你好,不知道你是想去哪个国家留学呢?如果是去美国,本科是没有PS的一般,只有学校自己的命题作文。但是有学校会要求500字左右的PS。比如密歇根州立等。只要按照学校的规定题目来写就可以了。PS些什么可以衬托自己这是个非常大的命题,总的来说要写“别有我优,别无我有”来凸显自己的,领导能力,团队协作能力,创新能力,人文精神等道德和能力的标准。10个一定: 1.一定要追求深度,把主要精力投入在一两个主题或经历上。 2.一定要写别人不可能写的东西,即你自己所有,而别人没有的。 3.一定要让评委看到你与别人的不同之处,尤其是你的特长、特殊的经历、经验等。 4.一定要实事求是,不要以为“理想的你”就是现在的你,不能让人有虚假之感。 5.一定要不落俗套,特别是开头几句。 6.一定要就各校的引人之处做个别评论。 7.一定要描写性格中的积极面儿;过失和错误在附录中解释。 8.一定要评价个人经历而非简单地讲故事,还要讲清楚自己在全班、全系……排第几位。 9.一定要请别人为你修改语法、标点、用词和风格。 10.一定要选择容易辨认的字体,采用通用的行距和白边。10个不要: 1.不要写流水账式的简历;不简单重复他处已有的信息。 2.不要抱怨自己的境遇。 3.不要像街头演说家一样向评委布道,表达观点无可非议,但不宜狂热或极端。 4.不要只谈钱是求学动机之一。 5.不要空谈少数民族身分或劣势背景;当然若有憾人故事则不同。 6.不要提及申请学校排名。 7.不要写无意义的开头结尾。 8.不要采用怪异风格或包装。 9.不要不顾学校要求随意寄许多其他材料。 10.不要写错校名、系名、专业名甚或自己的名字美国留学签证!英文对话开门见山法――先点出重点,再依据事件发生顺序,将所见所闻写出:I was lucky in the fact that I picked chemical engineering and it turned out to be the right choice for me However, my first semester at college was a rude shock - being away from home for the first time, being in a relatively male-dominated fieldI started in a test lab for airplanes, where I got to break things That is called static and fatigue testing Then I went into design for airplanes I worked on all areas of commercial planes including the floors and windows I am most proud of my testing projects引用法――美国留学个人陈述开头引用各种资料,加以引申,达到吸引读者,帮助突出中心的作用:When asked how to manage to mask remarkable statues, the French sculptor Auguste Rodin answered, “I choose a block of marble and chop off whatever I don''t need” For me, life is just a block of marble---whether the marble can be turned into a remarkable statue depends on your natural talents, diligence and a sense of duty During over four years’ my college life, I have been dreaming of being a perfect female researcher so that I can enhance more young girls’ confidence in scientific research and encourage them to promote the development of science as men do精辟设喻法――留学ps开头设喻,以引起读者对要说明的事物或道理的兴趣:“Life is just like the ocean----whatever choice you make as a steersman, you must be well aware of your favorite, namely, which is worthy of pursuing in your whole lifetime!”Since I was admitted into ××× university three years ago, these words, just like a bright lamp, have been lightening my future and leading the way to my favorite career--- the studies of educational technology背景渐入法:1、 美国留学个人陈述开头引入家庭背景My father is a chartered accountant and my mother is a banker During my days at Engineering College I used to go to my father''s office and help him manage his portfolio of equities and other financial instruments This was the time I learnt the first lesson of finance from my father ie risk and return are proportionate In 1998 when I was in the second year the China stock market crashed But fortunately, my father had a well-diversified portfolio because of which our returns were protected from the downside risk This was when I learnt the second principle of finance from my father ie diversification reduces risk While I understood these two principles intuitively, it produced in me a strong urge to learn and understand the complex theory behind the working of Finance This, I believe, was a turning point in my career I made up my mind to pursue a career in Finance and hence decided to do a Masters program in Business Administration2、 引入特殊事件,阐述兴趣的起源As I was finishing college, my mother had both of her hips replaced with artificial ones because all of the cartilage in her hip joints had worn away and it was very painful for her to walk I found it fascinating that engineers, orthopedic surgeons, and biologists had all worked together to design these artificial joints that completely transform people''s lives by giving them back pain-free mobility, and I knew at that moment that this was an area about which I wanted to learn more美国留学个人陈述开头,引用,精辟设喻,同时运用了写作风格中的哲理型,写作句式中的对话式。所以要想让自己PS的开头吸引人,不妨结合自己的特点,对以上开头进行综合运用。留学生要知道的英文缩写你可以说在我毕业后,我想帮助我的父母管理公司,而且我对企业管理越来越有兴趣,我相信,企业管理会成为我将来的工作,我的父母也希望我可以帮助他们。After I graduate I help my parents manage to their company, and I 'm interested business more and more , I think business management will be my future job, and my parent also hope me to help them , so I choose this major学生签证比较容易的,但是你要克服自己 不要紧张 仔细听签证官的问题 如果你没听懂 只要你表现出你的认真 签证官会用中文再问你的 但是千万不要一句英文都不说 尽量去用英语 和肢体语言表达 学生签证不会问你太久的 一般5分钟以内 就知道结果了 给你了 蓝纸 就可以去旁边的邮局写一下你的地址 然后一周内会寄往你家里的,把收走的护照 因为要给你签证嘛 还有I-20 以及SEVIS费的确认页 如果当时就给了护照 就是被拒签咯。其实除了交的资料以外 其他的 如果他觉得你没问题 他是不会看的 我的就没看。把我激动的 呵呵 三分钟就过了。。。。希望你好运吧。想要在与外国人的交流中游刃有余,了解并掌握一些常用的英文缩写是必不可少的。以下是一些常见的英文缩写,它们广泛用于日常交流、邮件、甚至是专业领域。表示态度方面,有如“支持”用“sp=support”,“我同意”用“ik=l see”,“我介意”用“idk=l dont know”,“我不在乎”用“IDC=ldon't care”,“干得好”用“gj = good job”,“太好了”用“g8t/gr8”。打招呼时,“很高兴见到你”用“gtsy = glad to see you”,“好久不见”用“ltns = long time no see”,“欢迎回来”用“wb = welcome back”,“暂别”用“b4n = bye for now”。回应时,“当然”用“Fs= for sure”,“没问题”用“Np=no problem”,“我明白了”用“ic=l see”,“别担心”用“dw=don't worry”,“谢谢”用“thk/thx=thanks”。疑问时,“你什么意思”用“wdym=what do you mean”,“为什么”用“WTH=What the hell”,“你在干嘛”用“wyd =what are you doing”,“你在哪”用“wru=where are you”。在邮件中,“查你的邮件”用“CYE=Check your e-mail”,“讲座最后”用“EOL =End of lecture”,“邮箱地址”用“EMA=E-mail address”,“地址”用“ADD/ ADR=Address”。在时间上,“明天”用“2moro-Tomorrow”,“今晚”用“2nite - Tonight”,“从前”用“TAM = Tomorrow AM”,“现在”用“ATM=At the moment”。在日常对话中,“顺带一提”用“Btw=by the way”,“马上回来”用“Brb=be right back”,“我要走了”用“g2g=got to go”,“我爱你”用“ily=llove you”,“我想你”用“Igy=I guess”,“请”用“plz=please”,“稍后再聊”用“ttl=talk to you later”。在人物称呼上,“每个人”用“E1/Every1=Everyone”,“兄弟,哥们”用“M8=Mate”,“脸书上的朋友”用“FBFR= Facebook friend”,“女朋友”用“GF= Girlfriend”,“男朋友”用“BF= Boyfriend”,“永远的好朋友”用“BFF= Best friend forever”,“亲爱的朋友”用“DF= Dear friend”,“目前最好的朋友”用“BFFN=Best friend for now”。希望这些英文缩写能帮助你在与外国人的交流中更加自如。如果你在学业上需要帮助,欢迎咨询 @Lumist路觅教育,我们提供专业的课程、多元化的辅导和全面的内容,助力海外学子获得课业成功。