
录取指选定考试合格的人。例: 择优录取。 1 选定考试合格者 例:该大学录取了一名男生。 2 让注册入学 例:他被大学录取。 3、高考录取 例:某某通过高考成绩优异被某大学录取。那么你知道吗下面来学习一下吧。 录取英语说法1:  e...
录取指选定考试合格的人。例: 择优录取。 1 选定考试合格者 例:该大学录取了一名男生。 2 让注册入学 例:他被大学录取。 3、高考录取 例:某某通过高考成绩优异被某大学录取。那么你知道吗下面来学习一下吧。 录取英语说法1:  enroll 录取英语说法2:  admission 录取英语说法3:  recruit   录取的英语例句:  向被录取的朋友祝贺  I congratulate my friend who has made it  我不相信他会被这所大学录取。  I can not believe he can be enrolled by this university  我已经拿到复旦大学的录取通知书了。  I have got the enrollment notice from Fudan University  如果能收到你们寄来的I-20表格,确认我已被录取,我随即启程前往。  If you can send me the I-20 form indicating my acceptance, I can prepare to leave at once  我报了名的学院已经录取我了。  The college I applied to has accepted me  不到两天,我就收到了经理写来的录取信。  Within two days I received a letter of acceptance from the manager  录取名单除在网页公告外,并以专函寄发录取通知。  An admission notice will be mailed to the accepted students individually  山姆已被一所名牌大学录取。  Sam has gained the admission to a famous university  录取通知书本身有着人生里程碑式的纪念意义。  Admission notice itself has milepost type memorative meaning life  可能是教育的顶峰是被大学录取。  And probably the pinnacle for education is getting into college  哈佛商学院最近一次录取新生的GMAT平均成绩是727分,斯坦福是732分。  The reform of the mode of talent training was continued, and independent student recruitment pilots went on oothly  尽管高考的大学录取率在提高,有些省份高达90%以上,但想要进入一个理想的好大学还是要经过高考的激烈竞争。  Although university admission is rising, with more than 90 percent in some provinces, to enter a good university one still needs go through fierce petition 。  对于中国高中学生而言,被哈佛大学录取的机率比被水牛踩踏的机率还要低。  A Chinese high school student is more likely to be trampled by a water buffalo than to matriculate at Harvard  多年来,顶级商学院录取的女性比例始终保持在33%至36%之间。  For years, the percentage of women enrolled in top-ranked business schools stubbornly remained in the 33% to 36% range  他的GMAT成绩高达790分,足足比哈佛商学院最近一次录取新生的平均分数高出了60分。  His 790 GMAT is more than 60 points higher than the average score for the latest enrolled class at Harvard Business School  南京师范大学2008年研究生考试教育学报考录取比例是多少。  Is that graduate student of Nanjing Normal University in2008 have an exam pedagogics is registered for examination of enrolling proportion a number  奖学金计划导致了原先的学生有更好的成绩,并增加了被高中录取的可能性。  Previous studies had shown that the scholarship programme led to higher test scores and increased the likelihood that girls enrolled in secondary school  在印第安纳州和亚利桑那州等地区的学校,线上MBA班的学员数量甚至多于新录取的全日制在校学生。  At several schools, including Indiana and Arizona State, ining Online MBA classes outnumber the new full-time students enrolled on-campus


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