
1 狂欢节(Carnival):通常在2月至3月举行,也被称为谢肉节。它标志着大斋期前的最后狂欢,具体日期根据复活节的计算而定,通常在3月21日至4月25日之间,复活节前的41天即为狂欢节。2 复活节(Easter):这是耶稣死后第三天复活...
1 狂欢节(Carnival):通常在2月至3月举行,也被称为谢肉节。它标志着大斋期前的最后狂欢,具体日期根据复活节的计算而定,通常在3月21日至4月25日之间,复活节前的41天即为狂欢节。2 复活节(Easter):这是耶稣死后第三天复活的基督教节日,庆祝活动通常在春分月圆后的第一个星期日举行。复活节是意大利重要的宗教节日之一,其后的假期通常持续一周,威尼斯的狂欢活动尤为著名。3 佛罗伦萨5月音乐节(Firenze May Festival):这是意大利最重要的音乐节之一,相当于奥地利的萨尔茨堡欧洲音乐节。4 佛罗伦萨盛装足球赛(Calcio Storico):在6月24日举行,这一传统可追溯到佛罗伦萨成为罗马帝国殖民地时期。比赛在Santa Croce广场举行,以重现足球的历史。5 斯波莱托世界节(Festival dei Due Mondi):这是一个国际艺术节,每年6月至7月在斯波莱托举行,包括音乐、戏剧、舞蹈和美术表演。6 Palio delle 4 Antiche Repubbliche Marinare:这是一项由四个历史悠久的海港城市比萨、威尼斯、阿马尔菲和热那亚参与的赛舟会。赛事在四个城市间循环举办。7 羊排节(Filetto di Manzo Festival):在靠近博洛尼亚的圣皮埃特罗城堡举行,参与者可以品尝到新鲜烤制的羊排。8 国际古乐节(International Early Music Festival):在马尔凯区的乌尔比诺举行,庆祝古代音乐。9 爵士乐节(Jazz Festival):7月在翁布里亚大区的首府佩鲁贾举行,为期一周的爵士乐表演吸引了众多游客。10 佩鲁贾巧克力节(Perugia Chocolate Festival):每年10月中下旬,各种意大利品牌的巧克力在佩鲁贾展出和销售,为这个古老的山区城市增添了浪漫和文化的氛围。11 威尼斯国际**节(Venice International Film Festival):9月初在Lido举行,吸引了国际**界的名人参与。12 象棋比赛(Chess Match):在威内托大区的马罗斯蒂卡广场举行,大理石地面上进行国际象棋比赛。13 维罗纳夏季音乐节(Verona Summer Festival):在这个浪漫的小城举行,音乐家包括意大利本土和国际大师。14 蜡烛赛马跑(Candlelit Horse Race):在翁布里亚区的奥比奥举行,5月15日纪念守护神乌巴尔多,这是意大利最美丽和保存最完好的城镇之一的活动。15 葡萄节(Grape Festival):在拉齐奥区的马利诺举行,庆祝葡萄收获。16 国际美食沙龙(International Food Salon):每两年在10月的都灵举行,都灵成为各种优质食品、产品和精湛烹饪的大舞台,由慢食运动组织承办。四胞胎同时被哈佛、耶鲁录取 精彩文书不容错过 去英国读书的学生,需要面临不同的选择,从选学校和专业开始,一直到入学之后的选课。和为大家带来英国留学选课指南 出国留学怎样选学校? 选课指南  一、选课数量  英国的高等教育一年分为三个学期,每年需要修够120个学分,这样平均到每个学期,需要修够40个学分,而一般一门课程是10学分,少量课程是20学分。  此外每个学年的论文和最后的毕业论文都是40学分,所以大家按照平均的水平,每年至少要选六门课,当然如果大家选的课的学分比较高,还可以适当减少课程的选择。  这里大家还需要注意的是,毕业除了要满足学风的要求之外,还需要满足出勤率的要求,所以大家还需要保证自己的出勤,不要让这方面的内容影响到自己的毕业。  二、选课须知  1时间安排  大家要考虑到自己的实习,因为一般不看最后一年会分出一个学期来专门进行实习,这个阶段是没有上课的时间的,大家在前面几年内,就应该将学分修够。  医学、法律等专业,会比其他的专业需要多学习一年的时间,如果大家想要和其他专业一起毕业,那么也需要利用之前的空闲时间进行课程的学习,补足学分。  2课程功课  在进行课程的选择之前,大家需要先对课程的教学进行了解,学校的论坛和官方网站会给出比较全面的介绍,学长学姐也会传授经验,大家一定要谨慎选择。  不同的课程进行考核的方式是不一样的,除了传统的提交论文和进行考试之外,还会有参加实验、进行社会调查等五花八门的方式,如果大家不适应,要尽量避开。   院校选择  一、探索排名  通过互动排名表,您可以按国家/地区过滤大学,因此如果您输入“英国”,您可以看到排名前1000的所有英国大学的排名。您可以点击大学以查看有关其个人资料的更多信息,但您也可以通过教学或创新等绩效分数或“关键统计”(例如学生或员工的性别比例)对英国大学进行排序。  二、研究资助机会  许多大学为国际学生提供奖学金,但资格标准各不相同。如果资金是决定性因素,那么值得提前研究奖学金和申请截止日期,英国文化协会的英国教育网站提供了一个资源和搜索工具,可帮助您根据预期的学习课程和家庭区域找到奖学金。  三、考虑院校的地理位置  从苏格兰壮观的东海岸的圣安德鲁斯到牛津的梦想尖顶,不乏引人注目的大学和充满个性的城市。但是选择一所大学也意味着选择居住地,因此在搬迁城市时你会考虑的所有因素也会发挥作用。  关键考虑因素包括生活成本、文化、天气以及各种因素而异的其他功能。  在选择适合您需求和喜好的地点时,没有正确的答案。有些学生更喜欢苏格兰,因为学费更便宜; 有些人选择北爱尔兰,因为他们对凯尔特人的历史和文化着迷。  考虑您的优先事项,进行研究,然后尝试访问以更好地了解学生生活。  四、联系并访问大学  虽然在所有情况下都不可能,但此时最好的办法是参加大学开放日。对于您根据自己的优先级对大学进行的广泛研究和分类,没有什么能让您更好地了解您是否想要在一个地方生活和学习,而不是亲自见到并与当前的学生和员工见面。  即使您不能访问大学,招生联系人也可以让您与当前的学生联系,这样您就可以直接听到它的真实情况。  五、了解学生生活  也许你是业余演员,国际象棋冠军,绿手指园丁或葡萄酒鉴赏家,英国的大学都会满足各种爱好和爱好者的需求,所以你不会发现很难在任何地方进行这些课外活动。  如果一切都失败了,两所大学在所有方面都是平等的,那么该地区的社团和娱乐活动可能是最后一个决定因素。达勒姆可以帮助你开始喜剧生涯,曼彻斯特可以给你第一次在当地俱乐部演奏音乐演出的机会,剑桥(或牛津)可以看到你在短短几年内参加The Boat Race比赛。留学生来到墨尔本后,生活学习上需要哪些信息和帮助您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。留学申请的每一步都充满挑战,我在这里为您提供从留学目的地选择到申请材料准备的全方位支持。您的留学梦想,我们一同实现,敬请访问!/liuxue87dhcom/ 美国俄亥俄州辛辛那提北部郊区自由镇(Liberty Township)的韦德(Wade)四兄弟都被哈佛和夜路录取啦。他们是艾伦 (Aaron)、尼克 (Nick)、尼格尔 (Nigel) 和查克瑞 (Zachary)。今年毕业于Lakota East高中,同时接到了哈佛和耶鲁的录取通知书,实际上,韦德兄弟在哈佛和耶鲁之外,还收到了许多来自其他学校的录取通知书。对于这样的录取结果,四兄弟都表示很震惊。现在他们都选择了耶鲁大学。除去他们的学霸属性之外,小编认为帮助他们成功斩获多所名校offer的是申请文书。四胞胎在写essay的时候,讨论出一个新奇的点子:提交一份联合申请文书,着重介绍四胞胎生活对他们兄弟的影响,但每个人分开提交,从四兄弟不同的视角来描述各自的经历和感受。这四兄弟的文书既可以单独看,又可以合在一起整体阅读。单独看的时候,文书叙述的是一个人的生活经历,而生活经历中又突出四胞胎对相互生活的影响。放在整体阅读时,就像是平面图变立体,每个兄弟的文章相互联系,能更好的理解他们的生活经历。我们有个偏见,考入同一所顶尖名校的双胞胎都是一个模子里刻出来的,更遑论四胞胎。然而四胞胎的成功却是源于跳出了这个模型。这四胞胎每个人都有自己的特质。Nigel说:“我们一直在努力培养个性,力求每一个人都能活出属于自己的生活。我们是独立的个体,但是如果我们聚在一起,那也是不错的选择”。除了他们创新的文书形式独特,文书内容也很诙谐幽默。纽约时报将他们的文书刊登了出来,全文如下:NICK“Wade Wade Wade Wade,” shouted my football coach as he called roll at breakneck speed“Here,” we sounded in unisonA chorus of laughter erupted Every day, the coach made this joke, and every day, the whole team laughed as if it were the funniest thing ever I never found it funny But I always smiled and laughed, as if to fool them into thinking that sharing a last name with three other brothers, all born in the span of ten minutes, was something to laugh about, rather than something I'd struggled my entire life to reconcileWhen people learn that I am a quadruplet, their eyes widen Women invariably say,"Your poor mother" Neighbors, teachers, and friends seldom use my first name They perpetually refer to me as “one of the Wade boys” Or they say, “Wait, which one are you”People think of me less as individual and more like one in a set of matching luggage Because the world did not see my individual identity, I grew up thinking I didn’t have one It would take a long time to form a clear sense of self, to be something other than a QuadMy quest to establish my identity started in high school Clubs looked like the answer I joined Latin, Tech, Robotics, Art, and Spanish Clubs But they all felt like fillers Only one club remained The Cultural Club Why would I want to want to learn about other cultures when I couldn’t even figure out my personal cultureBut, it felt like my last option to be more than just one of the Wade boysThe Cultural Club gave me direction It incited a curiosity that could only be satiated by learning about the trials and triumphs of people worldwide I began to follow all things international relationsSince conflict in the Middle East often made headlines, the Cultural Club became involved with aiding Arab communities We volunteered and created care packs for refugees abroad As a personal project, I began working at Cincinnati's refugee resettlement agencyI wanted to continue building upon this foundation But howArabic was my answer I studied independently, but I felt it wasn’t enough So, I scoured the webEventually, I dug up the email of a Foreign Service Officer Her advice led to a State Department scholarship to study Arabic in Morocco When I was accepted, I was ecstaticFor the first time in my life, I would embark on a journey completely independent of my brothers I would be going to a place where no one knew about my multiple birth status In Morocco, I wouldn’t be “one of the Wade boys” I would be free to establish who I was, and who I could beI was caught off guard in Morocco I found myself immersed in everything, from the food (a really cool mix of French and Arab cuisine) to race relations (being African-American, I was called Obama more than my name) I got bitten by a beggar on the street and fell off a camel in the Sahara, all while trying to learn the notoriously difficult and beautiful language that is Arabic I did all of this not as a Quad, but as myselfBack home, I sat with my siblings on the porch, reveling in the glory of the last evening before we returned to school We laughed and joked, trading stories from the summer In that moment, I realized that while we share genes, a name, and a love for one another, we didn’t share everything My experiences, Arabic skills, and ambitions were mine alone As I sat with my brothers on the porch that evening, I realized that I could get more joy out of being a Quad now that I was better at being NickAARON“Yes, Nigel” the teacher said I lowered my hand and glanced back at Nigel’s vacant desk He had stayed home sick that day Realizing her mistake, the teacher laughed sheepishly“You all look so alike," she said "There’s no way I’ll ever be able to tell you apart”“I have braces,” I replied with a metallic grin “Nick and Nigel wear glasses And Zach is the tallest”It was no use We were four boys who shared one faceBeing a quadruplet had its perks It gave me an instant identity as a “Wade Brother” It also made me something of an expert at sharing We share birthdays We share bedrooms We share a 2023 Toyota Camry More importantly, Nick, Nigel, Zach and I share a struggle to establish ourselves as individuals Growing up, I felt as if I were a detail that people overlooked in favor of some bigger picture To a few, I was Aaron Wade To most, I was “one of the Quads”Music taught me that my brothers and I don't share everything One day, while we were roughhousing in the basement of my family’s old house, I caught sight of something I had never noticed before: an old, dusty, upright piano I walked over to the instrument and mashed down on its keys, watching in astonishment as the notes evoked a cascade of colors in my mind’s eye I pressed the keys again, this time glancing back at my brothers, who took no notice I was perplexed How could something so wonderful fail to captivate them For the first time in my life, I had found something that was entirely my ownWith the help of my piano, I began to forge a self-image that was undiluted by circumstance Even more accessible was my voice—I sang so much that my brothers grew todespise the sound of it “You sing and dance around the house constantly,” my mom commented“Why don’t you perform for anyone else”I was hesitant, considering that my only audience up to that point had been my brothers,whose reviews were less than positive But my mother was right There still existed a disconnect between my personal and public identities; I couldn’t help but wonder if performing was the way to reconcile them So I signed up to sing at my school’s talent showThe audience grew quiet as I walked onto the stage“Is that a Wade” I heard someone remark Struggling to keep my nerves at bay, I tapped my feet to the cadence of the horns in Stevie Wonder’s “Sir Duke”Then I started to singThe words came out shakily at first By the end of the first verse, though, the weight of my anxiety had been lifted There was no audience, as far as I was concerned There wasn’t even a stage There was just me, doing what I loved And it felt amazing"Just because a record has a groove Don’t make it in the grooveBut you can tell right away at letter A,When the people start to move"They were moving, all right So was I—snapping, clapping, spinning,moonwalkingOnly when the music stopped did I hear the clamor of an ovation Only then did I notice that the crowd was standing, that a chorus of cheers had filled the auditorium My gaze fell upon my brothers Of all the applause, theirs was the loudest; plastered on their faces was a look of pride“Quadruplet” will always comprise a part of my identity Although it was once a barrier to individuality, it is now one of the many things that makes me unique: a badge of honor I don as Aaron WadeNIGEL000000125%The chance that my mother would give birth to quadruplets100%The chance that this woman striding towards me and my brothers was about to make me feel like the black sheepShe turned to my brother Aaron first, “Your mother told me that you’re like Beethoven on the piano and that you have already composed three songs” She then faced my brother Nicholas, “And you young man, going to Morocco to study Arabic!” She gave an appraising look to my brother Zachary, “I can see why you took second in discus at districts” Finally she laid her eyes on me, “Nigel,” she began “ So glad to meet you”I don't blame her Honestly I don’t I was used to being compared to my brothers I suppose to some extent our family is part of all of our identities But it is different when you’re a quadruplet; your family doesn’t just become part of your identity It destroys itI tried to break away from my brothers But for a quadruplet, there were logistical limitations My parents could not drive me to every single activity I wanted to try or shell out money for every sport I was interested in because there were three other boys they had to worry about My dad put me in football, but I never truly loved it I tried drawing and music, but that was more of my brother’s niche Even track, one of the few things that brought me solace, left me feeling as if something was missingThat all changed when my father brought home a rather peculiar book It was three feet tall and about two feet wide and titled Human Anatomy From the second I cracked open its spine I fell in love Before me were gigantic images of the nervous system, microscopic bacteria blown up to the size of my hand, a network of veins and arteries beautifully depicted, and the wonders of the human body explained as if they were ordinary occurrences rather than miracles I was instantly hookedI wanted more Biology, neuroscience, anatomy, psychology … any field that could enhance my understanding of the human body I devoured hungrily But I couldn’t just stop thereI continued my journey by taking as many science classes as I could I earned the highest grade in anatomy class and an award for almost every science class I tookThe success drove me to the next level I wanted to see how the textbooks applied to the real world During my junior year, I got an internship with the biomedical engineering company,Ethicon, where I learned how to build devices that could cut, suture, and cauterize all with one button, It was amazing But still I wanted moreAn internship at the West Chester hospital allowed me to shadow medical professionals for a couple of weeks One day stood out Allowed to enter the operating room, I saw a patient who had spontaneous pneumothorax and needed to have the hole sealed The surgeon on duty entered and briefly looked at the patient I waited for the background music to come on as it typically does for operations but the room remained silent The lights dimmed and she made her first cut From that moment on she was engrossed; she had no hesitation, no doubts, only focusThere was a look of peace on her face that I had never before witnessedAnd then it clicked I knew how I was different than my brothersIt still hurts being compared to my brothers And it might continue until people call meDr Wade, but in the meantime I know with 100% certainty that I am on the right path and will be more than just one of fourZACH“Change your shirt,” I saidMy brother Aaron looked across the breakfast table, past my cereal bowl, and fixed his eyes on my black-and-white Lakota East High School sweatshirt He then looked at his chest… a black-and-white Lakota East High School shirt He sighed through his nose, cereal still in his mouth, and walk upstairs to find a different shirtSome kids would be thrilled to have someone twinning with them When you are a multiple, it feels a bit different My teachers often called me by my brothers’ names, even after being in school for a month Instead of trying to learn our first names, teachers would refer to us as “Mr Wade”Learning my name isn’t too much to ask, even if I am a quadruplet Is itBeing a quadruplet has advantages I never have that awkward feeling of showing up to a party by myself More importantly, my brothers always find a way to bring out the best in meCompetition is what drives me to do better, and there is never a lack of it in the Wade householdThey push me to work harder It is not all positive though People view us as the same person even though we aren’t identical Becoming more than “One of the Wades” has taken a long timeHigh school is when I first tried separating myself from the group I was selected to be part of the Student Athlete Leadership Team, or SALT This group is made up of student athletes who display leadership skillsAs the only Wade in the group, I thought this was a great opportunity to let people see me as an individual I thought my mission was going well Then I ran into a SALT member at United Dairy Farmers while she was working We chatted for a bit and when I finally departed, I heard her coworker ask who I was I then heard the phrase I had tried so hard to eliminate “One of the Wades”Track presented the possibility of a better solution Two of my brothers are phenomenal sprinters, I was just mediocre runner Therefore, I decided to do something different I looked in the direction of field events and fell in love with discus Not only did I love discus but also I was actually a decent thrower My ability led me into a world separate from the one in which my name was always followed by three others To the other throwers, I was not part of a group I was the only Wade they knew When they talked to me they used my name They called me ZachIn our conference, the GMC championship meet is big Teams bring their very best athletes I had befriended a thrower from a rival school over the course of the season We both knew the fight for gold would be between us The whole meet we went back and forth, each throw being farther than the last It came down to my last throw; I was in second place, behind by only inchesI entered the ring, focused, and began my spin I drove across the ring turned my hips and let the discus fly I watched the discus soar and heard the mark: “142 feet 9 inches” That was my personal best by five feet I was ecstatic until a minute later when I heard “143 feet 7 inches”Even my best was not good enough to get firstLater in the season I qualified for regionals and was named the Lakota East Field Athlete of the Year My accomplishments earned me prizes ranging from medals to little trophiesHowever, my favorite prize was the one that I won at the first meet A shirt to call my own我希望以上的解答能为您的留学规划添砖加瓦。留学之路虽曲折,却不孤单。如有更多疑惑或需要进一步了解,我们的官方网站随时欢迎您。那里有更详尽的留学资讯和专家团队的一对一指导,助您顺利走上留学之路。期待与您的每一次相遇,祝申请顺利!/liuxue87dhcom/  来墨尔本,需要注意的18件事     1。买本地图,要成册的,有车同学看MELWAY,没车同学看那个叫street directory的小一点的,POST卖8块钱左右的,不用买最新的EDTION,好好看,好好学,有同学问地图有什么好学的,我要说,地图的学问可大了,自己琢磨。      2。CITY。很多刚来的朋友感觉这边静得可怕,给大家的建议是,8点到左右坐火车去CITY,感受一下上班的人流,尤其是PARLIAMENT那条最长的电梯。对了,去CITY别白去,看到每个站点都有免费的报纸拿了吧,对,就是MX,火车上也扔的到处都是的,又有同学说了,免费报纸有什么好看的,我还不如花两块钱买份呢,OK,UP2U,不过这边收钱的报纸的重量和质量是等同的,那就是一个字沉,对于想学习英语和了解这边生活的同学肯定会成为一个心理负担,看一份报纸都要花上半天时间。所以我说MX是很好的学习资源,汇集了娱乐,体育,文化,资讯,你要用心看和记,相信我,这是个积累的过程。同样,中国杂货店门前也有中文免费报纸拿,社区也有类似LEADER的报纸免费送,刚来的同学要好好利用这些资源,至少找到一份PART工先。      3。VICROADS。同学们,你们有买车的打算么,很多同学肯定说近期没有。不过,我觉得不管你是否要在这边学车和买车,你都有必要考一个LEARNER的牌照,为什么?就因为这个证件上有你的地址和生日,可以当ID,你总不喜欢来了很久还背着护照上街吧。NEWSAGENCY有卖learner kit的,你可以要中文的,一本小册子,不清楚现在多少钱了,二十块左右吧,然后就马上打电话给VICROADS,13 11 71,预约离你家最近的考点去考试吧,什么,你不知道哪家离你近,你的地图呢?。。。      4。交通。同学们,没车的时候,你们平时都怎么出来活动呢?打的???。。。我倒。。。。行,这一节你不用看了。。。我要说的是火车,汽车和TRAM,大家一定一定要擅用这些公共资源啊。打票也有很多技巧的,如6点后可以打到凌晨3点,十次票同一天打两次就相当于一张DAILY,火车,汽车,TRAM,转来转去,大家一定要适应,TIMETABLE,不知为什么现在很少有了,可能交通公司为省钱吧,大家可以去METLINK的网上看,火车的在各卖票口要就行了。大家不要逃票,尤其是对想移民的朋友来说,做一个守纪律的好孩子吧,不过对于做汽车嘛,就有很多方法和技巧了,想听详情的豆邮我。。。呵呵。噢,对了!!周日只花2块五,买SUDAYSAVER就可以了,可跨区,别说我没提醒你啊~ 大于周票的票也可以周末跨区。      5。图书馆。这个太太太太太太太重要了!!!!你一定要发现你身边的图书馆,越早越好,有时间就泡在里边吧,当然借书也是免费的,开卡时记得带你的ID和BILL单。什么,为什么要BILL单,。。。因为他要你的住址嘛,没有,就拿朋友的去办一个。中文杂志现在蛮多图书馆也有了,如ST KILDA,PRAHAN,MALVERN,BOXHILL附近的自不必说,那就是咱华人的地盘,个人去过的图书馆,ST KILDA的壹周刊和东周刊比较多,GLEN ERIS的图书馆LOCAL杂志最多最新,CD也是最好,CLAYTON的差一些。不过大家还是以离家近为主。      6。电视。这个不知道大家具不具备条件,想学英语的话,看电视很重要,看不懂也没关系,这是个必需的过程。节目嘛。。。发现你最喜欢的节目比较重要,这样看着不累,不过,我可是不管什么节目,只要有说话的,就看。美剧如HEROS,虽说比你网上下的旧,但毕竟这是在电视上,无中文字幕,THE SIMPSONS,看个热闹就好,SHOW的话,最贴近澳洲生活了,不过可能需要时间适应,我比较喜欢周日的ROVE。还有以前不定期播出的AMAZING RACE。免费的就五个半台,ABC,7,9,10,SBS,31。除非你有FOXTEL。      7。广播。这个有车的同学就比较有发言权了。音乐的话,FM,听打电话就AM多。早上上班时间,就是七点到九点间,还有下班时间,各大FM也都有自己强档的SHOW,可以听听,比较搞笑。晚上9点后,101。1有个LOV SONG DEDICATION,男主播的声音巨好听。。。。不信,你就听听试试。      8。天气。不管天有多晴,出门都带把伞,这是我给你的忠告。      9。手机。不知大家都用的哪家公司的,我觉得我身边的朋友用3G的多,所以大家为了打电话便宜,都用3G了,对我来讲,除了每个月500分钟的免费通话外,用3G还有另一个好处,就是我申请了XSERIES,什么意思呢,就是我可以用手机随时随地上MSN,用SKYPE,看YOUTUBE当然上网更是没问题,也可以插电脑上当猫使,我用的一个月1G,30块的PLAN,当然PLAN是随时可以调整的。      10。网络。不多说了,有天赋的同学一定会自学成材的,在国内,有不懂的我喜欢用,在这边呢,auyahoocom上面的知道,能学到很多东西。      11。SHOPPING。刚来的同学有没有听过CHASTONE啊,没去过的同学找个周日去转转,然后就不要说澳洲土了,其实好东西也蛮多的。找离你过近的MALL好了,不过我即便没车,各大MALL基本也都转过了,还有一个好处是可以找PT TIME工作。KNOX CITY比CHASTONE还要大,在RINGWOOD这边,只适合东边的同学。再就是SOUTH LAND,HIGH POINT,等等等等,大同小异。如果不喜欢MALL,可以随便逛,比较有特色的,CITY的COLLINS ST名店一条街,ST KILDA附近的店,BRUNSWICK RD的店都很有澳洲的艺术气息,同性恋也较多,同性恋代表潮流嘛,CHAPEL STREET,不用说了,潮人必逛的一条街。如果不喜欢逛街,又不喜欢商场,SUNDAY MARKET可能适合你,就推荐你我常去摆摊的,COMBERWELL火车站旁边的那个好了,上上星期摆摊时,还看到陈宝国来着,我叫出他的名字,着实让他吃惊不少,他和刘若英过来拍片。      12。CROWN。还能说什么呢,这个腐朽,*糜,堕落,奢华。。。。还能想到什么词,都用上吧,怎么着,也来感受一下,其实里边也有很多名牌卖的,有米并18+的同学可以赌场去试试运气,小赌怡情,大赌。。。自己想。      13。水族馆,动物园,博物馆,艺术馆。。。当然这些都不是免费的,对于刚来有时间,有闲情的同学,可以有的放矢。想要免费的,各大公园,我以前住的地方,推开门就是CAULFIELD PARK,很喜欢的一个公园,后来听别人说,那里是澳洲人结婚喜欢拍照的点儿。      14。吃。这个,我想,没人会说自己有发言权吧,因为来到澳洲你就有机会享用各个国家的美食,口味因人而异。我只能推荐我的心头好,HOLMESGLEN火车站旁边的同和,在这上学的同学们有口福了,他们家的油鸡。。。。。哇~比BOXHILL这边烧的还要好,经常有去晚了就没的吃的情况发生。抛砖引玉啦,大家无限的扩展这一主题。      15。银行。用过ANZ,COMMON WEALTH,NATIONAL,HSBC,比较有名的还有WESTPAC,CITYBANK,ST 乔治(突然不会拼了-_-),BANK OF QUEENSLAND,BANK WEST。利息比较牛的,西澳吧,有6。8%,是ONLINE的,就是关联帐户的。  比较一下,其实银行的产品最多了,竞争激烈,眼花缭乱的,这一点和国内有很大不同,对大多数同学来说,用的最多的还是HSBC的ONLINE SAVING吧,利息没那么高,还象还是超过2000的DEPOSIT有4。75%,我也是活期帐户还有EBAY,以及BPAY一直用这个,用的习惯了,每个月五次跨行取,以及无限超市CASH OUT。对了,其实学生不一定要等到有学生证才办,可以让她先办了,有学生证再拿给她看就行了,学生证的目的是,比如ANZ活期,每个月有5元的TRANSACTION FEE,就是服务费,学生就可以WAIVE的。对了,突然又想到一个大问题。。。那就是TAXFILE NUMBER。      16。税号。这个也太重要了,应该放在前边写的!!不同于国内,这个号应该来澳洲就马上申请的,不管你什么身分,打工签证倒是可以不急着申请,因为在学校申请会很方便。税号无论是银行,还是以后你找工作,都是一个很重要的东西,跟你一辈子的号码,因为这边会计年度是七月到第二年六月,退税时间在七月和十月间,我现在就准备开始退税了,如果我打工了,老板从我工资里扣一部分钱交给政府,对PR来说,如果一年收入不超过六千块,七月份政府把这部分扣掉的钱退给你。  银行的利息也算收入的,如果不提供税号给银行,将按最高税率近50%征收,算是惩罚吧。你知道,在资本主义国家,只有两件事情是最CERTAIN的,一个是死亡,一个是税(现在广告宣传又加了一个TOYOTA,晕)。税号的申请地址在税局,你能找到CITY的移民局么,坐火车在PARLIAMENT下车,坐很长的电梯(前文有提到)出来,左顾右盼,你会找到移民局同一栋楼的不同入口楼上就是ATO。 有朋友提醒也可以到网上申请,那就去税局网站看一下吧,连出门都省了。      17。本土超市。澳洲有个和别的国家很不同的地方就是世界级规模的超市打不进澳洲本土,至少我到现在还看不到沃尔玛和家乐福。你还别不信,澳洲人还就认made in 或 grow in OZ的东西,尤其在吃上面。买个豆都要问你是不是在澳洲种的,如果答曰“美国加州进口”,八成会得到“think about it”的回复。有点扯远了,总的来说超市就两家垄断,COLES和SAFEWAY(别的州叫Woolworths),在这里,我要特别强调一下,COLES的意思,记得刚来的时候有个好事的同学专门用金山词霸查它的意思,得到的结果让人乍舌,那个啥。。我猜他在这里只是个姓,谢谢。你要问我哪家东西更便宜,那我还真不知道,你得上你家信箱里查小每周派发的小册子,在这里插一句,我发现吃的东西,尤其是水果比我刚来的时候可是贵多了,衣服倒是一年比一年便宜。对了,COLES出来结款的时候,会问你“FLYBUY?”刚来的时候,我就被这个搞晕了“啥??”,其实就是个积分卡,免费申请的,用处不大,SAFEWAY就不搞这个,然后用卡的时候,两家都会问你“CASH OUT?”,这个就有用了,当你不想跨行提钱,最好的方法就是去超市随便买点东西然后再CASH OUT。最后,收据如果超过30块会自动生成加油站的打折票,到指定的油站加油,省个两块钱左右。其它的超市不具规模,如号称“LOCAL HERO”的IGA,德国巨头ALDI,扩张澳洲市场也不成功,还真没多少人听过,由于没有人服务,所以东西便宜,去了看了你就知道,很搞笑的,我只去过SOUTH YARRA那家。    18。华人超市+MILKBAR。这个真是多如牛毛了,尤其是MILKBAR,基本全部被华人占领。华人超市,其实应该叫杂货店,只要在有中国人住的区一定会有,比较有特色的几家,BOXHILL的天天,PP,CITY的中日韩(名字叫什么来着?),CLAYTON的香港店,CHAPLE ST的越南店,GLENFERRY的印尼店,etc。。。东西也不尽相同,我发现随着近期大批韩国人涌入,越来越多的韩国杂货店如雨后的春笋。。。。记得可以拿免费的中文报纸


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