准备材料还是应对面试,西巡都致力于确保每个学生顺利申请成功。祝所有申请者在2023年的申请中收获满意的结果。更多留学信息,请查阅:申请语言学校及研究生签证详解各城市语言学校价格列表研究生申请材料详解及录取展示西巡始终致力于提供免费语言学校申请和签证办理,以及全方位的研究生申请服务。如有任何疑问,欢迎咨询。赴日留学动机信怎么写 申请出国留学,前期的申请工作中,需要准备充足的申请材料,其中动机信是申请的关键材料,为大家分享了留学动机信的英文模板,大家可以参考一下。 一、留学动机信范文 I am a junior student coming from Arts & Metiers ParisTech in France which is a mechanical engineering school and whose main task is cultivating general engineer I have a good command of professional knowledge, and I am also capable in practice through study and experiment However, I still long for a further study and improving professional skills, so I look forward to majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university in UK There are four reasons why I long for an further study in cranfield university Firstly, I ache with desire to experience and have education of a comprehensive university which has professional studies in different majors rather than a general engineering school Secondly, I need to improve my English urgently It is of great help in job hunting mastering English, French and my mother tongue Chinese Lastly, I realize that I have great interest in machinery, and generally speaking I have a good report at some courses in my first school year, such as stress analysis, bearing design and gear design, so the knowledge I have mastered laies a solid foundation for me to further study design of rotating machine I am confident I will have a good performance if your esteemed school would like to give me the entrance chance On the one hand, my social experiences help me a lot I have a good adaptive ability and I can merge into new environment quickly For example, I had no idea about French as a foreigner at the very beginning, and I had never been in touch with French when I graduated from senior high school After that I started to study french, and I entered Arts & Metiers ParisTech after three years of study My work experiences make me deal with interpersonal relationship very well I worked in a Chinese restaurant in the past, and I alsoworked as a trainee at Photonics Bretagne On the other hand, I perform well at school I have a good understanding in theory and I can understand the formula analysis thoroughly, moreover I like to share my opinions with members in group work, so I am competent for group work with students coming from different countries at Cranfield University And I want to be a mechanical design engineer in motor corporation in the future, and majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university is of great help for the position In conclusion, I have strong desire to further study at your esteemed univeristy I really hope I will have the opportunity to improve my professional skills as well as overall quality, and it is a great honour for me to study and practice at the honorable school 二、留学动机信写作内容 1、简介:介绍自己的学术情况,本科专业背景及成果,如果工作了要写清工作情况,选择学校和专业的原因。 开头应该以Estimado seor / seora 开头,对录取官做基本问候。同时开展自我背景介绍。 2、选择该专业的原因:为什么会选择该校该专业,这是比较重要的一部分。如果你的动机信写的都不能打动自己,还怎么奢望打动录取官? 另外,写写在专业研究上有什么发现和成果;如果是跨专业申请,可以写对所跨专业感兴趣的原因,并表示自己已经在学习和收集相关领域的知识,表明自己有足够的学术能力来独立完成研究。 3、语言水平及工作经验:现在在西班牙读硕士,语言等级要求相对较高。如果同学已经拥有DELE等级证书或SIELE考试成绩,需要在动机信里向录取官呈现出来,这样能够保证录取官对你语言水平的认可程度。在西班牙留学,良好的西语水平是非常重要的!切记! 如果是已经工作的同学,可以着重写工作内容、经历等,表现优秀的话,会很加分。 4、未来发展:在西班牙读研能够为自己带来什么?这些也需要在动机信里展露出来,对未来的期许和毕业后的发展方向,让录取官知道你对自己有一个详细的规划,是认真对待来西班牙读研这件事的。 说了这么多,总的来说,动机信就是一封纸上的推荐自己、展示自己的渠道。 最后,要向录取官表示谢意,感谢他阅读你的动机信,并表示自己非常期待得到他的回复。 三、留学动机信写作误区 文体冗赘 由于留学动机信的篇幅本身就不是很大,通常为一到两页,因此我们需要重视自己写作和表达方式的简洁性,不让动机信过分烦琐与冗赘。 内容空洞 有一些申请者在motivation letter中描写自己的成就或能力的时候,仅使用空洞的词语,而没有提出任何实际例子。所以提供事实来支持自己的观点是第一要务,可是值得一提的是,并非只正式的研究活动或比赛才被认为项目, 课程上的比较大作业也可以作为研究项目,也可以在动机信上装点门面。 OTIVATION LETTER格式及语法问题 语法问题是一个我们常常提到的话题,而且这是国外学校的老师特别讲究的一点。在写作申请学校动机信时,学生一定要关注语法方面。进行认真的写作后,自己再审校几遍,如果觉得没必要,那也可以请你的同学或朋友帮你一个忙, 改正文书的语法错误。此外, motivation letter格式也是大家经常忽略的一个问题。即便学校没有对动机信格式的具体要求, 你也要遵循基本写作原则。商科留学的动机信怎么写? 出国留学的同学都知道,申请文书对于学校的申请时很重要的,每一步都是关键。其中动机信就是有力的申请条件之一。但是很多同学对动机信的核心并不是很了解,导致失败,那么该如何写好赴日留学动机信呢下面我就给大家介绍一下。 理由书的字数大概在400字左右,要条例清晰,不要给人凑字数的感觉。可以按照下面的要点逐条添入具体内容,并联贯成文。 1 留学动机——结合自己现状,把向往留学日本的初衷写清楚。 例 ○ 一直都对日本的文化、语言感兴趣,向往日本留学。 ○ 在多年的学习和工作中磨练自己的意志,觉得留学时机已经成熟。 ○ 在职工作中发现自己水平(日语方面、业务方面)的不足,欲进修的欲望更加强烈。 ○ 得到日本友人的鼓励,留学决心更加坚定。 2 留学目的——来日本的具体学习目的写清楚。(包括为何学习日语的理由) 例 ○ 一直以来对日语学习的热爱。经过自己的努力,日语水平已经达到何种水平。 ○ 在自己现有的水平之上进一步提高日语水平,弥补在与日本人交流时的不足。 ○ 学习日本先进的科学技术知识(结合将来欲进学的学科),为将来的工作打好基础。 ○ 了解日本的文化,为中日友好事业尽自己的一份力量。 3 日语学校毕业后的进学希望——对将来欲进学的学科以及大学(院)选择上的志愿。 例 ○ 目前从事何种工作、发现自己在哪方面的不足,所以希望语言学校后进入大学(院)进修何种学科。 ○ 希望进入何种水平的大学(举出学校的具体名称)。为了考上这样的大学,在语言学校学习的过程中还要注意那些科目的学习(文化课方面,如数学、英语等,或专业课知识) 4 大学毕业后的进路——毕业后欲留日还是回国,需跟你前面书写的内容一致。 例 ○ 大学(院)毕业后希望回国从事与自己所学专业有关的工作。为了活用自己的日语知识,欲找日资或中日合资企业就职。 ○ 回国工作的同时传播日本的文化,为中日友好做贡献。 ○ 或者,毕业后想在日本就职一、二年,体验一下日本公司的工作环境,更进一步了解日本社会,锻炼自己的工作经历。然后再回国发展,传播日本的文化,为中日友好做贡献。 5 留学中的经费支付——非常重要!!无论提出什么样的经费支付理由,都需要提出证明这种理由的证明书以及公证等。 例 ○ 几年来工作的积蓄。 ○ 父母亲属的支持。 ○ 提供上述证明后金额还是过大,说明剩余金额的来源。 赴日留学理由书相当于留学志愿校的一块敲门砖,所以写好一份志望理由书能为自己进入一所好的日本学校赢得更多先机。而且在面试时被问到的问题,大多是从志望理由书中提出的。在写志望理由书时,日语语句一定要连贯,按照标准来写,尽量避免语法错误。在这个基础上,再表达出自己的申请想法。新加坡金融与银行投资专业硕士留学申请动机信怎么写?下面是一个比较典型的申请信:Dear isa Officer, My name is Deng Peng I graduated from No 1 Middle School of Changsha, Hunan Province in July 2002 I had two alternatives to choose before high school graduation last: either to take part in the national collegiate examination in order to receive college education in China, or to select a school of a developed country for further schooling My family had very careful discussion on selection of these two alternatives At the end of thorough considerations, the whole family decided that I should go abroad for advanced education Owning a number of large and medium scale coal mines, my father is a famous private entrepreneur in Changsha As his company keeps on growing and the business becomes more sophisticated, my father is now badly in need of good specialists of business management to help him manage and operate the business My father decided to let me go abroad for advanced schooling so that I would be able to assist him in the family business using the advanced management knowledge I would learn abroad Besides, I have consulted my high school teachers, who not only support my decision but also further suggest me to choose a good Canadian school I know it is more expensive to have such advanced education in abroad than in China Financing is not a problem to my family My parents have enough financial resources to pay for all the expenses necessary for the four-year educational program in Canada including the round tickets After careful studies of the alternative schools, I finally come to identify Sprott-Shaw Community College at Vancouver I know that this college, founded in 1903, will have its century celebration in this June Currently there are 2376 well-trained faculties and about 4000 students It has altogether 20 branches all over BC Province Another thing about this college that is interesting to me is that there are very few Chinese students, no more than 2 in each class on average I have applied for the program on business management To complete this program, I have the following plan: before starting the specialty program, I will complete the ESL courses After admission I will have an English language test, and will be arranged to the proper class according to my English level I will also have language test in every month in order to see the progress of the language proficiency When I have reached the intermediate level, I will be able to start the specialty courses Then I plan to choose the following subjects: business study and management, business and finance, marketing theories and marketing strategies, human resource management, etc After spending two years at Sprott-Shaw Community College, I will select a proper university for advanced bachelor courses For instance, I may select BCIT or AU of Canada Upon completion of the program in Canada, I will come back to China to help my father with the family business While working in my father's company, I will start from the lowest level have good practice and use all that I will have learnt at Canada I am very confident in the future, although I understand that schooling abroad may be very difficult It will require greater efforts to accomplish the program in abroad than in China But I am prepared for that In this January I participated in the TV college program for training in computer application, as I know that it is almost impossible to study the program without computer knowledge I am now trying to gain more knowledge and experience on computer application, besides, I spend all my spare time on English study Canada is a peaceful and lovely country Studying at Sprott-Shaw Community College will be very important to me, for it means another significant start of my life Please trust me that after completing the program in Canada, I will be able to operate and manage the business of Hunan Xiangyuan Fuels & Investment Co, Ltd much better than my father Yours faithfully, Applicant: Deng Peng 新加坡硕士留学在国家优势方面有很多中国学生喜欢的,比如双语环境,签证通过率高,学制短等等。新加坡的金融与银行投资专业是新加坡教育实力高,就业前景非常好的专业之一。选择这个专业硕士留学的同学也越来越多,那么要怎么写个人简历来申请新加坡留学呢?下面跟来看看吧。 新加坡的金融与银行投资专业在教学方面课程讲授更多的是金融,银行和投资方面的理论知识和实践技能,学生通常能胜任金融中介人这种在银行和投资方面操作的岗位。新加坡在这个行业还有很多岗位空缺,所以金融与银行投资专业是新加坡一个人才紧缺的专业。 动机信的内容重点: 1开头要有趣一点,不等为什么想继续读金融与银行投资专业的硕士。 2写一两点你在这个专业课程方面的学习内容,表达你对继续攻读硕士学位有做好准备。 3要准备一些漂亮话来说说自己为什么青睐新加坡的某个学校 4你对你未来的职业规划,表示你在他们学校所学是非常重要的,他们学校所教的会对你的人生有很大的影响。 动机信的写作技巧: 一、注意篇幅 动机信写一页就够了,不要太复杂,有些没用必要的句子不要硬塞进去。突出重点,删除累赘。有些内容可以斟酌使用更精简,更适合的词汇表达。 二、页面排版 排版方面要注意格式,字体,间距,颜色等等。整个动机信版面要干净清爽,不要有各种字体,各种颜色,或者空很多行来占版面。 三、书信格式 动机信是一封信,所以信的格式是最基础的要求,听说也要注意一些词句在法语中表达方面的用法。最好是找专业的法语老师看看,或者纠正一些地方。 四、内容方面 1 不要泛泛而谈,讲很多大话,空话,没有什么实际意义。反而显得你很没有诚意,或者是没有用心。 2 不要过于谦虚,可以说自己会更努力,但不要说自己不够优秀。中国人喜欢谦虚但是法国人不一定喜欢。 3 不要照抄比如的,虽然动机可能是差不多的,但是,也不要抄模板,随心发挥自己的想法。模板老师见多了,所以你的创造一定更有吸引力。 4 不要用词太过幼稚或者浮夸,要给人你是申请硕士留学的学生的感觉。在写信的用词方面也能表现你的情商,所以要注意一些礼仪,端正态度。