1 Choosing schools Contact your local council to find: schools in your area admission criteria for the schools yo...
1 Choosing schools Contact your local council to find: schools in your area admission criteria for the schools you’re interested in You can also contact your local council to apply for places in schools in other areas Find out about a school You can find out more by: visiting the school - most schools have open days reading the school’s most recent Ofsted reports checking school league tables, which include exam results talking to other parents about what they think of the school What schools must publish on their website Schools’ websites must include: the amount of money they get from taking underprivileged children (the ‘pupil premium’), what they do with it and the effect it’s had details of the curriculum admission criteria behaviour policy special educational needs policy disability policy links to Ofsted reports links to performance data the school’s latest key stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures You can also get advice about choosing schools from your local council All councils have teams to help parents get their children into schools 2 Admission criteria All schools have admission criteria to decide which children get places The school or local council usually set these Admission criteria are different for each school For example, schools may give priority to children: who have a brother or sister at the school already who live close to the school from a particular religion (for faith schools) who do well in an entrance exam (for selective schools, eg grammar schools or stage schools) who went to a particular primary school (a ‘feeder school’) in care or being looked after (all schools must have this as a top priority) who are eligible for the pupil premium Your local council can give you a booklet about schools’ criteria and how to apply Children with special educational needs (SEN) If your child has SEN their statement or education, health and care plan will recommend a school for them If you apply there, the school must give your child a place Complain about unfair criteria Contact the Schools Adjudicator if you think a school has unlawful admission criteria You must do this by 15 May, before places are allocated 3 Applying You must apply for a place at a school, even if it’s linked to your child’s current nursery or primary school The way you apply depends on whether you’re applying for: a primary school place a secondary school place You should apply in the same way if you have just moved to England or are applying from abroad Contact the council if you’re applying for a school place after the start of the school year (eg changing schools) Private schools have their own admissions procedures Apply directly if you want to send your child to a private school Delaying when your child starts primary school You can ask for your child to be held back a school year if the following both apply: they were born in the summer (1 April to 31 August) you don’t think they’re ready to start in the September after they turn 4 They could start school in the September after their fifth birthday Contact the school’s admission authority to make a request This is usually the school or local council When applications open Applications open on different days in each local council area - usually at the start of the autumn term of the year before your child is due to start school Find out from your local council when applications open for primary orsecondary schools Deadlines to apply You must apply for a primary school place by 15 January You must apply for a secondary school place by 31 October How to apply When you fill in the form (online or on paper) you’ll be asked to list the schools you’re applying for in order of preference You must apply for at least 3 schools To get a copy of the application form on paper, contact your local council When you’ll find out Councils will send confirmations for: primary schools on 16 April secondary schools on 1 March If either date falls on a weekend, confirmations are sent the next working day See your local council’s website for more information or to find out your results if you applied online 4 Appealing a school's decision If your child hasn’t got a place, contact your local council for schools with places You’ll be sent a letter with the decision about your child’s school You can appeal against the decision The letter will tell you how You must appeal against each rejection separately Appeals for infant classes In reception, year 1 and year 2, the class size is limited to 30 Your application can be turned down if all the classes already have 30 children You can still appeal if your child would have been offered a place Your appeal could be successful if: the admission arrangements haven’t been properly followed the admission criteria aren’t legal according to the school admissions appeal code the decision to refuse your child a place wasn’t reasonable Help preparing your appeal Coram Children’s Legal Centre may be able to help you prepare your appeal When the hearing will be The ‘admission authority’ for the school (usually the school itself or the council) must give you at least 10 school days’ notice of the hearing Appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for making an appeal What happens at the appeal hearing There’s a panel of 3 people at the appeal hearing The panel must be independent The admission authority will explain why they turned down your application You’ll be able to give your own reasons why your child should be admitted The appeals panel must decide if the school’s admission criteria were properly followed and are legal according to the school admissions appeals code If the criteria are legal and were properly followed, the panel must decide if they were followed fairly and thoroughly If the criteria weren’t properly followed or are illegal, your appeal must be upheld If your appeal has not already been upheld, the panel will decide if your reasons for your child to be admitted outweigh the school’s reasons for not admitting another child The panel will send you and the admission authority their decision within 5 school days A panel’s decision can only be overturned by a court If there’s a change in your circumstances which could affect the decision, you may be able to appeal again Complain about the appeals process You can complain about the way the appeal was carried out, but you can’t complain about the decision itself Maintained schools Complain to the Local Government Ombudsman Fill in the online complaint form Other schools Complain to the Education Funding Agency about an appeal made to: free schools academies university technical colleges studio schools Fill in the online complaint form – sign up for an account if you want to save your form Contact the Education Funding Agency if you need a paper form instead You should get a decision on your complaint within 9 weeks (45 working days) You’ll be told if it’ll take longer You’ll get a letter explaining the reasons for the decision If the Education Funding Agency decides something went wrong with the appeals panel, it may either: ask the school to hold a new appeal hearing with a different panel recommend the school reviews its appeals process If a maintained school becomes an academy If you complain about an admission appeal hearing held by a maintained school that then converts to academy status, this complaint will be investigated by the Local Government Ombudsman The Ombudsman will pass any actions to the Education Funding Agency初中生怎么英国留学初中生是否能够申请英国留学,答案是肯定的。根据英国教育体系的要求,只接受三、四年级及以下的国际学生申请中学。这意味着,中国学生若要申请英国高中,其学籍必须对应初三、高一或高二。对于高三在读的学生,若意欲申请英国高中,必须采取降级申请策略,仅能申请英国12年级,即高三,需再额外一年的学习时间。因此,时间管理对想要在英国完成中学教育的学生而言极为关键。在选择留学机构时,家长与学生应首要考虑机构的资质与信誉。同时,服务内容与质量也是关键考量点,以确保在留学过程中能获得全面支持与指导。综上所述,初中生能够申请英国留学,但需遵循英国教育体系规则,并在有限时间内完成申请流程。选择合适的留学机构能够助力家长与学生规划留学行程,确保留学过程顺利。初中生想要去英国留学,可以参考以下建议:确定留学方向,学生需要确定自己要去的英国哪个地区,因为每个地区的教育情况都有所不同,比如伦敦地区的教育质量就很高。准备申请材料,需要准备的成绩单、语言成绩、在读证明、学校老师的推荐信、个人简历等材料,要提前在就读的学校准备并整理好。参加英国入学考试,一些英国中学在录取学生的时候会进行相关的入学考试,主要目的是为了测试学生的数学能力和英语能力是否达到学校的要求。提前递交申请,一般英国中学的申请时间都比较长,所以学生需要提前进行申请,申请截止时间一般会在每年的9月-次年1月之间。提高自身条件,除了上述建议之外,初中生想要去英国留学还需要提前提高自己的英语水平,并尽可能参加一些社会活动来丰富自己的申请材料,这样才能提高被名校录取的几率。请注意,初中生留学英国的年龄较小,因此需要家长密切配合和参与,选择适合孩子的学校和专业也非常重要。以上建议仅供参考,建议咨询专业人士了解更具体的信息。